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Comment: Import Macro Repair

Widget Use


Renders the body text of the Expired Quote Usage Request email, which is sent to alert your business a user wants to use an expired quote.

Example of Widget Use


Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Expired Quote Usage Request Email Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience but different configurations are needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

MessageMessage body text

Default: Expired Quote is being used.

Quote Number LabelLabel for the system-generated quote numberDefault: Quote Number4.34
User Requesting LabelLabel for user who made the requestDefault: User Requesting Use4.34
User Message LabelLabel for message entered by userDefault: User Message4.34
