The Promotion Code Wizard can be used to import data using a CSV file. This is useful when many Promotions need to be set up at once; an import will save the Administrator repeatedly navigating between multiple pages.
Each row of the CSV file will correspond to a unique Promotion Code. The following fields should appear as columns on the CSV file, in the order listed. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Promotion Code (Unique field)
Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
End Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
*Promotion Type (WO = Whole Order Discount; PG= Product Group Discount; PC = Product Code Discount; FF = Free Freight Discount)
Product Parameter (for Product Code or Product Group Types)
Discount Percent (before tax)
Discount Amount (before tax)
Discount Threshold (before tax)
*Discount Threshold Type (DD = Dollar Discount; QD = Quantity Discount; QDM = Quantity Discount Multiples;DDM = Dollar Discount Multiples)
*Discount Action Type (A = Add To Any; O = Override Any; OIM = Override If More Than Current;Blank for Free Freight Discount Promotions)
Discount Charge Type
Discount Charge Description
Carrier Code (for Free Freight Type)
User Usage Limit (0 = unlimited; default is unlimited)
Global Usage Limit (0 = unlimited; default is unlimited)
Apply With Charge Line (true/false)
Mode (B2B; B2C; Both)
Step-by-step guide
To Create a New Promotion Code CSV file to Import:
- Login as an Administrator
- Navigate to 'Settings - Promotion Code Maintenance'.
- Click the 'Import Promotion Codes' button.
- Click the 'Download Blank CSV File' button.
- Open the file once downloaded.
- Input data into the spreadsheet, using one row per Promotion Code.
- Save the CSV file.
To Import a Promotion Code CSV File:
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