- Created by Andrew Rogencamp , last modified on Aug 02, 2015
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Page:About Widgets — Overview of what widgets are and do.
Page:Account Activation Email Content Widget — Renders the message content in the Invitation to Register an Account email.
Page:Account Payment Detail Widget — Renders the payment detail information in the body of the various Account Payment confirmation emails. Information includes (but is not limited to) the order number, account number, invoice, and amount paid.
Page:Account Payment Paid FAIL Widget — Renders information regarding failed payments on the Account Payment page. Relevant information could include response codes and validation messages, for example.
Page:Account Payment Paid OK Widget — Renders confirmation details after a user successfully pays an invoice.
Page:Account Payment Widget — Renders the list of the customer's outstanding invoices on the Account Payment page template.
Page:Account Select Widget — Displays a list of all of the user's accounts, along with a search facility. The user can select from the list to switch between accounts when logged in. The widget can also be used within the cart to allow users to switch accounts for their current order.
Page:Account Summary Widget — Renders the account enquiry selector on the Account Summary page template.
Page:Add Custom Fields To Products and Categories — Information-rich product pages can help drive sales. But sometimes, not all the desired data are provided by your ERP. No problem. You can add custom fields to product and category pages as part of product maintenance.
Page:Add Product To Order Template Widget — Renders the 'Add To Order Template' button on the product detail page. This allows the user to add a product to a new or existing order template, without having to navigate to the shopping cart first.
Page:Add To Order Template from Product Pages — You can a user to create and add a product to a template on the Product Detail page instead of in the cart. This way, they can add a product to a template and keep browsing. It saves on page loads and they don't have to go to the cart before they're ready.
Page:Alerts Email List Widget — Renders the list of alerts in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
Page:Alerts Email Message Widget — Renders the greeting text in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
Page:Alerts Popup Widget — Displays relevant alerts to the user in a popup on login. Useful for communicating important or time-sensitive information or provide links to documents or other pages on your site. The user can be asked to acknowledge each alert, and can also opt to be reminded later.
Page:Alternate Product Substitute Widget — Places the 'Substitute' button on products in the Alternates Popup.
Page:Alternate Product Substitution — Add an Alternate Product Substitution offer feature, where out of stock items in the cart can be substituted with alternates at the customer's request.
Page:Alternates Order Line Widget — Places a 'Show Alternates' button against unavailable products in the cart.
Page:Alternates Popup Widget — Used in alternate product substitution functionality to render a popup window with alternate products when the User clicks a 'Show Alternates' button in the Cart.
Page:APR Auto Approval Notification Widget — Where Auto Part (B2B) Registration + automatic approval functionality is in use, renders the message content to the admin to advise that a new user is in the process of being automatically approved.
Page:APR Verification Required Widget — Where Auto Part (B2B) Registration + automatic approval functionality is in use, renders the message content to the new user, advising that they must verify their email address in order to be approved.
Page:Article Date Widget — Renders the posted date on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
Page:Article Field Widget — Renders the contents of a database field on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use). Applicable for an existing field in the Article table or a custom one created for articles.
Page:Article Image Widget — Renders the main image on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
Page:Article List - Zoned layout — An article list page on your site can be presented in a variety of layouts. Similar to a product list, article summary tiles can be presented in a grid, list, or slider format.
Using the standard layout, the fields on these article tiles can be customised to an extent, but for greater flexibility, a zoned layout allows you to include custom fields, filter content by layer and features, and rearrange widgets on the template.
Page:Article List All Widget — Displays all available articles of a specified type. Non-zoned layout will display the Article name, date, summary, image and a link to read the full article. The fields displayed in the list in zoned layouts are more configurable.
Page:Article List Article Date Widget — Renders the Article posted date in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Page:Article List Article Detail Button Widget — Renders the 'Read Full Article' button in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Page:Article List Article Image Widget — Renders the Article thumbnail image in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Page:Article List Article Summary Widget — Renders the Article Summary text in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Page:Article List Field Widget — Renders the contents of a database field in the Article list (when zoned layout is in use). Applicable to an existing field from the Article table or a custom one created for articles.
Page:Article List Page Totals Widget — Displays the number of articles being shown on the current page.
Page:Article List Pagination Widget — Renders pagination when the amount of content exceeds the display settings for the Article List page.
Page:Article List Results Per Page Widget — Displays the results per page selector on the Article List page. This allows the user to set and update the number of articles shown on each page, where paging is in use.
Page:Article List Widget — Displays articles in list format, allowing for a list title and icon, as well as other configuration options such as a toggles and content hyperlinks.
Page:Article Page - Zoned layout — BPD websites come equipped with a clean, well-organised article layout right out of the box. But what if you've got additional content to display in your articles? Or what if you'd prefer a customised page layout, completely unique to your site?
That's where the zoned layout option comes in! By using a zoned article layout, you can present your article in the layout of your choice, with content arranged as you please.
Page:Article Slider Widget — Displays the Article list in a sliding format, similar to a product campaign or banner slider. The user can swipe or scroll across to view the various articles available.
Page:Article Text Widget — Displays the text of an article on the Article detail page (when Zoned Article Page layout is in use).
Page:Article Title Widget — Renders the title text on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
Page:Assign Products in Category Maintenance — Add products while editing a Category.
Page:Attach Documents to Cart —
The Order Documents widget lets an ordering customer attach files to their order. These files are stored on the server and can be accessed by administrators via a link on the Order Placed email.
Page:B2B Registration Approval Required Widget — Renders the message body in the email sent to the Administrator when a new B2B user registration has been submitted with Auto Part Registration active.
Page:B2B Registration Submitted Message Widget — Renders the thank you message on the confirmation email to the user when Auto Part Registration is active.
Page:B2B Registration Successful Message Widget — Renders the confirmation message on the email to the user once their login has been activated.
Page:B2C Registration Verification Notification Widget — Used in the B2C Registration Verification Notification email template to alert your online team or a staff member that a user has registered on your website.
Page:B2C Registration Verification Required Email Widget — Creates the content of the email notifying a B2C user they have to authenticate their email address after they register on your site.
Page:Backorder Quantity Display — From time to time, your B2B customers may have products on backorder with you.
Browsing your site, they might be inclined to place another order for these items, forgetting that stock is already due to be delivered from you. While another order placed is good for business, a costly return when the customer realises they've over-ordered is not.
Page:Banner Slider Widget — Renders a slideshow of banner images that scroll automatically, or manually through clickable links. Can also render an embedded video banner.
Page:BPAY Account Payment Detail Widget — Renders BPAY payment information in the body of the BPAY Account Payment email. This email is sent to users who pay invoices or pay down their account balance using BPAY.
Page:BPAY Payment Detail Widget — Renders BPAY payment information, such as biller codes and references, in the BPAY Payment Detail email.
Page:Braintree Payment Settings — Braintree Payments is a payment gateway that processes a range of payment types on your website.
Page:Breadcrumb Widget — Displays the breadcrumb trail for all pages, including static content, products and categories.
Page:Budget Expiry Message Widget — Renders the content of the Budget Expiry Warning email, to advise the User their Customer budget is expiring soon and contains details of the remaining amount.
Page:Budget Remaining Message Widget — Renders the content and message of the Budget Remaining email to advise the user of the used and remaining amounts in their Customer or User budget.
Page:Buy Now, Pay Later — Add one or more Buy Now, Pay Later payment options on your Commerce Vision platform. Zip, Openpay, Afterpay, Payright and PayPal Pay in 4 are seamlessly integrated.
Page:Buy Now, Pay Later - Afterpay — Configure Afterpay for your website.
Page:Buy Now, Pay Later - Openpay — Configure Openpay settings for your website.
Page:Buy Now, Pay Later - Payright — Configure Payright for your website.
Page:Buy Now, Pay Later - zipPay & zipMoney (legacy) — Configure zipPay and zipMoney settings.
Page:Buy X Quantity of a Product and Get Y Quantity of Specific Product at Special Price — With this promo type, you can create offers where you can give customers buying a set number of one Product a discount on a set number of the same Product or a different Product. You can also use this promo code with a Product with variants.
Page:Campaign Slider Widget — Displays the products from a nominated Campaign in your chosen layout. Slider mode (default) is a traditional carousel in which product tiles scroll across the page. Alternatively, you can choose from Grid or List mode, both of which are static (no sliding behaviour).
Page:Cart Buttons Widget — Renders the set of buttons in the Cart used for accessing further functions such as updating an order or emptying the cart.
Page:Cart Cancel Quote Button Widget — Renders the 'Cancel Quote' button in the cart and during checkout (once the user has added items and opted to 'Request Quote'). Clicking this removes the items from the cart and cancel the quote request.
Note - this functionality only applies when the site's Order Quoting Mode is set to 'Pronto approved' and the role has quotes enabled.
Page:Cart Checkout Button Widget — Places the 'Checkout' button in the shopping cart. This navigates the user from the cart to the next step of their order, the delivery address details.
Page:Cart Discount Promo Codes — Configure a discount your customer can use when their order meets a minimum spend amount.
Page:Cart Fast Order Entry Widget — Adds input lines to the cart page so users can add products directly to the order. The user can enter product codes and quantities, or use a search tool.
Page:Cart Order Summary Totals Widget — Displays a summary of charges and discounts for the current order.
Page:Cart PayPalExpress Page Button Widget — Places the 'PayPal button at the bottom of the landing page of selected locations during the online shopping process. Clicking the button allows the user to checkout via PayPal Express, bypassing the usual delivery address and payment screens of the ordering process.
Page:Cart Preview on Hover — The Cart Summary link can open a popup window for the user to preview cart contents. This allows them to check product quantities and costs without leaving the current page viewed.
Page:Cart Promotional Code Entry Widget — Used for the entry of promotion codes in the shopping cart. The user enters the code and clicks to apply it to their order.
Page:Cart Quote Button Widget — Places the 'Request Quote' button in the shopping cart. This submits the order as a quote, rather than proceeding through checkout and completing payment.
Page:Cart Summary Widget — Provides a summary of cart contents, display a preview of order lines and their total costs, and link to the shopping cart.
Page:Catalogue Select Widget — Provides access to the user's valid catalogues, with a drop-down selector to switch between them.
Page:Category Banner Widget — Displays a banner on category or product pages, with options to include a title, description, and image.
Page:Category Field List Widget — Outputs the data from any field in the category table.
Page:Category List Category Title Widget — Displays the title of each category in the list. The title can be hyperlinked to the product category, or displayed as plain text only.
Page:Category List Image Widget — Displays the image for each category in the list. The image can be hyperlinked to the product category or static only.
Page:Category Menu Widget — Renders the top level product categories from a dropdown style button. Subcategories are displayed on the sidebar, changing as the user hovers over different categories in the menu.
Page:Change Order Account Widget — Changes the account code for the current order.
Page:Checkout Continue Button Widget — Places the 'Continue To Payment' button on the delivery address page of the checkout process.
Page:Checkout Deposit Payment Widget — Renders the Checkout Deposit panel during checkout.
Page:Checkout Field Groups Widget — Displays a pre-defined field group at checkout in order to collect additional, perhaps specialised information from users.
Page:Checkout Gift Card Payment Widget — Places the Checkout Gift Card widget in the checkout page, enabling users to pay with a gift card or redeem part of their gift card balance.
Page:Checkout Messages Widget — Enables any relevant Checkout Message(s) to appear once the user proceeds from the shopping cart to checkout or quote.
Page:Checkout Payment Options Widget — Displays available payment options and quote request (if enabled) to the user at checkout.
Page:Checkout Review Addresses B2B Widget — Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2B user to review prior to payment.
Page:Checkout Review Addresses B2C Widget — Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2C user to review prior to payment.
Page:Checkout Review Summary Widget — Displays a summary of the order for the user to review before proceeding to payment.
Page:Checkout Steps Widget — Displays a visual representation of the checkout process, and indicates the user's progress through the various stages.
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