Step-by-step guide
NOTE - This feature must first be switched on for your site by Commerce Vision.
1. Enable Release Payments
- In the CMS, navigate to Settings → Feature Management → Payment & Checkout.
- If not already enabled, toggle on Release Payments.
- Notice that in the main menu, Orders now displays the submenu Release Payments.
2. Access the Release Payments screen
Once Release Payments is enabled for your site, you can access the 'Release Payments screen' to manually enter bank transaction or receipt details and Approve or Reject a payment.
- In the main menu, navigate to Orders → Release Payments.
- In the 'Release Payments' screen, all orders paid via the payment gateway that have the incomplete Payment Status of 'In Progress' or 'On hold' are displayed.
Orders that previously held an incomplete status but are now completed or rejected will not be automatically displayed in the list but can be found by Invoice Number.
3. Search for an Order to Approve or Reject Payment
An order can be found by its 'Invoice Number'. In the Search tool, enter the Invoice Number and then click the Search button.
4. Approve an order's Payment
- Find the order you want to approve and release payment by using the Search tool.
- To Approve the payment, click the Approve button for the order.
- In the 'Approve Payment' box, enter any missing bank transaction details as required. You can enter the payment's 'Bank Authorisation' or 'Bank Receipt' reference details.
- To save any reference details and continue with the payment approval, click Confirm. You will see a popup message that confirms the payment status change was successful and in the Release Payments screen, notice the order's Payment Status has changed to 'Successful Authentication and Payment':
Approve Multiple Orders in One Go
To batch approve multiple orders that are in a page:
1. tick each box next to all orders you want to approve
2. click the Approve Payments button at the bottom of the screen
3. confirm you want to approve all selected orders. A popup message will confirm the success of your changes.
5. Reject an order's Payment
- Find the order you want to reject payment for by using the Search tool.
- To reject the payment, click the Reject button for the order.
- In the 'Reject Payments' box, click Confirm.
If the rejection is successful, you will see a popup message that the status change is successful and in the Release Payments screen, the Payment Status for the order has changed to 'Failed':
Reject Multiple Orders in One Go
To batch reject multiple orders that are on a page:
1. tick the box next to all orders you want to reject
2. click the Reject Payments button at the bottom of the screen
3. confirm you want to reject all selected orders. A popup message will confirm the success of your changes.
Related help
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.