Product Token Data Tester

Product Token Data Tester


Product Tokens are used in templates to display calculations from the business logic of Customer Self Service.

The 'Resource Tool' allows you to determine what the possible tokens to use for Product are.

For an explanation of all tokens see Product Tokens list.

Step-by-step guide

To Determine All of the Resources Available for a Product:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Preferences' --> 'System Preferences' (/zPrefs.aspx).
  3. Click the 'Tools' tab.
  4. Click the 'Resource Enquiry' tab.
  5. Click the 'Product' tab.
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. the Customer Code you wish to test
    2. the Role you wish to test
    3. the Product Code you wish to test
  7. Click the 'Enquire' button, and the system will perform the check for the parameters specified.
  8. The checks performed are listed.
  9. Checks that have passed are shaded green.
  10. Checks that have not passed are shaded red, and will include an explanation of why the check did not pass.
  11. If any check has failed and displayed red, some action will need to be taken to make the product available for the customer.
  12. Click the 'Details' link on any of the check results to see a full description of the check performed and its results.
  13. If all of the checks passed you will also get information on all of the possible resources available for that product, to that user, on that role.


Checks Performed

Customer Exists

  • Checks that the customer code exists in the web site database

Role Exists

  • Checks that the role exists

Product Exists

  • Checks that the product exists in the web site database. If it does not, you should check the product integration settings

Available from 2014R1 Service Pack 1 or upon upgrade request.

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