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Google Tag Manager allows you to conveniently manage tags (such as tracking and marketing optimization JavaScript tags) on your site. You can add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight and non-Google tags from the Google Tag Manager user interface instead of editing site code. This reduces errors, frees you from having to involve a webmaster, and allows you to quickly deploy tags on your site.

First, set up Google Tag Manager. This involves these steps:

  1. Create an account
  2. Check resource
  3. Set the Google Tag Manager ID
  4. Create a template (optional)
  5. Set templates

Once set up, data can be used to track various events, which can then be used with Tag Manager's Remarketing and Enhanced Ecommerce functions. 

  • Remarketing is the practice of advertising to past visitors of your website.
  • Enhanced Ecommerce data is richer data that provides a more detailed view of user behaviour, such as content engagement, product views, and cart actions. 

On this page:

Set Up Google Tag Manager

1. Create an account

See on how to setup an account to use with Google Tag manager.

2. Check resource

Check resource rcGoogleTagManagerInitialiser. It should contain something similar to the following:

3. Set the Google Tag Manager ID

Go to the Settings admin page and set the Google Tag Manager ID to what Google has given you (most likely in the format 'GTM-XXXX').

4. Create a template (optional)

This is not necessary as there is a default template that you can use. It is called CV_OpeningBodyTemplate. This template contains the following: 

This tag will output the 'snippet' required by the Google Tag manager.

If you create your own template:

  • The template does NOT have to contain the tag [TemplateUtil.GoogleTagManagerInitialiser]. If it is not in the template, the 'snippet' will not be present on the page and the Google Tag Manager will not work.

  • If the tag [TemplateUtil.GoogleTagManagerInitialiser] is in the template, it must be at the start of the template (i.e. no text can come before it).

5. Set templates

There are two templates that you can set:

  • Global - one for all users.
  • Role-based - one for users in specific roles.

The default template is called CV_OpeningBodyTemplate.

The role-based template will be checked first and used if it exists. If it doesn't exist, the global template will be used if it exists.


To use the tag manager for all users, go to the default templates admin page. Set the Opening Body Template to the default template or another template you created.


To use the tag manager for users in specific roles, go to the role management admin page (see Templates tab). Set the Opening Body Template to the default template or another template you created.

Digital Remarketing

The 'Data Layer Doctor' extension for Chrome may be useful in viewing data objects during testing. It allows you to check the contents of a data layer and verify it against your specifications.

Remarketing is the practice of advertising to past visitors of your website. If users leave your site without making a purchase, remarketing can help you reconnect by displaying relevant ads during their subsequent web browsing or searching. 

BPD Remarketing data is pushed on every page of the website. Properties and their possible values are detailed below. 







One of the following:

  • home

  • category

  • product

  • cart

  • purchase

  • other

Value determined by the page the user is on. For example:

  • 'home' = the site's home page

  • 'category' = a category page listing products

  • 'product' = the product detail page

  • 'cart' = the shopping cart

  • 'purchase' = the confirmation screen once an order has successfully been submitted

  • 'other' = any page not covered above (eg. Favourites, Checkout Delivery Address, Dashboard, etc)


One of the following:

  • Product code (product pages)

  • Array of product codes (category, cart, purchase pages)

Optional. Value determined by the page the user is on, and does not apply to page types 'home' or 'other'.


The total value of all products and charges (if any)

Optional. Only applies to page types 'product', 'cart, and 'purchase'.


The total value of all products and charges

Optional. Only applies to page type 'purchase'.

Sample Remarketing data
    "event": "remarketing",
	"ecomm_pagetype": "home",
	"ecomm_prodid": ["ProductCode", "ProductCode"] or "ProductCode",
	"ecomm_totalvalue": "99.99",
	"google_conversion_value": "99.99"

 Enhanced Ecommerce

Enhanced Ecommerce is additional functionality for Google Analytics. It allows richer data to be gathered beyond the standard Ecommerce transactional information gathered at the Order Confirmation step. Enhanced Ecommerce data provides a more nuanced view of user behaviour, such as content engagement, product views, and cart actions. 

BPD Enhanced Ecommerce data is pushed for nearly every event type on the website. The data objects are outlined below, including properties and their possible values. 

Product Impressions

Product Impression data is pushed when a product list is displayed. For example, a page of search results, products in a category, or a user's favourites.






Due to infinite scrolling, some pages may load additional data after the initial page load. For this reason, impressions are pushed via an event. Infinite scrolling creates a new event, and therefore a new data push. This also ensures that data is pushed in blocks, so as not to exceed Google's object data limit.




The currency code for the current account


The product description


The product code


The product's primary category

Includes all levels of the category structure for the product's primary category.


One of the following:

  • Product List

  • Search Results

  • Items Recently Viewed

  • Campaign - (sent as the Campaign Description, not the Campaign Code)

  • CrossSell - (Alternate products)

  • UpSell - (Accessories / Related products)

  • User Favourites

  • Prior Purchases

  • Product Details - (This value only applies where the user has navigated directly to a product via link or similar. Otherwise, the list from which the product was accessed will be used for product detail impressions.)

Value determined by the list in which the product is located.

*Note - Zoned Product Layout must be used in order for Enhanced eCommerce to work with lists.


The product's brand


The product's position / sequence in its list


The product price (nett price for 1)

If 'hide pricing' is enabled at Role level, this data is not pushed.

Sample Product Impression data
	"event": "enhancedEcomm",
	"event_type": "impression",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"impressions": [
			"name": "Product Description",
			"id": "ProductCode",
			"list": "list name",
			"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
			"brand": "brand name",
			"position": 1,
			"price": "99.99"
Sample Product Detail Impression data
	"event": "enhancedEcomm",
	"event_type": "impression",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"detail": {
			"actionField": {
				"list": "list name"
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99"

Product Clicks

Product Click data is pushed on any click of a product link. For example, a product on a page of search results, or a product on the user's favourites list.







One of the following:

  • Product List

  • Search Results

  • Items Recently Viewed

  • Campaign - (sent as the Campaign Description, not the Campaign Code)

  • CrossSell - (Alternate products)

  • UpSell - (Accessories / Related products)

  • User Favourites

  • Prior Purchases

  • Cart Item

Value determined by the list in which the product is located.

*Note - Zoned Product Layout must be used in order for Enhanced eCommerce to work with lists.


The product description


The product code


The product's primary category

Includes all levels of the category structure for the product's primary category.


The product's brand


The product's position / sequence in its list


The product price (nett price for 1)

If 'hide pricing' is enabled at Role level, this data is not pushed.

Sample Product Click data
	"event": "productClick",
	"ecommerce": {
		"click": {
			"actionField": {
				"list": "list name"
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99",
				"position": 1

User Details

User Detail data is pushed on every page of the site.  There is the option to push data for logged in users only.

  • 'User_ID' = the user's unique identifier (database field = user.userid ) 

Sample User Detail data
	"User_ID": "unique user id"


Questionnaire data is only pushed for non-widget-based questionnaires.

Since the URL does not change post submission, a virtual URL is pushed. (In contrast, widget-based questionnaires have a URL redirect post submission.)

Sample Questionnaire data
	"virtualURL": "thank you URL"

Checkout Steps & Options

Steps - pushed as the user progresses through the various steps of the checkout process.









The checkout step number:

  • 1 - going to cart

  • 2 - attempting checkout, but login required

  • 3 - selecting delivery option

  • 4 - selecting payment option

  • 5 - submitting the order

Steps 3 & 4 will trigger additional 'Product Option' data to be pushed, in the form of the option selected at this step.

For example, the freight option selected at Step 3 or the payment method selected at Step 4 (sample provided below).


The products in the cart

Standard product data will be pushed for each product in the cart (e.g. name, id, category, brand, price).

Sample Checkout Steps data
	"event": "checkout",
	"event_type": "checkout",
	"ecommerce": {
		"checkout": {
			"actionField": {
				"step": 1
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99"

Options - pushed whenever the Checkout Step value (detailed above) is either 3 or 4. 









3 or 4

Value determined by the step number in 'Checkout Steps' data above.


The option selected at this step

For example - 'pickup' at Step 3 or 'BPAY' at Step 4.

Sample Checkout Option data
	"event": "checkoutOption",
	"event_type": "checkout",
	"ecommerce": {
		"checkout_option": {
			"actionField": {
				"step": 4,
				"option": "BPAY"


Product Transaction data is pushed on successful submission of an order. 






event type



The product description

Repeated for each product in the transaction.


The product code

Repeated for each product in the transaction.


The product's primary category

Includes all levels of the category structure for the product's primary category.

Repeated for each product in the transaction.


The product price (nett price for 1)

Repeated for each product in the transaction.

Sample Transaction data
	"event": "enhancedEcomm",
	"event_type": "payment",
	"ecommerce": {
		"purchase": {
			"actionField": {
				"id": 100000000,
				"revenue": 99.99,
				"tax": 9.99,
				"shipping": 10.00
		"products": [
			"name": "Product Description",
			"id": "ProductCode",
			"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
			"price": "99.99"

Login Success

Login Success data is pushed on any successful login.  

  • The 'event' always = "login"

  • The 'widgetName' = that of the widget used to initiate the login 

Sample Login Success data
	"event": "login",
	"widgetName": "widget-name"

Logout Success

Logout Success data is pushed on any successful logout.  

  • The 'event' always = "logout"

  • The 'widgetName' = that of the widget used to initiate the logout 

Sample Logout Success data
	"event": "logout",
	"widgetName": "widget-name"

Add to Cart

Add To Cart data is pushed every time a user successfully adds a product to their cart. 







 The currency code for the current account


The product(s) added to the cart

Standard product data is included here (e.g. name, id, category, quantity, brand, price)


One of the following:

  • Product List

  • Search Results

  • Product Details

Value determined by the page on which the product was added.


One of the following:

  • Product List

  • Search Results

  • Product Compare

  • Items Recently Viewed

  • Campaign - (sent as the Campaign Description, not the Campaign Code)

  • CrossSell - (Alternate products)

  • UpSell - (Accessories / Related products)

  • User Favourites

  • Prior Purchases

  • Product Details

  • Cart Fast Order

  • Quick Order Entry

Value determined by the list from which the product was added

*Note - Zoned Product Layout must be used in order for Enhanced eCommerce to work with lists.

Sample Add To Cart data
	"event": "addToCart",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"add": {
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"quantity": 1,
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99"
	"pageType": "Product List",
	"list": "Product List"

Remove from Cart

Remove From Cart data is pushed whenever a product is successfully removed from the user's cart.

NOTE - This can be a whole line deletion, or a decrease in quantity. Both actions are sent as 'Remove From Cart' data.







The currency code for the current account


The product(s) removed from cart

Standard product data is included here (e.g. name, id, category, quantity, price).

Sample Remove From Cart data
	"event": "removeFromCart",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"remove": {
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"quantity": 1,
				"price": "99.99"

Cart Updated

Cart Updates will push the relevant Add or Remove data when product quantities are changed:

  • Quantity increase triggers an "addToCart" data push

  • Quantity decrease triggers a "removeFromCart" data push

Promotion Codes

The following data is automatically pushed in relation to Promotion Codes: 

  • success adding a promo code ('validPromoCode')

  • failure adding a promo code ('invalidPromoCode')

  • removal of a promo code ('removedPromoCode')

The event type and the promotion code is the only data sent in these instances.

Sample Valid Promo Code data
	"event": "validPromoCode",
	"promoCode": "XXXX"
Sample Removed Promo Code data
	"event": "removedPromoCode",
	"promoCode": "XXXX"
Sample View Order data
	"virtualURL": "/TrackOrder/ViewOrder/Order Number"

View Order

View Order data is pushed when an order is viewed on the Order History / tracking page. The relevant sales order number is sent in this instance.

Sample View Order data

View Template

View Template data is pushed when a saved template is viewed on the Order Templates page. The template name is sent in this instance.

Sample View Template data
	"virtualURL": "/OrderTemplates/Template Name"

Extending or Overriding Pushed Data

It is possible to push additional data or to override Commerce Vision's out-of-the-box inclusions. For assistance with this, please contact a Commerce Vision Consultant. 

CV internal use:

  1. Determine the type of additional data required to push:

    • User

    • Product

    • Order

  2. Include the new data by adding the field to the relevant JSON field group. 

    Data Type

    Dictionary Table

    JSON Field Group


    Primary Table:

    • User

    Additional Tables:

    • Role

    • Customer

    SiteTrackerUserData(or SiteTrackerUserData_RoleNamefor role-specific changes)



    SiteTrackerProductData (or SiteTrackerProductData_RoleNamefor role-specific changes)


    Primary Table:

    • ProntoSalesOrder

    Additional Tables:

    • ProntoSalesOrderLine

    • Product

    SiteTrackerOrderData(or SiteTrackerOrderData_RoleNamefor role-specific changes)

  3. Finally, construct the tracking code per the format below.

    • First parameter is the data to manipulate (e.g. "userDetail" in sample code)

    • Second parameter is the type of manipulation:

      • extend

      • override

    • The third parameter is the function that will perform the manipulation (e.g. "EmailAddress: data.EmailAddress" in sample code)

      • The data is the raw data that can be used for manipulation (and includes the additional data from the JSON field groups described above) 

Sample Data Extension code
$.cv.css.tracker.track("userDetail", "extend", function(data) {
	return { EmailAddress: data.EmailAddress };

Possible extension methods:

  • userDetail

  • pageType (this is for Digital Remarketing)

  • productImpressions

  • productClick

  • questionnaire

  • checkout

  • checkoutOption

  • transactionProducts

  • loginSuccess

  • logoutSuccess

  • addToCart

  • removeFromCart

  • promoCodes

  • viewOrder

  • viewTemplate

Related help

  • No labels