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Settings can be configured for Lucene through the 'Lucene Search Settings' menu option under the 'Settings' main menu of the Administration interface.

Following is a list of the available settings with an explanation of the purpose of each:




Turns Lucene on or off. This checkbox must be ticked for the Product Search to use Lucene.

Enable Product Boost

When ticked, the Product.BoostSourceValue is used to determine the boost value for a product. Boost values are relative based on the range of BoostSourceValues, and are calculated as a value of 1 (no boost) to the maximum product boost. For a detailled explanation on product boosting, see Lucene Relevance Scoring And Boosting.

Spell Correct Unknown Words Only

"Did you mean" suggestions will only be suggested for words entered by users that do not appear in any product information. This can reduce unwanted "did you mean" suggestions.

It is recommended that this flag be turned on.

Perform Partial Word Searches

Instructs the search engine to perform a partial word search. This can be useful if your customers often search for model numbers or product codes.

For example, searching for "100" would return any product whose product code starts with "100", such as 100023, 1001112, 100TEST, etc.

Because of the way Lucene processes partial word searches, it removes any boost value applied to products. Therefore this feature should not be used when Product Boost or Boost Words are used, as the boost values will not be applied. Instead, rely on the Snowball Analyser to apply stemming to your searchable text.

Maximum Product Boost Value

The highest boost value assigned to a product. This value will be assigned to the product with the highest Product.BoostSourceValue.  All other products will be assigned values in the range 1.0 to this value.

Recommended value for this setting is between 1.5 and 3.0.

Boost Source Value Minimum Threshold

If a product has a BoostSourceValue less than this value, the product will not be boosted.

Recommended value for this setting is between 5 and 20.

Assign Boost Values by Rank

When selected, boost values assigned to products are done based on the rank of the product's BoostSourceValue, rather than the actual BoostSourceValue

Checking this flag assigns boost values evenly from the lowest source value to the highest source value. If not ticked, the magnitude of the source value will impact the weighting of the boost value.

If a small percentage of your product range has extreme boost source values, tick this flag.

Enable Boost Words

When ticked, the indexer reads the "Boost words" table and will apply boost values to products containing certain words.

No Boost Condition Codes

A list of condition codes that will stop a product from receiving a boost (i.e. allows you to not boost products that are obsolete or no supply).

Product Boost Source Calculation

This flag determines the method for calculating the Boost Source Value for products, which is used to calculate the Product Boost value for each product.

Available options are:

  • Times Sold - The number of times a product has been purchased online during the time scale
  • Click Through - The number of times users has clicked on a product in the search results product list to see detail on the product. during the time scale
  • Custom - Allows for Commerce Vision to implement custom procedures for calculating boost source values where required

When the option is selected and the settings updated, the boost source values will be recalculated for all products. However, a full index rebuild is required before the updated boost source values will impact search engine rankings.

Product Boost Source Time Scale

The time scaled used to calculate the Boost Source Value for products, based on the "calculation" setting.

Available options are:

  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 21 days
  • 30 days 
Partial Index UpdateThe frequency at which the system will perform partial index updates. Partial updates will add new products, and update changed products in the index.
Full Index UpdateThe freqency at which the system will perform full index updates. Full updates are required to rebuild the product boost values and apply any new or changed index translations to all products.



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