Build or Rebuild the Lucene Search Index

Build or Rebuild the Lucene Search Index


The Lucene Index needs to be built from the product database, based on the configuration defined in the Lucene Settings Administration area, including Index fields, Index translations, boost values, etc.

The index can be built or rebuilt using the 'Indexing' tab of the Lucene Settings screen. This screen is located at /LuceneMaintenance.aspx.

  • Checking the 'Recreate Index' checkbox will create a new empty index, rather than updating the existing index. (Note, that if the index does not yet exist, the system will automatically create it, so it is generally not necessary to tick this checkbox).
  • Click the 'Reindex' button to create the search index.

Users can perform searches while the Index is being updated, however if the 'Recreate Index' option has been checked, searches during index building may not return all results.

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