All New Features List
New Feature
Ability to hide $0 Freight charges — A new option ('Show Zero Dollar Freight Charge?') has been added to the Cart Order Summary Totals Widget, allowing freight charges of $0 to be excluded from the cart order summary.
Ability to hide child products in Search — The addition of new system flags means you can now hide child products from search and fast order entry. By default, searching by product code or description will include child products in the results (if they match criteria). However, now you can:
- Allow searching of child products by stockcode only - description searches won't return child products in results, but searching an exact child product code will. (version 3.99+)
- Hide child products completely - description and stockcode searches won't return child products, ever. Only the master product will be displayed. (version 3.92+)
Ability to hide forward order Contact fields — The Forward Orders Widget has been updated with 2 new options. You can now elect to hide the Contact Name and Contact Phone Number fields during forward order checkout. These 2 fields are displayed by default.
Ability to implement multiple Givex cards references — You can allow customers to use multiple Givex cards in one purchase.
Accertify fraud check API integration for Braintree Payments — Third party Accertify's fraud prevention API is integrated for use with the Braintree Payments gateway. Sites can control integration settings in the CMS.
Account Selection can apply to current order — The Account Select widget has been updated to include a new flag which controls whether a change of account applies to the user's current order.
Add any link as a Section Menu item — You can now add a link to any page - internal or external - on a Section Menu. You can specify whether it opens in a new window and is included in the Site Map.
Add Captcha to product document download — Captcha can be enabled for the PDF download button on the Product Detail page. As clicking this button downloads a pdf of the product detail page, adding Captcha is intended to minimise spam requests. Must be implemented by Commerce Vision.
Add Content Schema to Article Type — You can now add content schema markup for an article type. This detail allows search engines to work out what type of content the article group contains for SEO purposes and return more informative results for users. (For 4.32+)
Add Cost Centre for Whole Order — Managing budgets via cost centres is a critical aspect for some of your larger B2B customers. The cost centres feature has been extended. For any customer account, you can now set cost centre allocation to be against the whole order instead of every order line. This means the user need only enter a single cost centre per order.
Add custom page link on Navigation Menu top level — While Navigation menu items are typically product categories and sub-categories, you now have the flexibility of adding custom page links as top level items.
Add digital signature textbox to form — Include a mandatory digital signature input box in a questionnaire or form.
Add Kit Component Products to Cart — Instead of just listing component products of a kit product, they can now be individually added to cart right from the kit product's detail page.
Add Orders Awaiting Approval Widget on Dashboard — You can now add a widget so that a panel displays orders waiting a user's approval on the their Dashboard.
Add Prefix to product code field — A new option has been added to the Product List Product Code widget, allowing you to prefix the product code field with any value (e.g. "Code:"). When enabled, the product code field would display the prefix in a zoned product list scenario (i.e. search results, favourites, products in a category).
Adding products to Order Templates from product pages — Users are now able to add products to existing Order Templates from the product detail page.
- Widget documentation - Add Product To Order Template Widget
- Implementation guide - Add To Order Template from Product Pages
Additional Banner filters — We've updated the filter options for banners. From version 4.04+ you can now use the same Customer-based filters here that you're already accustomed to using in Layers.
Additional Charge display on order emails — New options have been added to the Email Order Summary widget to allow for the display of additional charges (where applicable). This would include things like small order fees or third party charges, but would not apply to freight charges (which are already listed separately.
Additional display options for Most Popular Products (Baynote) — The Most Popular Products Widget has been enhanced with the ability to hide or show the widget based on whether the user is viewing a Category or Product List page. With the widget on the Product List template, you can now specify that it should only render on Product Lists and not Category Lists, or vice versa.
The default behaviour is still that the widget will display in both places.
Additional user details to eWay for Fraud Protection — Additional user data (e.g. name, address, email) is now sent to eWay to assist their Beagle tool in fraud detection / prevention. If eWay suspects fraud, the order is placed on hold and an alert email is sent to the administrator.
- Widget documentation - Eway Fraud Alert Message Widget
- Implementation info - Order Data for Eway Fraud Protection
Address book for B2B users — The Dashboard has been enhanced to allow B2B users to set their default Delivery Address, selecting from the multiple addresses stored against their customer code in PRONTO.
Afterpay integration reboot — We've updated our Buy Now, Pay Later integration and now support Afterpay's latest API! This means you can now offer your customers both Zip AND Afterpay payment options at checkout.
Alerts popup for news articles — News articles can now be displayed in a modal popup window when they belong to the 'Alert' article type and have not expired. Confirmation from the user can also be required for these alerts. For classic sites only.
Alerts Popup widget can now show total 'active' alerts — The Alerts Popup widget has a new option to display the total number of 'active' alerts for the user / customer / role.
If 'Display Alert Count' is enabled, the number of alerts will display beside the button text. -
Allow partial payment orders with Braintree Payments — Allow or force users (by Role) to submit an order with an initial partial payment instead of the total on the Braintree payment gateway. This feature can suit a range of buying scenarios such as special order item prepayments, deposits for pickup, and payment plans. Partial payment orders are integrated to your Braintree account as well as to the multiple payment order maintenance facility on your website.
Allow view all categories for cached category list — To enhance viewing options while maximising load speed on mobile devices, you can now cache all categories in the Category List Static Widget instead of a limited number.
Alternate Phone for Contact Details — A new 'Alternate Phone' field has been added to the Contact Details widget. This will display an alternate contact number, with a customisable field prompt.
Anti-spam measures for Email A Friend — A Captcha (anti-spam) element has been added to the Email A Freind page template, as well as measures to ensure the email parameters can't be altered post-send.
Approve B2B users via CMS — New users who register for access via the B2B Registration page can now be approved via CMS Website Users maintenance. Approving the user here will trigger the approval notification email to the user, as per the functionality in the Advanced User Maintenance (legacy CMS) page.
Article Content Search — Enhance your site’s usability by extending your search capabilities to return more site-comprehensive results.
Previous search functionality focused on products, but we have widened the parameters to include related content, such as articles, videos, or images.
Article Zoned Item Template for Article List Widget — The Article Zoned Item Template is now available for use with the Article List Widget.
Attach payment document with order submission — You can require payment evidence to be uploaded with a specific payment option when an order is placed. This is useful for prepaid or partially-paid orders, or where evidence of offline payments is needed, e.g., a record of direct deposit done offsite.
Auto-update order lines in cart — Optimise the ordering flow for your customers by enabling auto-update of order lines in the Cart page and Cart Preview window. This eliminates the need to manually click the Update Order button. Order totals are automatically recalculated when product quantities are changed. In the cart, order line notes and cost centre details are saved as the user types.
Autoplay Off option for Banner Slider — The Banner Slider Widget now gives you the option to turn the autoplay function off, so that banners don't slide until the user wants them to (cycling through images with the Previous / Next buttons).
Azure Logic Apps Integration in the CMS — The use of Azure Logic Apps for ERP integration purposes is now possible on our Ecommerce platform. This alternative method allows you to trigger integrations, view run histories and edit run schedules right from within the CMS.
Azure Operations Role for CMS User — For sites using Azure operations, a basic Azure user role is now available for relevant CMS users. This allows the user to schedule Logic Apps tasks and manage Azure operations.
B2B Registration updates —
- The B2B Registration page has been rewritten to be responsive and widget-based.
- Logic has been added to the notification functionality, whereby user approval requests can be sent to various User Admins, based on rep code.
B2C Address Validation message options — New options have been added to the Delivery Address B2C widget, allowing the eCommerce Team to set the Address Lookup validation messages when mandatory fields have been left blank.
- Widget documentation - Delivery Address B2C Widget
Back in stock notification email template — The template for Back In Stock email notifications has been updated and is now available in the CMS.
No more need to deal with razor code and legacy content editors! Now you can customise this email template with configurable widgets, just like the other email templates in the CMS.
Backordered product display — A new feature has been added to display the quantity currently on backorder for individual products. This is similar to the 'Qty in cart' display, but shows the quantity on backorder for the customer viewing the product. This figure can be shown on the Product Detail page, Product List, and Cart pages.
Please Note - this feature is not compatible with sites using Live Pricing and Live Order Search.- Implementation guide - Backorder Quantity Display
Banner Slider next and previous arrows — A new widget option has been added to the Banner Slider widget to allow for next and previous buttons.
Bonus stock widget — A new Bonus Stock widget has been created for the display of bonus items on the product detail page.
BPAY and EFT payment email templates — New BPD email templates have been created for the BPAY and EFT payment detail emails.
Braintree Payments Gateway — The Braintree Payments gateway is ready for use on our Ecommerce platform. Braintree conveniently lets you offer your customers a growing list of payment methods. including credit cards, PayPal, Pay Pal's 4 in 1 (PayPal's Buy Now Pay Later option), Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Braintree Payments Settings — Completely managed in CMS, the Braintree Payments gateway is ready for use on our Ecommerce platform. Braintree conveniently lets you offer your customers a growing list of payment methods. including credit cards, PayPal, Pay Pal's 4 in 1 (PayPal's Buy Now Pay Later option), Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Bulk assign embedded videos to Product pages — You can now bulk upload embedded video links (YouTube and Vimeo) to product pages. Videos open in a product's image gallery.
Buy Now, Pay Later UX enhancements — From version 4.10.11+, available Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) options will be much clearer to the user during checkout. Both in the cart summary and in the cart itself, all enabled BNPL options will be displayed along with their associated installment options. This will allow users to clearly see the different choices available to them, and should make their purchasing decisions a little easier.
Canonical URLs — 4.31+ sites are implemented with the standard canonical URL feature by default. Consult with Commerce Vision for custom configuration.
Cart Preview can include Promo Code Expiry Date — A new option ('Show Promotional Code Expiry Date?') has been added to the Cart Summary widget, allowing the expiry date of any applied promo code to be shown in the hover preview.
Cart summary detail on hover — The Cart Summary widget has been enhanced to allow for the display of order lines information on hover.
- Widget documentation - Cart Summary Widget
- Implementation guide - Cart Preview on Hover
Catalogue: Product Variant Import Adds Images to Master Product — Do you use Product Variant import to bulk upload child product links to master products? This feature removes the need to manually update the master product with child product images in Product Maintenance. These images will automatically be added to the master product, ready to display on its product detail page and in gallery view.
Catalogue: Sort Option Flexibility for Product Lists — Do you use out-of-the-box sort options for product list search results? Or do you prefer customised options that are more suited to your products or customers? Either way, setting sort options has become a whole lot faster with the new look of the sort selection modal. And with a toggle, you can apply the sort configuration in one widget to some or all product sort list widgets.
Category Maintenance: Include or Exclude Custom Categories — Use the Custom Categories drop-down list in Category Maintenance to display All, Custom, or Global categories.
CC the Order Placed email to another recipient — A recent enhancement means that it's now possible to send a copy of the Order Placed email to an additional address for each Customer Code.
Checkbox for Allowable Product Document Types — Set allowable document types from checkbox toggles rather than typing a list. Accessible in the CMS from Settings → Feature Management → Products & Categories → Product Documents.
Checkout Steps — A new Checkout Steps widget has been created which renders a diagram of the user's progress through the checkout process.
Click & Collect enhancement for product availability calcs — A new setting ('Use Store Warehouse For Click And Collect Delivery') has been added to Click & Collect, allowing Delivery availability to be calculated on the User's selected store, rather than the default warehouse associated with their Customer Code.
If you're interested in making use of this new function, please contact our Support Team.
Click and Collect - Email Delivery — Selling gift cards and digital products that are delivered by email? We have streamlined the 'Click and Collect - Delivered by Email' mode so the entire process is seamless, from product listing to order checkout to delivery. Simply turn on 'email delivery' for the product.
Click and Collect - Store/warehouse locations enhancement — Click and collect locations have been enhanced so that delivery locations can include distribution warehouses in addition to stores and store warehouses. This flexibility caters for businesses with distribution warehouses in a particular area and want to specify order dispatch from such locations.
Click and collect by role — New role flags have been added to enable/disable Click & Collect functionality at the role level.
Click and Collect Mixed Delivery Method Orders — Does your website offer some products that must be delivered, others that can only be picked up, and also those that can be either? Using mixed delivery method allows delivery/pickup to be selected for each order line. Increase flexibility so your customers can request some items to be shipped, and others, to be picked up.
Click and Collect option to disable store — A new flag, 'IsStoreAvailabilityClickAndCollectEnabled', has been added to Click and Collect functionality. This allows the administrator to disable a store from being set as a pickup location, but still have the store be searchable in the standard store locator.
CMS - Cache Management page — A new Cache Management page has been added to the CMS for ease of refreshing the Product Cache or resetting the Dictionary. This CMS feature is compatible with CSS sites on version 3.83.00 and later.
CMS Campaign Statistics Totals Update — We have updated the Campaign Statistics grid to display values for all featured products, including products removed from the campaign.
Campaign Totals collates statistics for those products that are currently featured in the campaign.
Lifetime Campaign Totals collates statistics for all products that were in featured in the campaign, including products that have been removed.
CMS Scripts & Style Sheet Maintenance — The new CMS Scripts & Styles editor enables you to create and edit JavaScript or Style Sheet files directly in CMS without having to upload a new file every time they make a change.
Tell at a glance if a page uses a script or style customisation rather than trolling through countless HTML Snippets to find which one runs a script.
Combined note lines in Order History — A new option has been added to the Track Order Widget ("Consolidate Note Lines?"), which allows note lines to be combined in the order history detail view. This provides a more streamlined, compact view for orders with multiple note lines against products.
Company Name option for My Address in Dashboard widget — The option to display Company Name on the My Address section of the BPD Dashboard has now been added.
Configurable prompts for Product Purchase Details — All button text and prompts on the Product Purchase Details widget are now completely configurable. Wahoo!
- Widget documentation - Product Purchase Details Widget
Configurable text in Credit Card payment tab — An enhancement has been made to the Checkout Payment Options Widget, allowing you to configure the message text displayed on the Credit Card payment tab. Previously, this content was hard coded and could not be easily changed.
Configure Standard & Approved Quote mode in CMS — The Standard and Approved Quote mode integrates with the quoting and approvals systems in your ERP. Settings for this mode are now accessed in the CMS, making it easier to configure. Quote review functions for users include the ability to expire and cancel quotes, as well as request reactivation of old ones. (Must be implemented by Commerce Vision.)
Confirmation on Empty of Cart — A new option has been added to the Cart Buttons widget, allowing for a modal window to pop up asking for confirmation when the user clicks to Delete All products.
Content: Content Lock for Multisite and Role-based Control — Does your organisation need editing and publishing restrictions on specific pages and templates, campaigns, banners or articles that are shared across multiple sites? Content Lock lets organisations control such content items through the new Content Admin role.
Content: Deploy Content - Remote Multisite Content Publishing — Are you a multisite organisation wanting to share content easily across your websites? Deploy Content allows management of shared content across multiple websites linked to one organisation.
Content: Standard Page SEO Info in One Location — For direct access to a page's SEO details, Page Properties can now be accessed via the Options button on every standard page and template.
Converting HTML Snippets to Static Content — With the recent upgrade of Commerce Vision's CMS, you may have noticed that your HTML Snippet widgets no longer have a WYSIWYG content editor. Why did we do that?
Create a new Section Menu when adding or editing pages — When adding a page, you can now create a new Section Menu there and then if you need one. This saves you from having to exit the page, going to Section Menu Editor to create a new menu, then returning to the page to link it! For an existing page, this feature is found in Page Properties.
Create custom templates for more page types — Layout Creator allows you to create custom page layouts. It can now be used to customise even more page types.
Create customised email notification templates — The Generic Email Notifications feature enables the creation of customised email templates, notification types and their email subjects. You can then use them for customised email notifications. NOTE - needs implementation by Commerce Vision.
Create your own custom email templates — Want to create your own customised email templates for existing Commerce Vision notifications? You can now do that with the Generic Email Notifications template feature. Your custom email template always remains linked to notification function so you can easily test changes and ensure it is right for the notification type.
Credit Card Fee Override for Account Payments — If your site charges credit card fees, you can now set rate overrides for nominated Roles and/or Users for account payments.
Credit Card Verification Feature Settings configuration extended to CMS administrators — We have expanded the capabilities of CMS administrators by enabling them to configure Credit Card Verification Feature Settings.
In previous releases, parameter configuration was limited to Commerce Vision, and the customer was only able to toggle the feature on or off.
Credit Card Verification Updates — We have enhanced CSS's internal credit card verification functionality. Instead of a double charge option, a single charge method now defaults. And pending orders can now be integrated to your ERP before the verification process begins.
Currency code for Google Analytics — Currency code information is now included in data sent to Google Tag Manager / Analytics when our 'Enhanced eCommerce' option is enabled.
Custom Fields and zoned layout for News Articles — It is now possible to add Custom Fields to Articles, as well as enabling zoned layout for Article Lists.
Custom layouts for zoned Article templates — The Article Page Zoned template (used for the 'detailed' article view) was previously restricted to a single zone layout. An enhancement has now made this template compatible with custom layouts via the Layout Creator.
- Documentation - Layout Creator
Custom Roles for CMS —
Role Permissions
Permission Name Description Allows access to legacy CSS administration pages via the CMS Edit the Updates.css style sheet file MaintainCategoryInformation Edit product Category information Create / edit / delete Articles Maintain Article Types ManageBanners Create / edit / delete Banners ManageBannerTypes Maintain Banner Types Create / edit / delete Campaigns ManageCmsUsers Create / edit / delete CMS Users ManageCssCaches Clear caches in the CSS site ManageCustomFields Create / edit / delete Custom Fields Create / edit / delete Custom Layouts ManageCustomPages Create / edit / delete Custom Pages Create / edit / delete Custom Widgets Maintain Feature Settings ManageGoogleAnalytics View Google-related menu items in CMS ManageLayers Create / edit / delete Layers ManageMedia Maintain images and files via File Manager ManageProduct Edit Product information, excluding media ManageProductDocuments Edit Product information, including documents ManageProductMedia Edit Product information, including media ManagePromotionalCodes Create / edit / delete Promo Codes ManageTemplates Maintain Standard Pages ManageUserGroup Create / edit / delete User Groups ManageWebSites Manage Websites ManageWebsiteUsers Create / edit / delete Website Users ProductFeatureSetup Maintain Product Features data ProductVariantMaintenance Maintain Product Variants SearchTemplates Search Templates for text or widgets ViewCategories View category information (no editing) ViewProduct View product information (no editing) View the Style Guide menu items -
Custom Table Maintenance — Want online access to records from non-standard database tables? The Custom Table Maintenance feature can be implemented to provide a simple integrated way to manage database tables in the CMS.
Custom Widget finder — A new feature has been added to the maintenance screen for Custom Widgets in the CMS. You can now see whether a custom widget is currently in use on your site, and if so, where.
Customer Token Payments — For websites using eWAY, a Customer account can now add and manage a credit card as a 'token payment' in the "Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform". We've integrated this feature for online account payments so your Customers can select this stored credit card when paying invoices. Convenient and secure as card details do not have to be re-entered each time! The stored credit card can also be used to maintain a charge authority against the Customer, e.g., to settle outstanding amounts in your ERP. Please consult with Commerce Vision to explore this option.
Customer Warning Notes now in CMS — Warning notes added to customer accounts are now also displayed in the CMS. They appear when Website Users are assigned to customer accounts and to approvers reviewing a B2B user's self-registration. The popup note can contain any information relevant to the customer such as applicable business rules, default user budget limits, settings that should not be modified, etc.
Customisable search results messages — The previously hard-coded 'Your search returned no results message' has now been converted to a widget option in the Product List Grid widget. You can also customise the message displayed for related 'no results' searches, such as filters returning no results, or the favourites list being empty.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
Customisable text in Cart Summary on hover — The Cart Summary Widget has been updated so that the word "items" in the summary text is no longer hardcoded. Now, instead of telling the user "You currently have X items in your cart", you can say 'products', 'goodies', 'treasures'... The options are endless.
Delete unused custom layouts — A 'delete' option has been added to layouts created via the Layout Creator. No more unused test layouts cluttering your view! Simply edit the layout, then select Delete Layout from the Options menu.
Note that only unused layouts can be deleted.
Delete User: Additional Checks — When an administrator attempts to remove a user, the system will check if that user has active orders. If they do, then the administrator will not be able to remove that user's account.
Delivery Address B2C widget - country and state options — From version 4.03+, a new editing interface helps you update the country and state options on the Delivery Address B2C Widget. The new editor groups each country with its respective state list, so you only have to enter state data in a simple format, rather than a long code string with curly brackets and semicolons and single quotes.
Delivery Methods - new widget — A new Delivery Methods widget is available, which supports:
- Overriding a user's Delivery Address
- Setting a freight calculation method, which can be one of the following:
- Single charge set by the delivery method
- Standard Freight charge
- Standard Freight restricted by Carrier Code
- Tiered Charging based on quantity.
Deposit option for Click and Collect Pickup — For Click and Collect pickup orders, you can now choose to only charge a deposit (set as a percentage of the order total) on the order total and have the customer pay the balance when picking up.
Disable BPD delivery methods by role — A new role flag has been added to disable the BPD delivery methods functionality.
Display Common Options Tab in Custom Widgets — To ensure consistency in widget configuration, you can toggle the 'Include Common Options' switch in your Custom Widgets to include the Common Options tab, which enables you to choose the devices on which the widget should display, set alignment and print parameters, and add additional style classes.
Display four top level Category columns with Category Menu Widget — For quick access to more top level categories on its navigation menu, the Category Menu Widget can now display up to four columns.
Display Image Overlay over Video — When a video is added to a page, instead of displaying a blank, entice users to view content by adding a poster overlay before the video loads.
Display the Customer's Currency — Clearly display to your customers the currency in which they are transacting.
This is useful when your site caters to customers in different countries. The buyer will know what currency they will be paying in at Checkout, and if you offer payment in their local currency, there will be no conversion differences on their credit card or bank account statement.
Dispute Invoice — The Dispute Invoices feature allows Users to query outstanding invoices in their Customer account. When a dispute is lodged, the invoice will be flagged as 'being in dispute'. This provides an easy trackable way for your Customer Users to raise an issue against an unpaid invoice .
Dispute Invoices — The Dispute Invoices feature allows Customer Users to query outstanding invoices in their Customer account. This provides an easy trackable way for your users to raise an issue against an unpaid invoice.
Dividing Campaign products across a content page — A new option ('Is split campaign?') has been added to the Campaign Slider widget. This allows you to break up a single campaign into multiple widgets, splitting the products into groups. Check out our knowledge base article here - Split Campaigns.
Drag and drop sequencing for Order Template lines — Lines in an order template can now be sequenced via drag and drop.
Edit custom widgets from the template page — A new option has been added to custom widgets when they appear on a page (or email) template. You can now select 'View Source Code' from the Options menu and be taken straight to the widget editing page! NICE.
Edit in Cart Preview — Let users edit quantities in the Cart Preview popup instead of having to go to the Shopping Cart. This gives them the option of staying on the current page.
Edit page SEO / meta data in the CMS — SEO details and meta data for every page type (custom and standard) and template can now be viewed or edited in their Page Properties in the CMS.
Email invoice to user in Order History — Users can select one or more completed orders from the Order History page to have their invoices emailed to themselves or others.
Email Order Summary - Show Back Order Info in Order Confirmation — Backordered products/quantities can now be displayed separately to those available to ship in the order summary section of the confirmation email.
Email Phone and Fax number maintenance — The Email Company Information Widget has been updated to allow maintenance of the actual company Phone and Fax numbers, rather than just their prompts. Updating either of these widget options will update the Company phone and fax number resources, so keeping things up-to-date doesn't mean changing it in 10 places!
Email Stylesheet override widget option — From version 4.10+, an 'Override Stylesheet' option has been added to the Email Style Sheet Widget, consisting of a CSS editor linked to a system-wide resource ('rcEmailStylesheetOverride'). Simply place the code for your custom email styles here, and the resource will be updated.
This means that every email template using this widget will be customised with your override styles, extending your ability to customise your email styles in once place.
Email template for EFT invoice payments — Similar to the email sent when users pay orders via EFT, a new BPD email template has been created for account payments by EFT.
This customisable email contains a summary of invoices being paid, payment notes (if entered), and unallocated payment amounts (if this option has been enabled and funds are available).
You can read more about BPD's widget-based email templates (including this one) here - Widget-Based Email Templates. -
Email templates for B2B Registration — Three new email templates have been added to the CMS for B2B Registration:
- B2B Registration Submitted
- B2B Registration Approval Required
- B2B Registration User Notification
Enforce both pack and minimum quantities in order — For products that have both a set minimum quantity and must be bought in a pack, allowable add to cart quantity can now be restricted so that both pack and minimum quantity rules are followed.
Enforce Pack Quantities Globally — It is now possible to enforce ordering in pack quantity globally instead of using individual widgets.
Enhanced flexibility for product variant styling — We've just made it easier to customise the look and feel of the product variant selectors on your website. New class names for each product option type means we can target them in stylesheets to style them as per your site design.
Enhanced Rich Snippets — Customise your rich snippets with the Enhanced Rich Snippet feature. Ensure search engine results display extra product data such as availability, product image and currency code.
Enhancements for Google Tag Manager — GTM enhancements have been made to support the following events:
- Login
- Logout
- Apply Promo Code
- Product Clicks
Eway settings now in CMS — You can now manage configuration settings for the latest Eway gateway methods - Secured Fields (Direct Connection API) and Responsive Shared Page - yourself. No need submit a request to us,
eWAY's Secure Fields and Responsive Shared Page APIs supported — The "Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform" now supports eWAY's Secure Fields and Responsive Shared Page payment processing methods. These updated methods offer security enhancements for credit card processing.
Exclude products by price code in Discount Promos — Our cart discount promotion functionality has been expanded! Now, you can exclude products by ERP price code from the promotion, meaning they won't be counted toward the spend requirement (and won't be discounted either, if you so choose).
Got a whole host of contract products you don't want included in a promotion? This enhancement is for you.
See our guide on Cart Discount Promo Codes for further detail on how to set up this type of promotion. -
Expand collapse function for Fast Order Entry — An expand/collapse button option has been added to the Fast Order Entry widget.
Expand Guest Checkout by default — Guest Checkout fields can be set to Expand by default. With this option, the Guest User does not have to click the Guest Checkout button.
Expanded Multi Buy pricing — A new setting has been created at both System and Customer levels to expand Multi Buy (quantity break) pricing by default. When enabled, the Multi Buy pricing grid will be expanded on the Product List and Product Detail pages. The user will not have to select the option to view quantity break pricing.
Expiry date for product ribbons — A new Expiry Date field has been created for product ribbons, so they may be automatically removed from the product on expiration.
- Implementation guide - Product Ribbons
Export Cart lines to CSV — Some of your larger customers running ERP software may require the ability to put a shopping cart together online, and then export those items into a spreadsheet or CSV file.
They upload the CSV file into their ERP system to generate a purchase order for those goods.
These customers will be happy to know that we've added new functionality to allow users to export the lines in their cart to a CSV file.
Export Cart to Excel — How many of your customers don't checkout immediately once they reach cart? Or need a record of items for their manager? Give your users the option to have a record of their cart's contents before purchasing. The Add an Export to Excel button allows users to have their cart contents emailed to them in an Excel file. The out-of-the-box solution provides a default Excel template that can include a product image.
Export existing data via the Data Import module — Administrators can now export existing data for a profile in the Data Import page. This allows for easier editing and re-importing of the data later.
- Documentation - Data Import and Export
Export Order History to CSV — The Track Orders widget now has an option to add a button in search orders so your customers can export order history to a CSV file.
Extend flexibility for Contract Ribbons — This extension adds extra fields that can be used when creating a Contract Ribbon. This allows contract ribbons to use alternative or up to two more conditions to define when a contract ribbon is displayed.
Fast Order Entry - excluding restricted products — A new option has been added to the Cart Fast Order Entry Widget, allowing you to exclude restricted products from the lookup as the user types. Since restricted products are included in search results across the site, the default behavior for Fast Order Entry is the same. Now, however, you can choose to hide them with the 'Exclude Order Restricted Products' flag.
File Manager — Want to upload multiple files? Edit images? Drag and drop files from your PC into your website's file directory?
Use the File Manager tool!
File Manager enhancements for Move / Copy — Is your website running version 4.01.00 or higher? If so, you can now enjoy lightning-fast moving & copying in our updated CMS File Manager. 40+MB folders now process in under 2 seconds.
Filtering Contract products in a product list — A new Contract Item Filter widget has been created to enable filtering of Contract products when viewing products in a list. This new widget can be added to the Product List page template so that B2B users can view contract items only, non-contract only, or all products in the list.
- Widget documentation - Contract Item Filter Widget
- Implementation guide - Contract Product Filtering
First & Last Name fields for Guest Checkout — A new option (Capture First and Last Name Separately for Guest Users?) has been added to the Delivery Address B2C Widget, allowing the split capture of guest First and Last names. This allows for more consistent transfer of user information to zipMoney, ensuring a higher rate of instant approvals and less manual intervention on zip orders.
Flyer Creator enhancements — The Flyer Creator widget & template have been updated to cater for product ribbons, inc/ex tax messaging, and was/now pricing. To enquire about implementation, please contact us.
Flyer Creator functionality — A new feature has been developed to allow customers to create one-page product flyers quickly and easily! See our How-to guide here - Flyer Creator.
Forter Behavioural Tracking Integration — The Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform is now pre-configured to integrate fraudulent behavioural tracking and approval/rejection decision solution by Forter, a third party payment protection company. It is aimed at websites with many unknown customers, e.g., B2C users. It is only available for the eWAY gateway.
Forward Order dates for orders awaiting approval — The Orders Approval widget has been updated to read and display the Forward Order date for an order (where a forward order date exists).
Fraud prevention - payment retry limits — New functionality for credit card payments now allows you to limit the number of payment attempts per order. Users making multiple failed payments will be locked out from further attempts for a specified period.
This can reduce charge-backs due to stolen credit cards and fraudulent transactions.
Freight charge display in order emails — A new option has been added to the Email Order Summary Widget, allowing you to nominate whether the charges summary displays simply 'Freight' for the single freight charge line, or uses the system description for each charge type.
Enabling 'Show Freight Description?' would mean that carrier names could be included in the email, and where there were multiple charge lines (e.g. bulky freight), these could each be displayed.
Full image clickable in Banner Slider — A new option has been added to the Banner Slider Widget, allowing you to specify whether the full image is clickable or not. This is useful in designs where the banner overlay is large or covers the center of the banner.
A larger clickable area can reduce frustration for your users.
Generate and Subscribe to Reports — A user group member can now generate updated reports designated to the group whenever they wish via the Dashboard. AND if the report is enabled for subscription, the user can schedule the system to automatically rerun and email updates to select recipients (including customers) daily, weekly or monthly. Handy for providing updates on stock, sales, payments, etc.
Global cache a custom widget — Global caching can now be applied to custom widgets where suitable. This mode aims to improve site performance by creating a single cached record for all users.
Guest Checkout functionality — Guest Checkout functionality is now available, whereby B2C users can checkout with logging in or registering for an account.
- Implementation Guide - Guest Checkout
Guest Checkout template and widget updates — The Guest Checkout template has been updated to include 2 new layout zones (OptionsLeft and OptionsRight). In conjunction, a new Guest Checkout Expand Button widget has been created, which toggles the guest checkout fields to be expanded or collapsed.
- Implementation Guide - Guest Checkout
Help icon on Questionnaire fields with tooltips — The Questionnaire Widget has been updated to render help icons next to fields which have tooltip data against them. You can enable this feature via the 'Show Help Icon' setting on the widget.
Hide Product Categories link in mobile menu — The Mobile Menu widget has been updated so that no 'Product Categories' link will display on the mobile menu if the 'Product Category Menu Text' field is left blank.
Hide Recently Viewed widget option — The Recently Viewed Products widget now has an option to hide the widget until the user views a product. If no products have been recently viewed, the widget (including heading text, etc.) will not display.
- Widget documentation - Recently Viewed Products Widget
Hiding order total in Order Template list view — It is now possible to hide the order total column from the Order Template list view. For some customers, the total order value is irrelevant for Order Templates. In these cases, the column can be removed via resource.
Hiding the stock code on master products — A new option has been added to the Product Field widget (Hide Product Code for Master Product?). When the widget is set to display the Product Code, and the product is a master (i.e. has variants / child products), this option hides the product code.
This prevents end users getting confused when they see one product code on the detail page, but another after they select variants and add the product to cart.
Honeypot (Anti-scraping Protection) and Suspicious Activity Monitoring tools — Worried about scraping bots, unwanted visitors or content stealing? The Honeypot and Suspicious Activity Report features provides ways to help monitor your website against content scraping and suspicious activities.
Hover delay for mega and navigation menus — When accessing the mega or navigation menus, an adjustable timeout has been added so that when you hover over, a delay occurs before opening/closing the menu.
HTML Editor update — The WYSISWYG ('What You See Is What You Get') HTML editor has been updated. It now includes a number of new features that should make your text creation and editing even better! You can edit in full screen and directly insert special characters, as well as take advantage of a host of styling and formatting buttons and options in the toolbar.
Icon option for child menu items in Navigation Menu — The Navigation Menu widget now has the option to allow child menu items to display an icon.
Image number can be specified in a Product List — A new option ('Product Picture to Use') has been added to the Product List Image widget, allowing the administrator to specify the image number displayed by the widget.
- Widget documentation - Product List Image Widget
Image switching in list / grid view — From version 4.04 you can now view products in a list and have the image switch when a variant is selected. Previously, the image only changed when the product's detail page was being viewed.
Improved ordering of attribute products — A new Product Attribute Grid widget has been created to improve the UX when ordering attribute products with 2 or more dimensions (style/colour/size) in the zoned product list.
Improvements to the Buy Now, Pay Later Configuration Screen — We have improved the layout of the Buy Now, Pay Later configuration page to make it easier to find and configure your desired payment feature.
Include Article Type in Breadcrumb — To give users more navigational info when they are in an article page on your site, you can now include 'article type' in the breadcrumb trail. Especially useful if your site has more than one group of articles and blogs.
Increase by Pack Quantity in Order Templates — Order Templates now have the ability to force increase of quantities by pack quantity. Simply tick the "Increase Quantities In Pack Qty?" option in the Order Templates widget.
Individual Article Template Customisation — You can now bypass built-in article templates and create your very own custom template layouts for articles. Assign them to individual articles as you please.
Infinite Scrolling functionality — Infinite Scrolling (or endless scrolling) functionality is now available - as the user scrolls to the bottom of the page (when viewing product list/grid), the next set of products automatically loads. This saves the user navigating through paging.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
- Implementation guide - Infinite / Endless Scrolling
Infinite scrolling updates — The option has been added to show a button (or other html content) to control the loading of more products. There is also now the option to pre-load data prior to its display on the page.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
- Implementation guide - Infinite / Endless Scrolling
Instant Order Received emails — A new feature has been added whereby Order Received emails can be sent instantly to users, without waiting for the order to integrate to the ERP (which could be delayed in the case of backups, stocktake, or other scenarios). This email is in addition to the standard Order Confirmation email, and is sent as a reassurance that the order has been sent from the website successfully.
Integration of User-Debtor data — Functionality has been added to allow Users of selected Role types to have their own Customer record. This can involve a subset of new customers when created in Pronto and sent to the web, automatically having a matching User record created, or inversely, when a new User registers on the website, having the Customer record automatically created and then integrated into Pronto wherein the matching Customer account is created.
Updates of the Customer details in Pronto can flow through to the User on the web via the Integrator and through the use of Customer / User field mapping. Likewise, changes to the User details on the website can flow through to the Customer record, again using field mappings, and then be updated in Pronto via the Integrator. This whole process allows for synchronization of data for users and their own unique customer record to be maintained between the website and Pronto.
- Documentation - User Debtor Integration
Invite ERP Customer User to activate account — Do you have new or existing ERP customers who are not registered online? This feature sends auto-email invitations to new or specific customer groups in your ERP to activate their accounts. Consultation with Commerce Vision is required.
Invoice Approval Functionality (DRAFT) — In situations where branch offices submit orders and receive deliveries of goods, but head office processes the payments, there can be a disconnect in the information flow that negatively impacts the timely payment of invoices, especially in situations where the delivery was incomplete, or goods were damaged.
We have improved the procure-to-pay process to reduce the lag time between goods delivered and invoice payment by enabling the branch offices to validate and approve invoices. The system notifies Head Office of the order approval via the Trading Partner Network, and Head Office can then process the invoice and release for payment.
Invoice Reprints - Child account access — An enhancement has been made to Invoice Reprints, whereby a user with access to the Bill-To account can now request reprints for child account invoices.
Keep me logged in functionality — A new 'Keep me logged in' feature has been added to the Login page and widget, whereby a user can elect to be remembered and not have to log back in with their credentials the next time they visit the site.
- Widget documentation - Login Widget & Login / Logout Popup Widget
- Implementation guide - Keep Me Logged In
Layer filters - Groups for overlapping layers — Overlapping layers can now be handled with Layer Groups and filtering. Where multiple layers apply to a user, the application of one can be dependent on whether the other is active. See our guide here - Layer Group Filtering.
Layer filters - User email address — A new option has been added to BPD's Layers, enabling the layer to apply to specific users. This is done via email addresses (including wildcards). Enter multiple addresses separated by a comma, or specify a whole doman such as * (which will target all users with an "" email address).
Layer filters - User Groups — Layers can now be filtered according to User Groups. Add one user or many. See our guide here - User Group Filtering.
Limit categories in a navigation menu — This new option lets you limit the top level categories displayed in a navigation menu on your Home Page.
Link custom pages to categories for breadcrumbs — A newly-introduced CMS feature means you can now link a custom page to a product category for breadcrumb purposes.
When the feature is enabled, you'll see a 'Breadcrumb Parent' field in your Page SEO Details section. You can select any global category from this lookup box, and it will display as the parent of your page in the breadcrumb link.
Link for GST Toggle to Cart Summary — A new option has been added to the Cart Summary widget, allowing it to be linked to the Tax Toggle widget (if in use). When linked, the cart summary amount will update when the user toggles between GST inclusive and exclusive display.
- Widget documentation - Cart Summary Widget, Tax Toggle Widget
List layout for Campaign Slider — An new option ("Show Products As List") has been added to the Campaign Slider widget to display products in a list layout, rather than the conventional grid.
Lock for style sheet editor — A CMS enhancement for our design-minded users: when one of you edits the Style Sheet (updates.css file), it will now be locked, preventing other users from editing at the same time and overwriting your amazing work.
Login/Logout widget HTML Structure — We updated the HTML structure of the Login/Logout widget to make it consistent with other widgets.
Lump sum Account payments — A new 'Pay Generic Amount' option has been added to the Account Payment Widget, allowing lump sum payment to be accepted. These amounts will be automatically allocated to the oldest outstanding invoices first.
MailChimp Abandoned Cart Email — For sites using MailChimp ecommerce (API ver. 3), you may add the MailChimp Abandoned Cart Email feature. This requires consultation with our Professional Services team.
MailChimp API Version 3 support — We're happy to report that we've added support for MailChimp API version 3.0. This means it's now possible to track cart abandonment, campaign effectiveness, and more. Contact us for more information if you're interested in taking advantage of this enhanced functionality.
Maintain Direct Deposit & BPAY settings in the CMS — You can now set Direct Deposit and BPay options in the CMS. For 4.35+ sites.
Manually Sort Product Variants in CMS — We have made it easier for you to reorder the master product attributes list by manually dragging the variants.
Mega Menu content using subtemplates — Subtemplates can now be used within content zones in the Mega Menu. With subtemplates, instead of editing content for a category menu item with HTML, you can place widgets on a template assigned to that category zone. This means that you can also filter the widget's content display by Layer.
Mega Menu widget enhancement — The Mega Menu widget has been enhanced to allow the addition of non-product or category menu items (such as section menus). Child menu items can be included or not, and you can also specify the visual placement of the new top level item.
Message regarding non-support of self registration — A new option has been added to the Register widget to allow for a message to users attempting to register. If the site is not configured to allow self-registration (i.e. the system flag 'Allow Casual Users to Register' is set to No), the new message will be displayed.
Metadata type display option — A new option ("Add Filtered Attribute Prefix?") has been added to the Product List Filter widget. Enabling this allows the metadata type to be displayed along with the filter value. For example, "Currently Filtered By: (Brand) Reflex" rather than "Currently Filtered By: Reflex".
Mixed Product Buy Pricing Promotion — Do you require an ERP-based promotion online where the purchase of a specified number of products from a 'promotion group' is eligible for volume discounts? And for discounts (either by price or percentage off) to vary for different Customer Types (as defined by Marketing Flags in your ERP)? This can now be implemented for your site.
Mobile banner option — Banners can now be configured to be displayed for Desktop, Mobile, or All.
- Implementation guide - Targeting Banners by Device
Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop display options — From version 4.15.00 onward, we have enhanced the "Show on Mobile?", "Show on Tablet?", and "Show on Desktop?" widget display options. When you toggle one or more of the "Show On" device type displays to OFF, the icons will display on the widget in the template page to indicate what devices will display (or not) that widget's content.
Modal input window for customer reference when placing order on hold — The Cart Buttons widget has been updated to include a new option for the Hold Reference. This new flag determines whether the user inputs their hold reference in a modal window over the cart, rather than being redirected to the Orders On Hold page.
Modal login widget — A new Login/Logout modal widget has been created for BPD.
- Widget documentation - Login / Logout Popup Widget
- Implementation guide - User Login Window
More product information for variants — The Product Attribute List & Product List Attribute List widgets have been enhanced with the following capabilities:
- Option to display the product code for each variant in the list. This allows you to show the 'child' code if you wish.
- Option to display the availability of each variant in the list. Let your customers order what you've got in stock! You can also display a custom availability widget here if required.
- Ability to hide availability for certain roles.
- Ability to hide the 'Total ex GST' column (displayed at the end of the list by default).
- Ability to customise the In Stock / Out of Stock prompts
These widgets are used to display variant options on the Product Detail page and in the Product List (zoned layout). -
Most Popular Products - Baynote — The 'Most Popular Products' widget, which displays your site's most popular products based on Baynote algorithms, has been updated to include a Baynote template option. Now, the widget can display data based on different templates depending on the widget configuration.
- Widget documentation - Most Popular Products Widget
- Implementation guide - Most Popular Products
New Article Detail page widgets — Four new Article page widgets have been created so that Article List widgets no longer need to be used for the Detail page. This allows for updated widget styling (more appropriate to the Article View page), and allows the correct article image to be displayed on the detail page (previously it would show the thumbnail image from the article List). New widgets are as follows:
New BPD In Development widget — A new In Development widget has been added to BPD, which places a popup alert over a 'work in progress' page.
New Click & Collect setting for negative stock — A new system flag has been created for Click & Collect stock availability calculations. Where before, when availability was calculated from all warehouses, any with negative stock values would be deducted from the total, skewing the availability.
The new 'Include Warehouses With Negative Stock' flag can now be disabled, causing any negative values to be ignored.
New code editor — The code editor has been upgraded to provide further editing features, including a version comparison tools for Scripts and Styles and custom widgets.
New Copy option for website users — A copy option has been added to the Website User Maintenance page in the CMS! Clicking 'Copy' on an existing user will create a new user with the same:
- default account code
- initial role
- customer codes & associated approval limits
All you have to do is populate the new user's email address and contact information.
New customisation options for Invoice Reprint — The Invoice Reprint Widget has been updated with new options. You can now customise search titles and subtitles, as well as error notifications.
New display options for Technical Specs — We've enhanced the Product Technical Specifications widget with some new display options. You can now choose to show/hide feature titles, or hide just the duplicates. You can also choose to display or exclude only a subset of features, using a comma-separated list.
New email templates — New BPD responsive email templates have been created:
- Customer Statements Available Email Template
- Budget Expiry Warning Email Template
- Budget Remaining Email Template
- User Approval Request Email Template
- User Approval Rejected Email Template
- User Approval Granted Email Template
- User Approval Unrejected Email Template
- Order Approval New Approver Email Template
- Order Approval Replaced Approver Email Template
- Alerts Email Template
- Receipting Information Email Template
You can see examples of these emails here - Widget-Based Email Templates
New email templates for Account Payments — New email templates have been created for BPD sites, to be sent when users pay invoices online. The new templates are widget based and the content can be customised, unlike the old system-generated emails.
- Account Payment Email
- BPAY Account Payment Email
- Credit Card Account Payment Email
(An EFT Account Payment Email template is already available from version 4.00.)
New flag in Product Maintenance to mark product as 'POA.' — A new product-level 'POA' flag has been added to the Product Maintenance page in the CMS. This allows administrators to mark products as POA even though they may have a price record in PRONTO. Products with this flag enabled will not display a price on any page of the website, or in Price Book Exports.
New label option for Freight — A new option ("Free Delivery Label") has been added to the Freight Options widget, allowing the eCommerce Team to configure the label displayed when $0 charge is applied. Previously, the label 'Free Delivery Promotion Applied' would show, but this was not appropriate in the scenario where a freight quote was required (and so a $0 charge was applied to the order).
New Layer options — Additional Customer fields have been added to the CMS Layers list, each with the 'exclusion' checkbox. New layer options include:
Documentation - Layers
New Local Storage browsers message widget — A new Feature Support widget has been created to advise users when their browser does not allow access to local storage.
- Widget documentation - Web Browser Feature Support Widget
New Lucene Search option to remove plurals — A new option has been added to the Lucene search function within BPD, allowing for the removal of plurals from search terms. This means that a search for "microphone stands", for example, becomes a search for "microphone stand". Removing plurals will generally yield more complete search results for the end user. (As this new setting ('AllowPluralsRemovalForSingleSearch') is currently only accessible via the database, please contact us if you'd like to enable it.)
New option to display numeric values for Credit Card expiry dates — A new option ("Show Numeric Card Expiry?") has been added to the Checkout Payment Options widget. This allows numeric values to be displayed at checkout for credit card expiry dates. With this option enabled, the user will select '05' & '19' rather than 'May' & '2019'.
- Widget documentation - Checkout Payment Options Widget
New options for configuring Checkout Address widgets — New options have been added to the Checkout Address B2B and B2C widgets. For both widgets, there is now the option to display 'Authority to Leave' above the Delivery Instruction section (default placement is below). For the B2C widget, there is also the option to expand/display the Delivery Address section by default.
New options for Page Title Dynamic widget — The ability to add an optional container class and display the Category Description has been added to the Page Title Dynamic Widget. This enables the widget to dynamically display the title and subtitle for Category and Product List pages, as well as the Product Detail page.
New product detail widgets — New widgets have been created for product detail:
- Product Favourite Button
- Product Quantity Breaks
- Product RRP
New Promo Code scenario — We've added another promo code scenario to the CMS toolkit! Now, you can offer a product at a discounted price when your customer buys a specific quantity of another product.
New Promotion Codes — Four new promotion codes are available for versions 4.31+.
New Quote mode - Standard & Approved — The new Standard and Approved Quote mode integrates with the quoting system in your ERP while approvals are managed through your website. Once implemented by Commerce Vision, all setting options are easily accessible in the CMS.
New role selection system flag — A new system flag has been created to define how roles are selected when the user logs in and changes accounts. The change relates to users who have specific roles linked to particular accounts, and whether their role should change upon change of account.
New standard Dashboard widgets — Five new standard dashboard widgets have been created for use out-of-the-box:
- Dashboard Account Status Widget
- Dashboard Articles Widget
- Dashboard Back Orders Widget
- Dashboard Product Favourites Widget
- Dashboard Recent Invoices Widget
These widgets have formerly been custom implementations for B2B sites, but are now available to everyone!
New Video widget — A new Video widget has been added to the CMS, allowing you to add links to YouTube and Vimeo videos outside of the product gallery. Using the Video widget instead of an HTML snippet means the video will be automatically styled for responsiveness across devices.
- Widget documentation - Video Widget
New widget for Consolidated Note Lines — A new widget has been created for the display of note lines in the order history screen. Previously, when note line consolidation was enabled (i.e. the same product on 2 order lines gets merged to 1 line), any user-entered notes against the products would display on a separate line and be slightly confusing to the viewer.
Now, the 'Consolidated Note Line Description' widget can be added to the Search Order Result Lines Info template, allowing the note lines to be rendered with their relevant product, complete with consistent website styling.
New widget for order line Unit Description — A new widget has been created to display the product's unit description in order line scenarios.
New widget to display extra order information on emails — A new widget (Email Order Details Information) has been created to render additional order information in email output. Additional information could be Customer Reference, User Account Code, or User Name, for example.
- Widget documentation - Email Order Details Information Widget
Notify Me functionality — 'Notify Me' functionality can now be implemented in BPD, enabling users to receive an email notification when out of stock products become available.
Offline order email functionality — A new feature is available which allows Order Confirmation and Order Shipped emails to be sent to customers for non-web orders. Requires integrator version 4.62.00+.
- Implementation guide - Offline Order Emails
OG Images For Custom Pages — Embedding OG images in social media shareable links to custom pages is now supported. Add an OG image to give social media viewers a visual teaser of what they will see if they click the link.
OG tags for Social sharing — Have you ever copied a link to a product page on your site, only to paste it into a Facebook post and have some random image show up instead of the picture of the product?
This enhancement makes that a thing of the past.
Open Graph (OG) protocol tags have now been added as standard to all BPD sites running version 4.11+, to assist with content when sharing pages to social platforms.
So, when posting one of your site's pages to Instagram or Facebook (for example), core data such as Title, Description, SEO url, image, and image alt text are correctly pushed across for use by the social platform.
Online Discounts — Online Discounts allow promotional price breaks to apply to targeted products to encourage or reward volume purchases. Set higher discounts for higher quantities! It is easy for your customers since promotion codes do not need to be entered. Discounts will automatically be calculated and flagged in the shopping cart.
Online Product Restrictions — Does your B2B business restrict some products to specific customers? Create product (stock) restriction rules online to define which customers are included or excluded from viewing products or product groups. (For 4.37+ only)
Online Quoting Mode — Online only quoting mode is now available and configurable in the CMS. This mode is designed for ecommerce sites that want quoting to be entirely maintained on your website. An added feature is the ability to update a quote with the latest freight options upon acceptance and conversion to an order.
Online return processing — Give your customers a hassle-free returns experience by letting them self-service on your website! Our Online Returns feature makes it easy.
Online Returns settings added to CMS — Two online return settings to verify the validity of partial return submissions have been added to CMS Feature Management for easy access.
Openpay branding — The Openpay logo and branding messages have been updated to the latest.
Openpay is here — Openpay is now available to be configured as an additional Buy Now, Pay Later option. Give your users another way to pay during checkout and watch your cart abandonment figures tumble.
Option to hide Code or Title info for master products — A new option ('Hide When Master Product') has been added to the Product Title widget. Now, you can choose to hide the Product Code or the entire widget on detail pages for master products.
For backward compatibility, the default setting for this new option is to hide nothing.
Option to hide decimal places in product price — A new option has been added to the price display widgets which allows the decimal places to be hidden. So for example, $389.00 would display as $389 with the new option enabled.
The option to 'Strip Zero Decimal Amounts' has been added to the following widgets:
Option to hide order totals on Order Confirmation Email — A new option has been added to the Email Order Summary widget, enabling the dollar totals section of the order summary to be hidden in the Order Confirmation Email.
- Widget documentation - Email Order Summary Widget
Option to hide State in B2C Address display — A new option ('Hide State Field In Address') has been added to the Order Confirmation Address B2C Widget. This will prevent the display of the State field on the Order Confirmation page, after the user has submitted their order.
Order Approval button placement — A new option (Approval Buttons Placement) has been added to the Orders Approval Widget. This option allows you to display the approval buttons above the order, below it, or in both locations.
Order History search on page load - new option — A new option has been added to the Track Order widget, determining whether the order search is triggered on page load. This option allows sites using Live Order History to avoid excessive calls to the ERP.
- Widget documentation - Track Order Widget
Order Import enhancements — Multiple enhancements have been made to Order Import in BPD:
- a new Order Import widget has been created with configurable options
- multiple files can now be imported
- data rows can now be validated prior to performing the import
Order Import updates — The Order Import widget has been updated to allow customisation of messages and error handling. New widget options have been added to permit skipping of error lines, as well as configuration of the various status messages.
- Widget documentation - Order Import Widget
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