Flyer Creator Widget

Flyer Creator Widget

Widget Use

Renders the Flyer Creator interface and controls preferences such as Profit Calculation method and addresses override. Also used to customise button and field labels on the Flyer Creator page.

Example of Widget Use

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Flyer Creator Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 

Show Address EntryWhether the customer address and contact details can be overridden for display on the flyer.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Enable Ribbon Selection

Determines whether a ribbon can be selected for each product on the flyer.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

(NOTE - Custom widget needed for display. Please contact us for assistance)

Ribbon Options

Semicolon-separated list of ribbon names that the customer can select from.

(NOTE - Custom widget needed for display. Please contact us for assistance)

Enable Inc Or Ex GST Selection

Whether the "all prices include/exclude GST" message is displayed on the flyer. The flag to nominate Inc/Ex is displayed at flyer setup.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

(NOTE - Custom widget needed for display. Please contact us for assistance)

Enable Was Price

Whether a field for the "was" price is available for the customer to set the previous price of each product.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

(NOTE - Custom widget needed for display. Please contact us for assistance)

Profit Calculation

Method of profit calculation for all products on the flyer.

  • Margin - the value of sales less the cost of goods. Example: If you bought goods for $70 and then onsold them for $100, you'd make 30% margin.
  • Markup - the amount added to the cost price in order to arrive at the sale price. Example: If you bought goods for $70 and then marked them up by 30%, you'd sell them for $91. If you wanted to sell the goods for $100, you'd need a 42.9% markup.

Default: Markup

Custom Fields

Custom fields for customer contact details. These will display as input fields in flyer form.  User responses are rendered in the PDF header.

IMPORTANT - Do not use this field unless your site will use a custom widget instead of the Customer Contact Details Widget to generate contact info in the PDF. Otherwise, contact details fields will not render in your flyer.

Each complete custom field must be entered in this format: FIELDNAMEID=FIELDLABEL

  • FIELDNAMEID - field identifier
  • FIELDLABEL - field label displayed to the user
Example: Address=Address

Field identifier and field label do not have to be the same. Multiple fields must be separated by semi-colons.

Example: Address=Address;Phone=Phone;Email=Email;Website=Website
Campaign Selection LabelThe label for the campaign dropdown selector.Default: Populate from Campaign (optional):3.94
Layout Selection LabelThe label for the layout options.Default: Choose layout:3.94
Flyer Name LabelThe label for the Name input field.

Default: Flyer Name:

Overall Markup LabelThe label for the overall Markup input field (if Markup is set as the profit calculation method).

Default: Markup %:

Overall Margin LabelThe label for the overall Margin input field (if Margin is set as the profit calculation method).Default: Margin %:3.94
Flyer Footer LabelThe label for the Footer input field.Default: Flyer Footer Text:3.94
Phone LabelThe label for the Phone input field (if Show Address Entry is enabled).Default: Phone:3.94
Fax LabelThe label for the Fax input field (if Show Address Entry is enabled).Default: Fax:3.94
Email LabelThe label for the Email input field (if Show Address Entry is enabled).Default: Email:3.94
Address LabelThe label for the Address input field (if Show Address Entry is enabled).Default: Address: 3.94
Add Products LabelThe label for the products section.Default: Add Products To Flyer:3.94
Product Code LabelThe heading for the product Code column.Default: Product Code3.94
Description LabelThe heading for the product Description column.Default: Description3.94
Markup LabelThe heading for the product Markup column (if Markup is set as the profit calculation method).Default: Markup %3.94
Margin LabelThe heading for the product Margin column (if Margin is set as the profit calculation method).Default: Margin %3.94
Cost Price LabelThe heading for the Cost Price column.Default:  Cost Price3.94
Flyer Price LabelThe heading for the Flyer Price column.Default:  Flyer Price3.94
Was Price Label
Default: Was Price
Ribbon Label 
Default: Ribbon
Inc or Ex Tax Label 
Default: Are prices Inc or Ex GST?
Inc Tax Radio Label 
Default: Inc (Including GST)
Ex Tax Radio Ribbon Label 
Default: Ex (Excluding GST)
Show Price on Flyer 
Default: Show Price on Flyer
Remember Details 
Default: Remember Details

Implementation Guide

Related help

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