Release Notes for the CV Ecommerce Platform

Enter keywords or version. e.g., 4.16

* New releases are now named by YEAR-No, e.g.., 2022.3. CSS and CMS are no longer separately released. 

Latest release notes

CV ecommerce 4.38 (LTS 2022.3)CV ecommerce CMS 1.23

New Features

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    Ability to implement multiple Givex cards references

    You can allow customers to use multiple Givex cards in one purchase. 

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    Accertify fraud check API integration for Braintree Payments

    Third party Accertify's fraud prevention API is integrated for use with the Braintree Payments gateway. Sites can control integration settings in the CMS.

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    Add Captcha to product document download

    Captcha can be enabled for the PDF download button on the Product Detail page. As clicking this button downloads a pdf of the product detail page, adding Captcha is intended to minimise spam requests. Must be implemented by Commerce Vision. 

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    Add Cost Centre for Whole Order

    Managing budgets via cost centres is a critical aspect for some of your larger B2B customers. The cost centres feature has been extended. For any customer account, you can now set cost centre allocation to be against the whole order instead of every order line. This means the user need only enter a single cost centre per order.  

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    Add digital signature textbox to form

    Include a mandatory digital signature input box in a questionnaire or form. 

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    Allow partial payment orders with Braintree Payments

    Allow or force users (by Role) to submit an order with an initial partial payment instead of the total on the Braintree payment gateway.  This feature can suit a range of buying scenarios such as special order item prepayments, deposits for pickup, and payment plans. Partial payment orders are integrated to your Braintree account as well as to the multiple payment order maintenance facility on your website. 

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    Allow view all categories for cached category list

    To enhance viewing options while maximising load speed on mobile devices, you can now cache all categories in the Category List Static Widget instead of a limited number. 

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    Attach payment document with order submission

    You can require payment evidence to be uploaded with a specific payment option when an order is placed. This is useful for prepaid or partially-paid orders, or where evidence of offline payments is needed, e.g., a record of direct deposit done offsite.

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    Auto-update order lines in cart

    Optimise the ordering flow for your customers by enabling auto-update of order lines in the Cart page and Cart Preview window. This eliminates the need to manually click the Update Order button. Order totals are automatically recalculated when product quantities are changed. In the cart, order line notes and cost centre details are saved as the user types.  

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    Configure Standard & Approved Quote mode in CMS

    The Standard and Approved Quote mode integrates with the quoting and approvals systems in your ERP. Settings for this mode are now accessed in the CMS, making it easier to configure. Quote review functions for users include the ability to expire and cancel quotes, as well as request reactivation of old ones.  (Must be implemented by Commerce Vision.)

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    Create your own custom email templates

    Want to create your own customised email templates for existing Commerce Vision notifications? You can now do that with the Generic Email Notifications template feature. Your custom email template always remains linked to notification function so you can easily test changes and ensure it is right for the notification type. 

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    Display four top level Category columns with Category Menu Widget

    For quick access to more top level categories on its navigation menu, the Category Menu Widget can now display up to four columns.

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    Display Image Overlay over Video

    When a video is added to a page, instead of displaying a blank, entice users to view content by adding a poster overlay before the video loads. 

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    Edit in Cart Preview

    Let users edit quantities in the Cart Preview popup instead of having to go to the Shopping Cart. This gives them the option of staying on the current page. 

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    Edit page SEO / meta data in the CMS

    SEO details and meta data for every page type (custom and standard) and template can now be viewed or edited in their Page Properties in the CMS. 

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    Email invoice to user in Order History

    Users can select one or more completed orders from the Order History page to have their invoices emailed to themselves or others. 

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    Enforce both pack and minimum quantities in order

    For products that have both a set minimum quantity and must be bought in a pack, allowable add to cart quantity can now be restricted so that both pack and minimum quantity rules are followed.  

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    Extend flexibility for Contract Ribbons

    This extension adds extra fields that can be used when creating a Contract Ribbon. This allows contract ribbons to use alternative or up to two more conditions to define when a contract ribbon is displayed.  

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    Global cache a custom widget

    Global caching can now be applied to custom widgets where suitable. This mode aims to improve site performance by creating a single cached record for all users.

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    Invite ERP Customer User to activate account

    Do you have new or existing ERP customers who are not registered online? This feature sends auto-email invitations to new or specific customer groups in your ERP to activate their accounts. Consultation with Commerce Vision is required.

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    Online Product Restrictions

    Does your B2B business restrict some products to specific customers? Create product (stock) restriction rules online to define which customers are included or excluded from viewing products or product groups. (For 4.37+ only)

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    Online Quoting Mode

    Online only quoting mode is now available and configurable in the CMS. This mode is designed for ecommerce sites that want quoting to be entirely maintained on your website. An added feature is the ability to update a quote with the latest freight options upon acceptance and conversion to an order.    

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    Product Restriction Enquiry

    The Product Enquiry tool allows you to check whether there are any product (stock) restrictions preventing a customer account from viewing a specific product. (For 4.37+ only)

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    Product Search with Banner

    To provide control of what product access Utilise the space directly under the product search tool for marketing or user-targetted content. When the user clicks in the Search box but has not started typing, the content, e.g., banner, displays. To minimise intrusiveness, once typing begins, the banner will disappear. 

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    Reprint & Email Invoices in Accounts

    Allow users to select invoices, print to PDF and have them emailed to themselves or others. 

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    Restrict B2B User Registration by Customer

    B2B (Trade) user registrations can now be disallowed based on Customer Code. Administrators will receive notification of the attempted registration. 

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    Save and restore customer cart contents

    Encourage your customers to complete their orders when they return later by enabling Cart Retention settings. Cart contents of guest users can be saved after session timeouts. And for both guest and logged in users, abandoned carts can be restored.   

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    Select from more Product Variant display options

    Two new field options to display product variants to the user are now available. 

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    Set Delivery or Pickup instructions to mandatory

    Too many fulfilment mishaps or miscommunications? Need more details from a buyer? Now you can set delivery and/or pickup instructions to mandatory. This means your customer must enter instructions before they can submit an order.

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    Set Product List page to gallery view

    Set the Product List image display to gallery view. This lets users browse through a product’s multiple images (up to 5) without leaving the Product List (zoned) page. They simply click on a thumbnail to view the image.

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    Set Sales Tax Rate by Role

    To use multiple sales tax rates on a single site, the global (default) sales tax rate on your site can be overriden by Role. This allows a site with customer bases in different countries to create country-based purchaser roles so correct tax rates are applied.  

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    Specify target page locations for Navigation Button

    When adding a navigation button with the Navigation Button Widget, you can now set the location of the target page more precisely. The page can open in the same window as the link, a new window/tab, or a location configured based on your site’s unique design.

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    Use custom contact details fields in Flyer Creator

    Allow custom instead of out-of-the-box fields to be used to display a company’s contact details in flyer headers. Userss can also select to save entered details so they won't need re-entering in the future. 


New Features

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    Add any link as a Section Menu item

    You can now add a link to any page - internal or external - on a Section Menu.  You can specify whether it opens in a new window and is included in the Site Map.

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    Add custom page link on Navigation Menu top level

    While Navigation menu items are typically product categories and sub-categories, you now have the flexibility of adding custom page links as top level items. 

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    Azure Operations Role for CMS User

    For sites using Azure operations, a basic Azure user role is now available for relevant CMS users. This allows the user to schedule Logic Apps tasks and manage Azure operations.

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    Bulk assign embedded videos to Product pages

    You can now bulk upload embedded video links (YouTube and Vimeo) to product pages. Videos open in a product's image gallery. 

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    Content: Standard Page SEO Info in One Location

    For direct access to a page's SEO details, Page Properties can now be accessed via the Options button on every standard page and template.  

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    Create a new Section Menu when adding or editing pages

    When adding a page, you can now create a new Section Menu there and then if you need one. This saves you from having to exit the page, going to Section Menu Editor to create a new menu, then returning to the page to link it! For an existing page, this feature is found in Page Properties.

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    Create custom templates for more page types

    Layout Creator allows you to create custom page layouts. It can now be used to customise even more page types.

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    Create customised email notification templates

    The Generic Email Notifications feature enables the creation of customised email templates, notification types and their email subjects. You can then use them for customised email notifications. NOTE - needs implementation by Commerce Vision.  

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    Global cache a custom widget

    Global caching can now be applied to custom widgets where suitable. This mode aims to improve site performance by creating a single cached record for all users.

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    Invite ERP Customer User to activate account

    Do you have new or existing ERP customers who are not registered online? This feature sends auto-email invitations to new or specific customer groups in your ERP to activate their accounts. Consultation with Commerce Vision is required.

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    Maintain Direct Deposit & BPAY settings in the CMS

    You can now set Direct Deposit and BPay options in the CMS. For 4.35+ sites.

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    New Quote mode - Standard & Approved

    The new Standard and Approved Quote mode integrates with the quoting system in your ERP while approvals are managed through your website. Once implemented by Commerce Vision, all setting options are easily accessible in the CMS.  

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    Online Product Restrictions

    Does your B2B business restrict some products to specific customers? Create product (stock) restriction rules online to define which customers are included or excluded from viewing products or product groups. (For 4.37+ only)

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    Override button changes to red to flag Overrides in use

    To flag that the Override feature is in use for a setting, its Overrides button will change to a red colour.   

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    Product Restriction Enquiry

    The Product Enquiry tool allows you to check whether there are any product (stock) restrictions preventing a customer account from viewing a specific product. (For 4.37+ only)

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    Select from more Product Variant display options

    Two new field options to display product variants to the user are now available. 

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    Sort Scripts and Styles

    In Scripts & Styles, you can now sort all scripts or styles by file name or date last edited.

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    Unlock a locked out CMS or website user

    Immediate unlock options are now available. When a Website or CMS user is locked out of their account for too many failed login attempts, they usually have to wait until the lockout period has lapsed or contact Commerce Vision. CMS administrators can now unlock a website user, and any CMS user in your company can unlock another CMS user.

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    View ERP Product ID in Product Maintenance

    Where an ERP uses Product IDs that are distinct from Product Codes, this product detail can now be viewed in Product Maintenance (ERP Product Data section). Only for sites on 4.31+.

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    View image's size and dimensions on upload

    When an image for a banner, article or category is uploaded in the CMS, its dimensions and file size are now displayed.   

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    Widget 'published' status flagged by Schedule icon colour

    (For the Page Preview feature) When a publishing date/time or period to push draft changes live is set for a single widget, its Schedule icon's colour shows whether changes are currently active 'green' or inactive 'red'.    


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