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Standard Quotes mode offers a simple way to use the Commerce Vision platform ordering process to initiate ERP-maintained quotes. A standard quote (with no freight) your customer creates online on your website is automatically sent to the ERP for review and editing by your sales/customer service team. They may want to adjust pricing, add freight cost, check stock, etc. After the quote is finalised and freight added in the ERP, it is converted to a sales order and re-integrated to your website. Your customer can accept the quote by submitting it as an order. If it is not accepted by the expiry date, the quote will become inactive. 

NOTE: Online freight options are never added to a standard quote. Freight cost must be added in the ERP. The online approvals feature cannot be used with this mode. 


Pronto ERP: Self-configurable after Quotes feature enabled by Commerce Vision.

Other ERPs: Talk to Commerce Vision for custom implementation.


Use Standard & Approved quote mode if your business quoting requirements need one or more of these features:


On this page:

Table of Contents

Customer Experience

1. On the cart page, the customer clicks Request Quote in the order line header or the Request Quote button.

A Request Quote button can be placed in any zone on the page. In our example, we added it next to 'Continue to Checkout'. This makes it clear to the user that they can choose to create a quote of out of their cart contents instead of an order.

Request Quote in order line header - Commerce VisionImage RemovedRequest Quote in Cart button - Commerce VisionImage Removed

2. The customer selects Request Quote to create the quote. The quote submission is acknowledged in the quote conclusion page.

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3. The customer receives a 'Quote Confirmation' email. The email recipient in your organisation assigned to quote notifications receives the 'Quote Submitted' email.  

Quote Confirmation email (to customer user)Quote Submitted email (to staff user)

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4. When the finalised quote is reintegrated online, the customer is alerted by email. 

5. On the Order History page, your customer can view the quote and convert it to an order. NOTE - They may need to enter the quote's invoice number in the Invoice/Order Number field.

Quote in Order History - Commerce VisionImage Removed

Configure Standard Quote mode

This guide assumes Commerce Vision has enabled Quotes for your website.

1. Enable Request Quote for a Role

Regardless of which quote mode has been implemented on your site, every Role that can make quote requests must be individually enabled for quoting.In the CMS, go to UsersRoles.
Select the Role you'd like to update (e.g. 'CSSUser'). The page will refresh to display role details.
Select the Functions tab and click Modify.
Set Allow Order Quote Requests to Yes.
Image Removed
  • Click OK to save.
  • 2. Set Order Quoting Mode to Standard

    Quote requests in the standard quote mode will not automatically include freight charges. If this is required, another quote mote must be implemented.

    In the CMS, go to SettingsFeature ManagementPayment & Checkout.
    Scroll down to Quotes and ensure it is toggled ON.
    Image Removed 
    Click Configure.
    In Quote Mode Selection, select 'Standard'. (NOTE - While there are other options in the lookup, each one must be implemented by Commerce Vision to work on your site.)
    Image Removed
    Click Save or Save & Exit.

    3. Add Cart Quote Button Widget 

    This step renders the Quote Request button. (It may have been completed during implementation.) 

    In the CMS, go to ContentPages & TemplatesCheckout → Cart.
    In the zone the button is to display, click Add Widget.
    Find the Cart Quote Button Widget, then click Add Widget.
     Edit options. See: Cart Quote Button Widget.
  • Click Save. TIP - You can drag and drop the widget to another position in the zone.
    Image Removed
  • 4. Edit email templates (optional)

    The Quote Confirmation and Standard Quote Submitted email templates can be edited. 

    In the CMS, go to ContentEmails.
    Search for 'quote' to find these templates:
  • Quote Confirmation - the email to customer quote request made
  • Standard Quote Submitted - the email to internal staff that a quote request has been made
    Image Removed
    Select the email template to edit. 
    Edit existing widgets. You can also add other widgets. In this example, a Static Content Widget was added to display the 'thank you' text.
    Image Removed

    5. Change Quote Submitted message (optional)

    Image Removed

    To change the quote submitted message from the default: 'Your quote request has been received. Thank you.', edit the resource: rcQuoteRequestSubmitted

    See: Customise Resource Messages 

    Additional Information
    Minimum Version Requirements
    MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements


    MultiExcerptNamePre reqs


    Self Configurable
    MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


    Business Function
    MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function


    BPD Only?
    MultiExcerptNameBPD Only




    Third Party Costs
    MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs


    Related help

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    cqllabel = "quoting" and space = "KB"
    labelswidget cms

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    titleRelated widgets
    cqllabel = "widget" and space = "KB" and title ~ "'quote submitted'"
    labelswidget cms


    Standard Quotes mode offers a simple way to use the Commerce Vision platform ordering process to initiate ERP-maintained quotes. A standard quote your customer creates online is automatically sent to the ERP for review and editing by your sales/customer service team. They may want to adjust pricing, add freight cost, check stock, etc. After the quote is finalised in the ERP, it is converted to a sales order and re-integrated to your website. Your customer can accept the quote by submitting it as an order. If it is not accepted by the expiry date, the quote will become inactive. 

    NOTE: Online freight options invalid. 


    NOTE - Freight options from your website are never added to a standard quote. Freight cost must be added in the ERP. The online approvals feature cannot be used with this mode. 


    Pronto ERP: Self-configurable after Quotes feature enabled by Commerce Vision.

    Other ERPs: Talk to Commerce Vision for custom implementation.


    Use Standard & Approved quote mode if your business quoting requirements need one or more of these features:


    On this page:

    Table of Contents

    Customer Experience

    1. On the cart page, the customer clicks Request Quote in the order line header or the Request Quote button.

    A Request Quote button can be placed in any zone on the page. In our example, we added it next to 'Continue to Checkout'. This makes it clear to the user that they can choose to create a quote of out of their cart contents instead of an order.

    Request Quote in order line header - Commerce VisionRequest Quote in Cart button - Commerce Vision

    2. The customer selects Request Quote to create the quote. The quote submission is acknowledged in the quote conclusion page.

    3. The customer receives a 'Quote Confirmation' email. The email recipient in your organisation assigned to quote notifications receives the 'Quote Submitted' email.  

    Quote Confirmation email (to customer user)Quote Submitted email (to staff user)

    4. When the finalised quote is reintegrated online, the customer is alerted by email. 

    5. On the Order History page, your customer can view the quote and convert it to an order. NOTE - They may need to enter the quote's invoice number in the Invoice/Order Number field.

    Quote in Order History - Commerce Vision

    Configure Standard Quote mode

    This guide assumes Commerce Vision has enabled Quotes for your website.

    1. Enable Request Quote for a Role

    Regardless of which quote mode has been implemented on your site, every Role that can make quote requests must be individually enabled for quoting.

    1. In the CMS, go to E-Commerce → UsersRoles.

    2. Select the Role you'd like to update (e.g. 'CSSUser'). The page will refresh to display role details.

    3. Select the Functions tab and click Modify.

    4. Set Allow Order Quote Requests to Yes.

    5. Click OK to save.

    2. Set Order Quoting Mode to Standard


    Quote requests in the standard quote mode will not automatically include freight charges. If this is required, another quote mote must be implemented.

    1. In the CMS, go to SettingsSettingsFeature ManagementPayment & Checkout.

    2. Scroll down to Quotes and ensure it is toggled ON.

    3. Click Configure.

    4. In Quote Mode Selection, select 'Standard'. (NOTE - While there are other options in the lookup, each one must be implemented by Commerce Vision to work on your site.)

    5. Click Save or Save & Exit.

    3. Add Cart Quote Button Widget 

    This step renders the Quote Request button. (It may have been completed during implementation.) 

    1. In the CMS, go to ContentPages & TemplatesCheckout → Cart.

    2. In the zone the button is to display, click Add Widget.

    3. Find the Cart Quote Button Widget, then click Add Widget.

    4.  Edit options. See: Cart Quote Button Widget.

    5. Click Save. TIP - You can drag and drop the widget to another position in the zone.

    4. Edit email templates (optional)

    The Quote Confirmation and Standard Quote Submitted email templates can be edited. 

    1. In the CMS, go to ContentEmails.

    2. Search for 'quote' to find these templates:
      • Quote Confirmation - the email to customer quote request made
      • Standard Quote Submitted - the email to internal staff that a quote request has been made

    3. Select the email template to edit. 

    4. Edit existing widgets. You can also add other widgets. In this example, a Static Content Widget was added to display the 'thank you' text.

    5. Change Quote Submitted message (optional)

    To change the quote submitted message from the default: 'Your quote request has been received. Thank you.', edit the resource: rcQuoteRequestSubmitted

    See: Customise Resource Popup Messages 

    Additional Information

    Minimum Version Requirements

    MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements



    MultiExcerptNamePre reqs


    Self Configurable

    MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


    Business Function

    MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function

    Ordering Functions

    BPD Only?

    MultiExcerptNameBPD Only





    Third Party Costs

    MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs


    Related help

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    cqllabel = "quoting" and space = "KB"
    labelswidget cms

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    titleRelated widgets
    cqllabel = "widget" and space = "KB" and title ~ "'quote submitted'"
    labelswidget cms