Alerts Popup Widget

Alerts Popup Widget

(Formerly known as the Article Alerts Modal widget)

This widget is used with the Alerts Popup window feature. 

Widget Use

Displays relevant alerts to the user in a popup on login. Useful for communicating important or time-sensitive information or provide links to documents or other pages on your site. The user can be asked to acknowledge each alert, and can also opt to be reminded later. 

Example of Widget Use

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Theme Layout
  • Home Page

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 

Modal HeaderThe heading text at the top of the popup window.Default: Message Board3.88
Alerts Button Icon

Icon that displays next to the Alerts reminder button

Default: cv-ico-general-info23.88
Hide Alerts flagged as "Remind me later"?Determines whether current alerts the user has set for reminder are hidden from view.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Hide Alerts already Acknowledged?Determines whether current alerts the user has acknowledged are hidden once the button is clicked.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable


Determines whether to display a counter for the number of alerts set on reminder.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Button Text
Acknowledge Button PromptThe text on the Acknowledge button.Default: Acknowledge and Accept3.88
Remind Me Later Button PromptThe text on the Remind Me button.Default: Remind me later3.88
Open Document Button PromptThe text on the Open button when the alert is linked to a document for content display.Default: Open3.88
View Button PromptThe text on the View button when the alert is linked to another page template for content display.Default: View3.88
Alerts Button PromptThe text on the button displayed on the button the user clicks to re-read alertsDefault: Current Alerts3.88

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