1. Create the Questionnaire
- In CMS, go to Content → Advanced Content → Questionnaire Group Maintenance (/QuestionnaireMaintenance.aspx).
- Click New.
- Set values (fields not listed here can be left blank):
- Questionnaire Code - a unique identifying code for the questionaire
- Questionnaire Description - a brief description of the questionnaire
- Spam Validation - tick this box to enable Captcha functionality for anti-spam
Attachment Upload - tick to allow the user to attach files on submit. (File types specified in Questionaire Widget)
title Digital Signature (Versions 4.37+)
Forms can accept digital signatures. To insert a mandatory Signature input box, tick Requires Signature. Signature field labels can be edited in the Questionaire Widget.
- To save, click OK.
- In the Questionnaire selected, click Questions.
- Click New.
- Select a question from the Question Code drop-down.
- Assign a number for ordering of questions on the page.
- Click OK.
- Repeat as needed until all question fields have been added to the questionnaire.
- Click To make sure saved changes appear on your site, click Refresh Dictionary.
Tip If the question you want is not in the Question Code drop-down, create it by following with these steps:
Questions created here are now available for use in any Questionnaire
- Go to Content → Advanced Content → Questionnaire Field Maintenance (/QuestionMaintenance.aspx).
- Click New.
- Set the values as follows:
- Question Code - a unique code (with no spaces) to easily identify this question for selection later on
- Question Text - the question prompt which will be displayed to the user
- Sequence - determines the order in which the question appears in the maintenance screen. This will default to the next available sequence number, but can be overwritten
- Answer Format - the required format for responses to this question (e.g. Short Text, Number, Tickbox, etc)
If you selected the List, Radio Button or Check List data type:
Lookup: Add a value separated by a semi-colon. Example: Mrs;Ms;Mr;Miss
- Length - the number of characters the field is to be restricted to (if applicable)
- Required - tick this box if this question is to be mandatory
- Help - enter tooltip text here - either a further explanation or example; anything which might assist the user in completing the questionnaire
- Hidden - tick this box if the question should NOT appear on the questionnaire (used to render hidden HTML elements on a questionnaire page)
- Click OK to save.
- To make sure saved changes appear on your site, click Refresh Dictionary.
3. Add the Questionnaire Widget and configure settings
This example uses an existing custom page.
- Go to Content → Content → Custom Pages.
- Click Click Design on the selected Custom Page. (NOTE - If the 'Design' button is not there, your page is not widget-based. It will need to be converted via page Options.)
- Click Add Widget.
- Add the Questionnaire widget.
- Click Edit for the widget.
- Configure options. See: Questionnaire Widget.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the custom page and view your new questionnaire!
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Make your customers' lives easier by prefilling some of the questionnaire fields for them! From version 3.92+, you can pre-populate fields based on customer/user data, or page parameters. Examples: Name and Company Name (for logged in users), or Product Code (in a stock enquiry form on a product detail page). Here's a quick how-to:
If you don't see the token you're after, contact Commerce Vision. |