Widget Use
Excerpt |
Renders the category mega menu, in which all each top level categories are category is displayed as a menu itemsitem, with subcategories expanding beneath. |
Example of Widget Use
Following is an example of the widget in use:
Where can the Widget be placed?
The widget can be used in the following templates:
- All Templates
Widget Options
Option | Use | Comments | Available from Version |
Description | A short description of the widget's use. | We |
recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page. | All | |
Layer | The layer the widget is valid for. | The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience |
but different |
configurations are needed. The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. | All | |
Mobile Menu Prompt | The top level menu label when viewed on a mobile device. | Default is: Categories |
All | ||
Number Of Levels To Show On Mobile | The number of category levels the user can drill down to on mobile devices. | Default is: 3 |
All | ||
Mobile Back Prompt | The text label for the 'back' link within the menu. | Default is: Back |
All | ||
Number Of Levels To Show | The number of category levels the user can drill down to on desktop browsers. | Default is: 3 |
All | ||
Show Single Column for 2 Level Categories? | Determines whether just the upper level category is displayed in cases where the category consists of 2 levels. | Default is: |
enabled Untick to disable |
All | ||
Max Number Of Columns | The maximum number of category columns under any one menu item. | Default is: 4 |
All | ||
Category URL Prefix | The prefix inserted into the category URL before the category name. Primarily used during existing site upgrades to BPD, where it is desirable to maintain existing URLs. | Example: /category |
All |
Break Descriptions Over Two Lines | Determines whether longer top level category descriptions are broken into 2 lines. This is useful where there are many top level categories, as 2 line descriptions are more compact. | Default is: |
disabled Tick to enable |
All | |
Use Manual Column Sequencing? | Determines whether to use manual assignment of categories into columns. When |
enabled in Integrated mode, sort sequence is derived from Category Maintenance program in PRONTO. In Online mode, the user can manually assign categories to columns n the CMS. | Sort sequence 100s will appear in the first column, 200s will appear in the second column, etc. Default is: |
disabled |
Tick to enable |
Online mode 4.31 | |
Home Page Link Icon | Setting this field inserts a link to the home page (in the form of the selected icon) at the start of the mega menu. |
All |
Render Mobile Menu? | Determines whether the |
menu should be |
displayed on mobile devices |
. |
If the flyout-style Mobile Menu widget |
has been added to the Theme Layout |
, we recommend this setting be unticked so the mega menu does not render on mobiles. Default is: enabled Untick to disable | All | ||
Section Menu Settings | |||
Section Menu Item Code | Select the required menu from a dropdown list of all your site's section menus. | 3.91 | |
Section Menu Append / Prepend to Category Menu? | Determines whether the section menu is displayed before (prepend) or after (append) the categories in the mega menu. | Default is: Prepend | 3.91 |
Section Menu Heading | The label displayed as the section menu heading. | 3.91 | |
Section Menu Link | An optional link for the the section menu heading. | 3.91 | |
Section Menu Icon | An optional icon to be displayed next to the section menu heading. | 3.91 | |
Section Menu Icon Position | Determines whether the icon (if one is set) is displayed to the Left or Right of the section menu heading. | 3.91 | |
Section Menu Show Item Icons? | Determines whehter the icons for each menu item are displayed. | Default is: |
disabled |
Tick to |
enable |
3.91 |
Please note - updating options in this widget will require a Template cache refresh in order for the changes to be visible.
Related help
Other Widgets
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||||||||||||