Dashboard Recent Invoices Widget

Dashboard Recent Invoices Widget

Widget Use

Displays the logged in user's 5 most recent invoices, with a link to each invoice in detail, as well as a 'View All' option.

Example of Widget Use

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Dashboard page

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Default Order Status SelectedThe invoices displayed by the widget will be for orders of this status.Completed, or In Transit, for example4.10
TitleThe heading displayed at the top of the widget.Default is: Recent Invoices4.10
Title IconThe icon displayed to the left of the widget title.

Default is: cv-ico-general-newspaper

View All Button LabelThe text on the button redirecting the user to the All Invoices page.Default is: Pay Now4.10
View All Button IconThe icon displayed on the View All button.Default is: cv-ico-general-plus24.10
No Data MessageThe message displayed in the widget when there are no invoices to show.Default is: Currently no data to be loaded4.10
Loading Data MessageThe (temporary) message displayed while invoice data is being loaded by the widget.Default is: Loading Data4.10
Date HeadingThe label at the top of the Date column.Default is: Date4.10
Type HeadingThe label at the top of the Type column, which indicates whether it's an Invoice or Credit Note.Default is: Type4.10
Invoice Number HeadingThe label at the top of the Invoice Number column.Default is: Invoice #4.10
Your Order Number HeadingThe label at the top of the Order Number column.Default is: Your Order #4.10
Total HeadingThe label at the top of the Total column.Default is: Total4.10

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