Product Ribbons

Product Ribbons

Product Ribbons

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Product ribbons are coloured labels displayed across a product thumbnail image in the product details or product list pages. They are an eye-catching way to highlight specific products to users browsing your site. Ribbons covering a range of scenarios are available for use out of the box. You can also upload your own ribbon flag images.

When a ribbon flag is assigned to a product, it appears as an overlay on the product image.  

On this page:

Use this guide to: 

  1. enable the Ribbon Flag feature for your BPD site
  2. maintain Ribbon Flags, including creating and uploading your own
  3. assign a Ribbon Flag to a Product.  

Step-by-step guide

1. Enable Ribbon Flag maintenance

To be able to maintain Ribbon Flags and assign them to products, online Product Maintenance and the Ribbon Flag feature must be enabled in Settings.  

  1. In the CMS, go to SettingsFeature ManagementProduct Maintenance

  2. If Product Maintenance is disabled, toggle it on, and then click Configure.

  3. In the 'Product Maintenance Settings' screen, scroll down 'Feature Options' and tick Enable Maintenance of Ribbon Flag

    The Ribbon Flag Options section now appears in the screen, with the default BPD ribbons loaded. 

  4. Click Save or Save & Exit. If you want to maintain ribbon flags at this point, proceed to Step 2.

2. Maintain Ribbon Flags

Once the Ribbon Flag feature is enabled, you can add and delete the set of ribbon flags that can be assigned to individual products in Product Maintenance (Step 3 below).   

Creating your own flag

Any custom ribbon flags you want to add need to have been created first.

To ensure your ribbon flags are optimally sized and keep the look-and-feel of BPD ribbon flags, the following sample ribbon image (*.psd file) and font can be downloaded : 

To add a ribbon flag,

  1. In the 'Product Maintenance Settings' screen, scroll down to the Add Ribbon Flag Option section.

  2. In New Ribbon Flag Name, enter a meaningful name for the new Ribbon Flag. Note - this name will be included in the ribbon flag's file name.

  3. In New Ribbon Alt Description, enter a meaningful description for the flag. 
  4. In 'New Ribbon Filename', click the Select or Upload Image button. 

  5. Click Upload to add a new image from your device.
  6. Click Insert to complete the upload. The selected ribbon flag image and file name are now displayed.
  7. Remember to click Save at the top of the page to save your newly added ribbon flag.

The new ribbon flag will now appear in the Product Maintenance screen, ready to assign to product images.

Deleting a Ribbon Flag

To delete a ribbon flag, just tick Delete next to the flag. When you next click the 'Save' button, it will be removed.

3. Assign a Ribbon to a Product

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Products & CategoriesProduct Maintenance

  2. Find the product to which you want to assign a ribbon flag and click Edit.

  3. In the 'Product Information' section, in the Ribbon Flag dropdown, select the required ribbon for the product. 

  4. Set a Ribbon Expiry Date, if required. On this date, the ribbon will be cleared from the product. (Note - this option available only for versions 3.84+)
  5. Click Save.

  6. View the product on your website in another browser (or incognito window) to verify the ribbon appears correctly. 

Additional Information


Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


Related help

Just tick a box to add a ribbon flag to highlight a product to users browsing your site. Select one out of the box or upload your own.

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