Widget Use
Excerpt |
Describe what the purpose of the widget is. |
Displays the products from a nominated Campaign in your chosen layout. Slider mode (default) is a traditional carousel in which product tiles scroll across the page. Alternatively, you can choose from Grid or List mode, both of which are static (no sliding behaviour). |
Example of Widget Use
Following is an example of the widget in use:
Where can the Widget be placed?
The widget can be used in the following templates:
- All Templates
Widget Options
Option | Use | Comments | Available from Version |
Description |
A short description of the widget |
's use. | We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page. | All |
Layer | The layer |
the widget |
is valid for. |
allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy |
if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than |
one audience, but different configuration is needed. The widget can be added to the zone more |
than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. | All |
Campaign |
Determines which campaign will be displayed. Select the required campaign description from the drop-down list. | Drop-down list is populated with campaigns from Campaign Maintenance (/zCampaign.aspx). | All | |
List Title | The heading text displayed at the top of the campaign slider. | All | |
Title Icon | The icon displayed to the left of the List Title text. | Select via drop-down | All |
Show Display Count With Title? |
Determines whether a count is displayed under the List Title. E.g. If there are 8 products in the campaign and the slider is currently displaying numbers 2 through 6, the Display Count would read "Showing 2-6 of 8" | Default is: unticked | 3.81 | |
Max Number Of Products |
The maximum number of products to be displayed in the slider. If the number of products in the campaign exceeds this number, the excess will simply not show. | Default is: 10 | All |
Use Zoned Product Layout? |
Determines whether product tiles include information from the zoned product layout (which could include data such as RRP, availability, and unit of issue). | Default is: unticked | All | |
Show As List? | Displays the products in a tiled grid layout, but shows all of the products on page load, continuing on to multiple rows if required. With 'Show As List', the slider function is disabled. | Default is: unticked Note - this widget option is replaced by the 'Display Mode' selector on version 3.95+. | To 3.95 |
Show Products As List? | Displays the products in a list layout, rather than grid. With this view, the slider function is disabled as the user simply scrolls up/down the page to view products. | Default is: unticked Note - this widget option is replaced by the 'Display Mode' selector on version 3.95+. | To 3.95 |
Display Mode | Determines the layout in which campaign products are displayed on the page:
| Default is: Slider | 3.95 |
Show Next Previous Buttons? | Determines whether Next / Previous links are displayed on the left and right of the slider. Clicking these navigates through the campaign products one tile at a time. Only applies when products are NOT shown in list format. | Default is: unticked | 3.81 |
Track Campaign? | Determines whether purchase and view statistics are captured for display in Campaign Maintenance. | Default is: unticked | |
Hide Footer Zone? | Hides the campaign footer zone when 'Quick View' functionality is used with Live Pricing. | Default is: unticked | |
Is Split Campaign? | Tick this option to split the display of one campaign's products over multiple Campaign Slider widgets. | Default is: unticked | 3.95 |
Implementation Guides
Related help
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||||||||||||||