Step-by-step guide
This guide assumes the Popup Alerts feature has been set up for your site.
Create 'Alert' Article Type
Every alert message is linked to an Alert article type. It allows the system to recognise aleart messages that are grouped together. Note that all alerts a user is not restricted to viewing will be displayed on the popup regardless of which alert type it is linked to.
- In the CMS, go to Alerts Maintenance (zArticles.aspx). Here, it has been placed on the Contents tab.
- If the Article Type 'Alert' has not been created, click the Alert/Article Types tab.
- Click New.
- In Code, enter a word with 'alert' in it, e.g., 'alert1'
- In Description, enter a title for this alert.
- To save, click OK.
Create an Alert Message
- Click the Article Maintenance tab.
- Click New.
In Article Type, select 'Alert'.
In Name, enter a heading for the popup.
In Description, enter the message. TIP - You can use html and style tags to format the alert.
- In Alert Page Type, select the alert type.
- If this alert is to go live as soon as it is saved, tick Is Alert Live.
- In Article Posted, today's date defaults. Change it if needed. This indicates the creation date.
- In Start Date and Expiry Date, enter the period the alert is to display.
If the alert applies to all users, leave these fields blank. Or you can define the alert is for a subgroup of users.
Field Use Customer Type Trade 'B2B' or Consumer 'B2C' users. Customer Warehouse Limit by Warehouse Code. Customer Code Limit by (default) Customer Code. Bill to Customer Code Limit by Bill to Customer Code. (Used with Cost Centres) Alert Contract Code Alert Initial Roles Limit by initial role after login. User's Email Address Limit to specific users To add a link to a document, select the document. NOTE - This must have been Create Popup Message for Users on Login using Upload General Documents.
When the user clicks on the link, the document opens.To let the user choose ..., tick Alert Remind Later.
If you want to add an Acknowledge and Accept button on a message, tick Alert Acknowledgement Required.
- To save, click OK.
Upload a document for Alerts
A document must be added if it is to be attached to an alert.
To upload a document:
- Go to System Preferences → Upload General Documents.
- Click New.
- In Document Description, enter a description of the file.
- Click Choose File.
- To add the document, click Upload.
- The document is now listed and available for selection when creating an alert.
Add the Alerts Popup Widget
For the alert popup window to display, the Alerts Popup Widget must be added to either the Home Page or Theme template.
To add the Alerts Popup Widget,
- Go to the template you need (Content → Pages & Templates → Theme Layout OR Home Page).
- Click Edit.
- Go to the zone you want and click Add Widget. TIP- It does not matter which zone. The alert displays in the centre of the screen.
- Find the Alerts Popup Widget and add it.
- You can set display options in the widget.
Related help
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.