Product Purchase Details Widget

Product Purchase Details Widget

Widget Use

Renders the purchasing details for a product, such as price, availability, and quantity in cart, as well as the Add to Cart and Add to Favourites buttons.

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Product Detail Template

Widget Options

Note - Options for displaying branding for third party payments are also available in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and the individual widget for the third party payment option.  

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All

The layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user or if the same widget is required for more than one audience but different configurations are needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Show Favourites Button?Determines whether the Favourites button is displayed for logged in users.

Default: ON

Toggle OFF to disable

Show Quantity In Cart?Determines whether the quantity currently in the user's cart is displayed in this widget.

Default: ON

Toggle OFF to disable

Hide Pricing?Determines whether pricing is hidden on the product detail page.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show RRP?Determines whether the product's Recommended Retail Price is displayed.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show Quantity Breaks?Determines whether pricing quantity breaks are displayed.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show Availability?Determines whether stock availability is displayed.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show Note Field?Determines whether a note input field is displayed. The user can enter note text for the product before adding it to the cart.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show Quantity on Back Order?Determines whether the quantity on backorder is displayed in this section. When enabled, the quantity on backorder for the logged in Customer will be shown.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Hide When Master Product?Determines whether Product Details for a Master product is displayed or not.Default: OFF
Toggle ON to enable

Show Notify Me button?Determines whether the Notify Me When In Stock button is displayed on the page.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Increase Quantities In Pack Qty?Forces the value in the quantity field to increase/decrease in pack quantities when using the plus/minus icons, rather than by the default quantity of 1.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Default Quantity Breaks Expanded?Determines whether the quantity break data is expanded or collapsed by default. When ON, the default is expanded.

Default: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Attributed Product Price Display

Determines the price shown for master products appearing in the list. Select from:

  • Default Functionality - The nett price for one is displayed. (TBC)
  • Don't Show - no price is displayed for master products - the user must select attributes in order to view pricing.
  • Price From Default - TBC
  • Price From First - TBC
Default: Default FunctionalityAll
Strip Zero Decimal Amounts

When the price is an even dollar amount, the cents are stripped from the display.

(For example, $147.00 would be displayed as $147)

Default is: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Show Discount SavedInserts an additional column to display the 'percent saved' for each discounted price.

Default is: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Discount Saved Decimal PlacesDetermines how many decimal places are shown in the percentage saved. Select from 0 to 4.   Default: zero3.95
Show My Price?Shows the price user would pay depending on the quantity entered in cart if volume discounts are used

Default: ON

Toggle OFF to disable

Show Quantities?Determines whether available quantity is displayed.

Default is: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Use Role Flag To Hide Availability?Determines whether the role flag is obeyed in regard to stock availability display.

Default is: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

Always Display Quantity In Cart Prompt?Quantity in Cart Prompt will be displayed even when cart quantity is 0 for the product

Default is: OFF

Toggle ON to enable

See the Braintree PayPal settings guide.4.31
Add To Favourites Button LabelThe text on the Add to Favourites button (when the product is not in the user's Favourites list).Default: Add to favourites3.92
Favourite Button LabelThe text on the Favourite button (when the product IS in the user's Favourites list).Default: Favourite3.92
Check Availability Button LabelThe text on the Check Availability Button Default: Check Availability3.92
Notify Me When In Stock Button LabelThe text on the Notify Me button for out of stock products.Default: Notify Me When In Stock3.83
Add To Cart Button LabelThe text on the Add To Cart button.Default: Add to cartAll
Quantity Breaks Button LabelThe label for the quantity break expand button.Default: Multi BuyAll
RRP PromptThe label for the RRP field.Default: RRPAll
Low Stock PromptThe text displayed if quantity falls to or below low stock quantity setDefault: Low stock
Attributed Product Availability PromptThe text displayed in place of availability for master products.Default: Please See Attributes
My Price PromptThe label for the 'My Price' field.Default: My priceAll
Quantity Breaks Qty PromptThe label for the quantity field where quantity breaks are in use.Default: Qty3.92
Quantity Breaks Each PromptThe label for the unit of issue field where quantity breaks are in use.Default: Each3.92
Quantity Breaks Discount Saved PromptThe text displaying the discount percentage savedDefault: Save %3.95
In Stock PromptThe text displayed for available products.Default: In StockAll
Out Of Stock PromptThe text displayed for unavailable products.Default is: Out Of StockAll
Quantity In Cart PromptThe label for the quantity in cart field.Default is: Quantity in cart: 3.92
Qty on Back Order PromptThe label for the quantity on backorder field (where enabled).Default is: Qty on Back Order:All
Cost Centre PlaceholderThe faint placeholder text displayed in the input field (until the user begins typing).Default is: Cost Centre3.92
Notes PromptThe label for the note input field.Default is: Notes3.86
Notes Placeholder TextThe faint placeholder text displayed in the notes input field (until the user begins typing).Default is: Add Product Note3.92
Delivery Available TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the product is available for delivery.Default is: Available for Delivery3.81
Delivery Unavailable TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the product is NOT available for delivery.Default is: Unavailable for Delivery3.81
Delivery Call To Order TooltipThe delivery tooltip text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Delivery Available Back Order TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the product is on back order for delivery.Default is: Available on Back Order for Delivery
Delivery Select Product Attributes TooltipThe delivery tooltip text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Store Not Set Tooltip
Default is: Not Set
Delivery Available 2 to 5 Days TooltipThe delivery tooltip displayed when the product ETA is 2-5 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 2 to 5 Days3.81
Delivery Available 3 to 6 Days TooltipThe delivery tooltip displayed when the product ETA is 3-6 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 3 to 6 Days3.81
Delivery Available 5 to 7 Days TooltipThe delivery tooltip displayed when the product ETA is 5-7 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 5 to 7 Days3.81
Delivery Special Order TooltipThe delivery tooltip displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Special Order3.81
Pickup Available TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the the product is available for pickup.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Pickup Unavailable TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the the product is NOT available for pickup.Default is: Unavailable for Pickup3.81
Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at the selected location.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Pickup Call To Order TooltipThe pickup tooltip text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Pickup Available Back Order TooltipThe pickup tooltip text displayed when the product is on back order.Default is: Available on Back Order for Pickup
Pickup Select Product Attributes TooltipThe pickup tooltip text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Pickup Store Not Set TooltipThe tooltip text displayed when the user has not yet set their store, in which case the system is unable to calculate store pickup availability.Default is: Not Set3.81
Cost Centre Help TooltipThe tooltip text displayed for the cost centre input field.There is no default text.3.86
Note Field Help TooltipThe tooltip text displayed for the note input field.There is no default text.3.86
Availability Text
Delivery Available TextThe text displayed when the product is available for delivery.Default is: Available for Delivery3.81
Delivery Unavailable TextThe text displayed when the product is NOT available for delivery.Default is: Unavailable for Delivery3.81
Delivery Call To Order TextThe delivery text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Delivery Available Back Order TextThe text displayed when the product is available for delivery but is on back order.Default is: Available on Back Order for Delivery
Delivery Select Product Attributes TextThe delivery text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Store Not Set Text
Default is: Not Set
Delivery Available 2 to 5 Days TextThe delivery text displayed when the product ETA is 2-5 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 2 to 5 Days3.81
Delivery Available 3 to 6 Days TextThe delivery text displayed when the product ETA is 3-6 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 3 to 6 Days3.81
Delivery Available 5 to 7 Days TextThe delivery text displayed when the product ETA is 5-7 days.Default is: Available for Delivery in 5 to 7 Days3.81
Delivery Special Order TextThe delivery text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Special Order3.81
Pickup Available TextThe text displayed when the the product is available for pickup.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Pickup Unavailable TextThe text displayed when the the product is NOT available for pickup.Default is: Unavailable for Pickup3.81
Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TextThe text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at the selected location.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Pickup Call To Order TextThe pickup text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Pickup Select Product Attributes TextThe pickup text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Pickup Store Not Set TextThe text displayed when the user has not yet set their store, in which case the system is unable to calculate store pickup availability.Default is: Not Set3.81
Email Delivery TextThe text displayed when the product will be delivered via email.Default is: Delivered via Email
Nearby Store Availability
Nearby Pickup Availability Button TextThe text on the Check Nearby Stores button.Default is: Check Other Stores3.81
Nearby Pickup Availability Modal HeadingThe heading text for the top of the modal window.Default is: In-Store Availability3.81
Nearby Pickup Availability Maximum StoresThe max number of store locations shown in the Check Nearby Stores modal window.Default is: 33.81
Nearby Pickup Include Current Store In Check?Determines whether the currently selected store is included in the Check Nearby Stores modal window.

Default is: ON

Toggle OFF to disable

Nearby Pickup No Availability MessageThe message text displayed when there are no nearby store locations with stock of the selected product.Default is: This item is either not currently available for pickup from any stores near to your current store, or there are no other stores close by.3.81
Nearby Pickup Available TextThe the text displayed when the product is available for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Nearby Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TextThe text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Nearby Pickup Available TooltipThe the tooltip displayed when the product is available for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Nearby Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TooltipThe tooltip displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Zip Summary   


(i) this content is applicable only if 'Use CV Zip Content' is ON for Zip settings.

(ii) Zip Money fields default when Zip V2 is in use. 

(ii) This content is also available via the Product Zip Summary Widget and Cart Order Summary Totals Widget.

Zip Money Learn More Button Text

Text for the link to the Zip Money or zip V2 popup.

Default: Learn More3.99
Zip Pay Learn More Button TextText for the link to the zip Pay website. Default: Learn More3.99
Zip Money Summary Message

Text for the Zip Money or Zip V2 tag line.

Default: own it now, up to 3 months interest free 

Note - this content should be checked with Zip and updated to the latest if required. 

Zip Pay Summary MessageText for the Zip Pay tag line.

Default: Zip - Own it now, Pay later

Note - this content should be checked with Zip and updated to the latest if required. 

Zip Payment Under Limit MessageZip tag line displayed in the Product Detail page when a product price is under the minimum limit set.

Default: Zip - Available for orders between {0}-{1}

{0}-{minimum value

{1} - maximum value

Note - this content should be checked with Zip and updated to the latest if required. 

Zip Payment Over Limit MessageZip tag line displayed in the Product Detail page when a product price is over the maximum limit set.

Default: Unavailable for this order

Note - this content should be checked with Zip and updated to the latest if required.

Openpay Summary
Note - these settings are also available in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Product Openpay Summary Widget. 
Openpay 'Learn More' Button TextText for the link to the Openpay popup.Default is: Learn more4.04
Openpay Not Available Message - Under Minimum Amount Text displayed when user cannot use Openpay because the order is under the minimum amount set.

Default is: Minimum order of {0} required for Openpay

Placeholder value is retrieved from what was set in Openpay settings 

Openpay Not Available Message - Over Maximum AmountText displayed when user cannot use Openpay because the order is above the maximum amount set.

Default is: Order cannot exceed {0} for Openpay

Placeholder value is retrieved from what was set in Openpay settings 

Openpay Summary MessageOpenpay payment marketing text displayed. 

Default is: {depositAmount} today and {numberOfInstallments} fortnightly interest free payments of {installmentAmount}

Placeholder values are retrieved from what was set in Openpay settings 

Openpay No Price MessageOpenpay branding text 

Default is: Buy now. Pay smarter.

Note - taglines should follow Openpay's branding guidelines

Openpay Popup
Note - these settings are also available in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Product Openpay Summary Widget. 
Openpay Company BannerCompany banner that is displayed in the Openpay popup (optional)
Openpay Company Logo Company logo that is displayed in the Openpay popup (optional)
Openpay Popup LogoCompany logo that is displayed in the Openpay popup (optional)
Openpay Summary Heading 
Default is: Buy now. Pay smarter.4.04
Openpay Summary Details

Default is: Available on orders from {0} - {1}

Placeholder values are retrieved from what was set in Openpay settings 

Openpay Checkout Information Text 

Default is: Shop & checkout4.04
Openpay Payment Information Text

Default is: Select Openpay as your payment method4.04
Openpay Calendar Information Text 

Default is: Register & design your plan4.04
Openpay Payment Conditions 

Default is:

If you are 18 years or order and a permanent resident of Australia all you'll need is a

  • Debit or Credit card
  • Email address
  • The required deposit
  • Mobile phone
Afterpay Summary
Note - these settings can also be accessed in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Afterpay Order Summary Widget. 
Payment Information TextThe text displayed to break down the Afterpay installments and amounts for the product. The placeholders are replaced with actual figures drawn from the product price.Default is: or {numberOfInstallments} payments of {paymentAmount} with3.95
Learn More Button TextThe text on the button which launches the Afterpay modal (popup) window.Default is: Learn more3.95
Afterpay Popup
Note - these settings can also be accessed in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Afterpay Order Summary Widget. 
Generic HeadingThe heading text displayed under the Afterpay logo on the popup window.Default is: Buy Now. Pay Later. Interest-Free.3.95
Generic TextThe description text displayed under the heading.Default is: We have partnered with Afterpay to bring you simple, interest-free payment plans. Buy what you want today, pay when it suits you best.3.95
Payment Information HeadingThe heading text displayed under the calendar icon.Default is: Buy Now. Pay Later. Interest-Free.3.95
Payment Information TextThe description text displayed under the Payment Information heading.Default is: Pay in {numberOfInstallments} simple installments over 56 days3.95
Fee Information HeadingThe heading text displayed under the dollar icon.Default is: No Hidden Fees3.95
Fee Information TextThe description text displayed under the Fee Information heading.Default is: 100% interest-free. No extras. No Catches.3.95
Application HeadingThe heading text displayed under the clock icon.Default is: No Card Application3.95
Application TextThe description text displayed under the Application heading.Default is: No lengthy application. Instant approval online.3.95
Modal Summary HeadingThe summary text displayed at the bottom of the popup window.Default is: Simply select Afterpay at checkout.3.95
Continue Shopping Button TextThe label on Continue Shopping button, which dismisses the modal window.Default is: Continue shopping3.95
Terms LinkThe T&C link displayed in small text under the Continue Shopping button.Default is: <a href="{url}" target="_blank">Terms &amp; Conditions</a> apply3.95
PayRight Summary
Note - these settings can also be accessed in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Product Payright Summary Widget. 
Payright 'Learn More' Button Text

Text for the button that opens the Payright popup in the Product Detail page.

Default is: Learn more4.24
Payright Not Available Message - Under Minimum Amount Text displayed to alert user when product is under the minimum amount set on your site for using Payright.

Default is: Minimum order of {0} required for Payright

Placeholder value is retrieved from your site's Payright settings

Payright Not Available Message - Over Maximum AmountText displayed to alert user when product is over the maximum amount set on your site for using Payright.

Default is: Order cannot exceed {0} for Payright

Placeholder value is retrieved from your site's Payright settings

Payright Summary Message

Text displayed on the Payright marketing banner that appears in the Product Detail page.

Default is: Convenient fortnightly or monthly instalments. Terms of up to 36 months. Covering purchases up to $10k.

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 

Payright Popup
Note - these settings can also be accessed in the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget and Product Payright Summary Widget. 
Payright Summary Heading Text displayed for the Summary Heading.

Default is: Right when you need it

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 

Payright Summary Details

Text displayed for the Summary Details.

Default is: Available on orders from {0} - {1}

Placeholder values are retrieved from your site's Payright settings

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 

Payright Instalments Calendar Text 

Default is: Convenient fortnightly or monthly instalments

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 

Payright Max Repayment Period Text 

Default is: Terms of up to 36 months

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 

Payright Max Loan Amount Text 

Default is: Covering purchases up to $10k

Note - this content should be checked with Payright and updated to the latest if required. 


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