Mailchimp Ecommerce Syncing
When enabled, Mailchimp Ecommerce Syncing allows ecommerce data types from your Commerce Vision site to be sent to Mailchimp for Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) purposes:
- Product
- Sales Order
- Promotion Rules
See: Mailchimp Marketing API - Ecommerce data
Data sent to MailChimp can be segmented for meaningful marketing purposes, and then used in targeted promotional and marketing campaigns. For instance, past purchases from sales orders can identify behavioral traits to build customer subgroups, e.g., interest in specific product types. high spend customers, specific locations, etc. Data from the synced Product master list and sales orders can be analysed, and marketing emails with specific products for particular customer subgroups created. Promotion codes can also be synced with Mailchimp Promotion Rules.
Learn more: MailChimp, Marketing API.
Data synced
- Customers: Users from sales orders and new user registrations are added to MailChimp. Info includes User Id, Email Address, Whether they are set as Subscriber or Transactional members depend on opt-in/opt-out rules you've set with MailChimp. Transactional members receive emails only about their orders. Subscribers receive marketing emails. During syncing, active rules for users retrieved from MailChimp are observed. If 'always opt-in' is enabled on your site, new subscribers are automatically added as subscribers. If double opt-in is active in MailChimp, a new contact remains a transactional member unless they confirm subscription, e.g., via a link in an email. Existing subscriber statuses are never updated during syncs.
NOTE - For guest users, only the First Name is sent. - Sales Orders: Info from completed orders includes Order Date, Order Number and Order Total, and the Date/Timestamp. The sync scheduled task sends orders in batches, with orders checked that they are not double-sent. Any updates on orders already in MailChimp are also submitted. A user's orders appear in their Activity Feed in MailChimp.
- Products: Product info from your site, e.g., Product Code, Title, Category, SEO URL, Image URL,etc, as well as Date Created/Last Updated, are mapped to MailChimp Products. This includes those with variants. During syncing, products are checked against their last MailChimp Updated Date. Products are validated against their update dates to ensure they are not added twice. Updated dates are set when products are synced as part of the Mailchimp sync scheduled task and when a product is added to cart.
- Promotion Codes: Promo code data are synced to MailChimp's Promotion Rules and Promo Codes.
Enable MailChimp Syncing
The feature must have been switched on by Commerce Vision.
- Go to Settings → Settings → Feature Management → Products & Categories → MailChimp.
- Click Configure.
- Toggle ON Mailchimp Ecommerce Syncing.
- Click Save. The syncing to MailChimp will start in the background.
Sync All Products button
The regular scheduled task for syncing ecommere data includes syncing product data. Use this Sync All Products button only when product sync needs to be redone due to errors.
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