Integration of User-Debtor data
Functionality has been added to allow Users of selected Role types to have their own Customer record. This can involve a subset of new customers when created in Pronto and sent to the web, automatically having a matching User record created, or inversely, when a new User registers on the website, having the Customer record automatically created and then integrated into Pronto wherein the matching Customer account is created.
Updates of the Customer details in Pronto can flow through to the User on the web via the Integrator and through the use of Customer / User field mapping. Likewise, changes to the User details on the website can flow through to the Customer record, again using field mappings, and then be updated in Pronto via the Integrator. This whole process allows for synchronization of data for users and their own unique customer record to be maintained between the website and Pronto.
- Documentation - User Debtor Integration
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