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Comment: Import Macro Repair

Widget Use


Renders the list of the customer's outstanding invoices on the Account Payment page template.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Image Removed

 Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Account Payment Template


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Payment Note Required TextThe message text displayed when a user attempts to short-pay an invoice.Default is: A Payment Note is required to be entered when short paying an invoice.3.85
Show Continue Button On Both Top And BottomDetermines whether the Continue / Next button is shown at the top and bottom of the grid, or just the bottom (default location).

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Use paging for invoices?Determines whether all records are displayed on one page, or paging is used.

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Request Valid Email textThe message shown when the user enters an invalid email address for their invoice reprint request.Default is: Please enter your valid email address to receive your copy invoice.
Consolidated Invoicing Warning textThe message shown when a user on a consolidated invoice account requests and invoice reprint.Default is: Please Note: If your account is setup with consolidated invoicing, you will receive a copy of your delivery docket only.
Submit Reprint Request Button LabelText on the reprint request submit buttonDefault is: Submit Reprint Request
Continue Button LabelText on the continue buttonDefault is: Continue
Reprint Order Button LabelText on the reprint buttonDefault is: Reprint
Invoice Reprint Request Heading TextHeading at the top of the invoice reprint popup, where the user enters their email address for invoice copies to be sentDefault is: Invoice Reprint Request:
Invoice Reprint Email LabelThe prompt for the email field on the invoice reprint popupDefault is: Email Address:
Invoice Reprint Email Place HolderThe placeholder text in the email field.




Default is: Email address of recipient
Result Grid: Invoice # Invoice # column headingDefault is: Invoice #
Result Grid: Order # Order # column headingDefault is: Order #
Result Grid: Date Date column headingDefault is: Date
Result Grid: Due Date Due Date column headingDefault is: Due Date
Result Grid: Branch Branch column headingDefault is: Branch
Result Grid: DetailsDetails column headingDefault is: Details
Result Grid: Invoice AmountInvoice Amount column headingDefault is: Invoice Amount
Result Grid: OwingOwing column headingDefault is: Owing
Result Grid: DiscountDiscount column headingDefault is: Discount
Result Grid: Payment AmountPayment Amount column headingDefault is: Payment Amount
Result Grid: OptionsOptions column headingDefault is: Options
Unallocated Cash PromptLabel for the unallocated cash amount availableDefault is: Unallocated Payments:
Pay Generic Amount
Show Pay Generic Amount ButtonDetermines whether the customer is given the option to pay a lump sum and have it auto-allocated to the oldest invoice(s) first

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Pay Generic Amount Button LabelThe text on the Pay Generic Amount buttonDefault is: Pay Generic Amount4.10
Enter Generic Amount Heading TextThe heading at the top of the Pay Generic Amount popupDefault is: Enter Generic Amount4.10
Instructions When Unallocated Cash Allowed TextThe instruction text displayed in the Pay Generic Amount popup when Unallocated Cash is also in use on the siteDefault is: Entering a generic amount will clear out any manually selected invoices or amounts and automatically assign the the value to payable invoices, paying the oldest invoices first. Any left over will go into unallocated cash.4.10
Instructions When Unallocated Cash Not Allowed TextThe instruction text in the Pay Generic Amount popup when the Unallocated Cash function is not in useDefault is: Entering a generic amount will clear out any manually selected invoices or amounts and automatically assign the the value to payable invoices, paying the oldest invoices first.4.10
Apply Amount Button LabelThe text on the confirmation button in the Pay Generic Amount popupDefault is: Apply Amount4.10
Generic Amount LabelThe prompt for the dollar amount field in the Pay Generic Amount popupDefault is: Amount4.10
Maximum Generic Amount Exceeded TextThe message displayed when the user enters an amount greater than that permittedDefault is: Maximum Amount Exceeded4.10

Related help

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "accounts" and label = "payment" and space = "KB"
labelswidget cms

Filter by label (Content by label)
titleRelated widgets
cqllabel = "widget" and title ~ "Account Payment Widget"