Select Approver Widget

Select Approver Widget

Widget Use

Renders the approval options for orders which can't be submitted directly, but must first be submitted for approval within the user's organisation.

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Checkout Template
  • Checkout Quote Template
  • PayPal Express Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All

The layer the widget is valid for.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 


Text for heading at the top of the widget.

Default: Select ApproverAll
Single Option PromptText that tells user to select an approver from the list.Default: Select Single ApproverAll
Multi Option PromptText that tells user to select multiple approvers from the list.Default: Select Approver(s)All
Fixed Option PromptText displayed when the approver is automatically selected and cannot be changed.Default: Selected Approver(s)All
Fixed Group PromptText displayed when the approval group is automatically selected and cannot be changed.Default: Selected Approval Group(s)All
No Approver FoundMessage displayed when no valid approver can be found.Default: Order cannot be submitted as there is no approver with the correct approval limit authority.All
Single Approver Auto SelectedMessage displayed when the approver is successfully auto-selected.Default: Approver(s) were auto-selectedAll
No Selection Allowed Auto SelectedMessage displayed when the approver(s) or approval group is successfully auto-selected for the order. The dropdown list is displayed but the user cannot select.Default: Approver(s) have been automatically set against your orderAll
Group Auto Select MessageMessage that the approval group is successfully auto-selected.Default: Your Approval Group has automatically been selectedAll
Generic Error Setting ApproverError message displayed when the system is unable to set the approver for the order.Default: Unable to set order approverAll

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