Minimum Order Charge

Minimum Order Charge

Overview of Minimum Order Charge

The Minimum Order Charge functionality will automatically apply a charge to a customer's order if the total order is under a specified minimum amount. If this function is enabled, upon checkout, a message will appear to inform the customer of the charge.

You can enable/disable Minimum Order Charge at two levels:

  • Per Customer
  • Per Role (also serves as the fall-back if Minimum Order Charge for a customer with this role has not been configured)

You also need to set two system level values:

  • Charge Threshold - the amount below which the charge should apply 
  • Charge Amount - the amount to charge if order is under the Charge Threshold.

This guide assumes the following additional features are disabled:

  • Stock Group Exceptions
  • Customer Minimum Order Charge Override
  • System Table Order Limit Charge amount - when disabled, the amount is taken from the system level setting; the system table functionality allows configuring a charge amount per Customer Type.

Configuring Charge Threshold and Charge Amount

To configure the Charge Threshold and Charge Amount:

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Settings → Settings.

  2. Click the Orders tab.

  3. Click the Restrictions and Charges sub-tab.

  4. In the 'Order Limits' section you can:
    1. Configure the 'Minimum Order Value' setting - This is the minimum amount the order must be to prevent the application of the minimum order charge. Anything below this will result in the Minimum Order Charge being applied.
    2. Configure the 'Charge amount for under Order Limit' setting - This is how much the Minimum Order Charge will be if the order is less than the Minimum Order Value.

  5. Click the 'Update' button to save changes.

Accessing Minimum Order Charge via CSS

In the past, Charge Threshold and Charge Amount were only accessible through the Website. You can still access these settings on the site through the link path: /zSettings.aspx.      

Configuring a specific customer for Minimum Order Charge

To configure a specific customer for Minimum Order Charge:

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Users → Customer Maintenance.

  2. Search for and select the required customer.
  3. Click the Customer Details tab.

  4. Click Modify.

  5. In the 'Apply Minimum Order Charge' setting, enter 'yes' or 'no'.

    If neither 'yes' or 'no' is selected (i.e. "Please Select.."), then the system falls back to using the Per Role configuration (see next section).

  6. To save your changes, click OK.

Configuring specific customer Minimum Order Charge in CSS

In the past, configuring Minimum Order Charge for a specific customer was only accessible through the Website. You can still access this setting on the site through the link path: /CustomerMaintenance.aspx. 

Configuring a role-based fall-back for Minimum Order Charge

The role-based setting only takes effect if a customer account with this role does not have 'yes' or 'no' selected in their 'Apply Minimum Order Charges' setting.

To configure a role-based fall-back for Minimum Order Charge:

  1. Navigate to Users Roles.

  2. Select the required role via radio button.

  3. Click the Functions tab.
  4. Click Modify.

  5. For the 'Enable Order Limit Charge' setting, select 'yes' or 'no'.

  6. To save your changes, click OK.

Configuring role-based Minimum Order Charge on your Website

In the past, configuring a role-based Minimum Order Charge was only accessible through the Website. You can still access this setting on the site through the link path: /zRoles.aspx. 

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