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This article details the steps involved in importing product attributes. For information on the manual set-up of attributes, see How To Set Up Product Attributes.


  1. Populate an Excel spreadsheet with Master codes and attribute data (no header row), as detailed below.
  2. Enter data in a tab-delimited format in columns A-C as:
    1. ProductCode[tab] - Master product code from PRONTO
    2. HasAttributes[tab] - Y = Yes, N = No
    3. AttributeList - The list of attributes expressed as AttributeTitle(AttributeListType{D/R}):AttributeValue,AttributeValue;AttributeTitle(AttributeListType{D/R}):AttributeValue,AttributeValue
    titleAttribute List Types

    D = Drop-down list
    R = Radio buttons

    Example Product Attribute Import file

  3. Save the file as 'Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)'.
  4. Login to Customer Self Service as an Administrator.
  5. Navigate to 'Content' --> 'Product Attribute' (ProductAttributemaintenance.aspx)
  6. Click the 'Attribute import' tab.
  7. In the 'Product attributes' window, click the 'Choose File' button.
  8. Browse to the saved .txt file.
  9. Click 'Upload product attribute details'. A confirmation message will be displayed on screen after import.


Once the attributes have been imported, the product codes/SKUs for each available attribute combination need to be imported. 

Step-by-step guide

To Import Product Attribute Combination Codes:
