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This article details the steps involved in importing product attributes. For information on the manual set-up of attributes, see Product Attributes (Style/Colour/Size) - Classic sites.


  1. Populate an Excel spreadsheet with Master codes and attribute data (no header row), as detailed below.
  2. Enter data in a tab-delimited format in columns A-C as:
    1. ProductCode[tab] - Master product code from PRONTO
    2. HasAttributes[tab] - Y = Yes, N = No
    3. AttributeList - The list of attributes expressed as AttributeTitle(AttributeListType{D/R}):AttributeValue,AttributeValue;AttributeTitle(AttributeListType{D/R}):AttributeValue,AttributeValue
    titleAttribute List Types

    D = Drop-down list
    R = Radio buttons

    Example Product Attribute Import file

  3. Save the file as 'Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)'.
  4. Login to Customer Self Service as an Administrator.
  5. Navigate to 'Content' --> 'Product Attribute' (/ProductAttributemaintenance.aspx)
  6. Click the 'Attribute import' tab.
  7. In the 'Product attributes' window, click the 'Choose File' button.
  8. Browse to the saved .txt file.
  9. Click 'Upload product attribute details'. A confirmation message will be displayed on screen after import.
