New Site Version Implementation - Suggested Test Plan

New Site Version Implementation - Suggested Test Plan


Before a new client website is launched or a current website's upgrade is sent live, the site undergoes testing to ensure its unique set of configurations and features work smoothly.  

Why should any testing be done on your website?

For new sites: 

For upgraded sites: A new version of Customer Self Service Ecommerce Platform can offer you various fixes as well as new features, but any change to a software application carries the risk of introducing new issues or changing the way a current feature works. 

Commerce Vision performs testing of new releases, but every site has a multitude of uniquely configured settings and may be using very different features of the software. Prior to any upgrade, testing should be undertaken in the Stage environment to ensure that the application still behaves as expected during normal use. 

*Please note that the stage environment does not use the same database as live so you may see differences in configurable data as a result of this.  To view more consistent data we recommend an Pronto? live to test:

PRONTO - Live to Stage copies

But where to begin? 

What should be tested?

The functionality you should test depends on the particular features implemented on your website. For example, you don't need to test Order Approvals if your site is purely B2C and you don't currently use that feature. However, if you have custom functionality or business-critical order processes, you should certainly make sure they're included in your test plan! 

You are invited to download our suggested Upgrade Test Plan here.

Below is a list of standard functions that should be tested. Please be advised that this information is a guide only. 

B2C Sites

  • Searching for products
  • Drilling down to the full product detail page
  • Using the product/category menu to browse through categories and see products in each category
  • Adding products to the cart
  • Registering new user
  • Logging in as existing user
  • Metadata filtering (if in use)
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Payments
  • Order Tracking
  • Integration of order to ERP
  • Integration of cash receipt to ERP

B2B Sites

  • Logging in
  • Selecting an account (if applicable)
  • B2B Pricing
  • Searching for products
  • Drilling down to the full product detail page
  • Using the product/category menu to browse through categories and see products in each category
  • Adding products to the cart
  • Registering new user
  • Logging in as existing user
  • Metadata filtering (if in use)
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Payments
  • Order Tracking
  • Account Payments
  • Integration of order to ERP
  • Integration of cash receipt to ERP

Testing the above functionality should take no more than a couple of hours and will ensure upgrades are smooth and hassle free. 

What functionality do you have with your new site?

If you would like to know what extra functionality is available to you now that you've upgraded, check out our Available Features List

You can click on the 'Min Version Req' heading to re-order all of the features by minimum version and check out all the additional features that are now available to you.

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