This page assumes you've already got the Promotion Codes feature enabled for your website.
BPD sites: to enable Promotion Codes, go to Settings → Feature Management → Payment & Checkout, and toggle ON Promotion Codes. (See Promotion Codes help.)
Classic sites: contact Commerce Vision to have it switched on.
Step-by-step guide
To configure a Free Freight promotion:
In the CMS, navigate to Campaigns & Promotions → Promotion Codes.
Click the Add Promotion Code button.
Select Promotion Type = Freight.
Select the scenario When I spend X dollars I get free freight.
Enter your Promotion Code (no spaces).This is what your customer enters at checkout to redeem the promo. Image Modified
Give the promotion a Description. This will be displayed in the order summary during checkout. Image Modified
Specify Start and End dates. Click the calendar icon to launch the date picker. NOTE - If start and end dates are not set, the promotion code cannot be used. An error message will display when the customer tries to apply the code during checkout. Image Modified
Enter the Discount Threshold. This is the dollar amount the customer must spend to qualify for free freight. Image Modified
Nominate the Carrier Code this promotion applies to. You can grant free freight via ALL carriers, or add one or more carriers from the dropdown list. Image Modified
Click Save & Exit.
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Your free freight promotion is now ready to go! Customers who meet the minimum spend requirement can apply the promo code to their cart to receive $0 shipping.
Promo advanced options
Advanced options
You can set advanced options for your promotion code. The Advanced Options section is available after you save your promo code.
To access Advanced Options:
Navigate to Options → Edit Advanced Options.
If editing an existing promo code, scroll down its page and open the collapsed Advanced Options section.
Status - determines the current status of the promo code - Active: the promo code has not been disabled or deleted. NOTE - is live on your site and can be used by customers - Disabled: the promo code cannot be used by customers but can be switched to 'Active' - Deleted: the promo code is deleted from use altogether and is kept for historical records only. (NOTE - A deleted promo code can be undeleted to 'disabled' and then reactivated.)
Criteria Fail Remove promo Code - ON: the system automatically removes the promotion code from the cart when the contents get updated and requirements are no longer met. Users will have to re-enter the promo code if they want the code to be applied; - OFF: the promo code is still in cart and if contents get updated and requirements are met, it will be (re-)applied.
Not Applicable With Other Offers; - ON: limits the promotion code from being used when other promotion codes are already applied to the order; - OFF: promo code will be applied when other promo codes have been applied to the order.
Free Product To Be Added in Pronto - (applies only for Promo Codes that add a free product).
Click here for further details...
For Promo Codes where a free product is given, you have the option of adding the free product on your website when the order is submitted or in the ERP (Pronto) when the order is integrated. To select the option you require, toggle 'Free Product To Be Added in Pronto' ON or OFF. Default: OFF
Depending on the the option selected, order placed, received and confirmation emails will display the free product differently.
If toggled OFF, the free product is added on your website. In emails to the customer about the order, the free product appears as an item with a cost of $0.00 in the product line of your Order Summary .
If toggled ON, the free product is added in the ERP. When you toggle ON the option, you will be asked to confirm you want the free product added in the ERP. Clicking Confirm enables the ERP option. NOTE - Scroll up to the 'Free Product' fields. The fields are now empty and disabled. The free products you previously added for this promo code still apply. The Order Placed, Received and Confirmation emails by default will not display the free product separately in the Order Summary. To add a note line about the free product in the Order Summary section, toggle ON the 'Show Note Lines on Individual Lines?' option in the in any applicable email template (e.g., Order Received, Order Placed, Order Confirmation). When enabled, the Promotion Code and Description will be added to the Order Summary.
NOTE - The free product and quantity must be added to the sales order manually in Pronto once it has been integrated for the free product to appear as a product line item in the sales receipt.
Postcode Exclusion List - (for free freight promo codes only) If required, enter single postcodes and/or postcode ranges (each comma-separated) to exclude. It is recommended you follow Australia Post's four digit conventions so a three digit code would be '0200' instead of '200'.
This section allows you to include or exclude the promo code when a User is a specific Role(s). These Settings are based on whether they are trade customers (B2B), consumers (B2C) or both.
Applied To: Select the customer group: B2B, B2C or both.
Roles: (For versions 4.31+) This allows you to further limit the selected customer group(s) at Role level. Add the targeted Roles. Click Add Role , then in the dropdown, select the Role. If another role is needed, repeat this step.IMPORTANT-For selection(s) to be valid, they must fall under the customer group added in 'Applied To'.
Promo active for all roles excluding the ones listed above: If OFF, the added roles can use the promo code. If ON, the added roles cannot use the promo code.
Usage Limits
You can limit the maximum number of times the promo code can be used. Leaving these limits at the default 0 = unlimited use by all.
- User Usage Limit: limit the number of times an individual User can apply the promo code
- Customer Usage Limit: limit the number of times an individual Customer Code can apply the promo code
- Global Usage Limit: limit the total number of times the promo code can be used site-wide.
- User List: (For versions 4.10+) You can also specify one or more users (comma-separated list) who can use the promotion code. NOTE - If one or more users are added, any user not in this list cannot apply the promo code to their order.
Default messages to the user when they enter the promo code are set at the promotion code feature level. These can be overridden for this particular promotion here. If these are left blank, the defaults will be used.
Promo Code No Longer Applies Message: Notification displayed when the promo code previously successfully applied is no longer valid because the cart contents have been changed.
Promotion Code Error Message: Notification displayed when the cart contents are not eligible for the promo code, e.g., the cart value is not high enough or the minimum quantity has not been reached.
Promotion Code Applied Message: Notification displayed when the cart contents are valid for the promo code.
We recommend that Promotion Codes be configured on your Stage site and thoroughly tested to ensure behaviour is as expected.
Additional Information
Additional Info
There are also additional that you can configure for promotions. They become available after the promo is created.