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New Widgets
Contact Link Widget
— Renders contact information in the form of address details, mailto: links, and/or links to Contact Us pages on the website.
Phone Number Widget
— Renders phone number information which can also be made into 'tap to call' links for mobile users.
EFT Payment Detail Widget
— Renders EFT (direct deposit) payment information, such as BSB and account numbers, in the EFT Payment Detail email.
Page In Development Widget
— Renders a popup window at the bottom of the page, advising users that the page or template is still under construction.
BPAY Payment Detail Widget
— Renders BPAY payment information, such as biller codes and references, in the BPAY Payment Detail email.
Account Payment Paid FAIL Widget
— Renders information regarding failed payments on the Account Payment page. Relevant information could include response codes and validation messages, for example.
Account Payment Widget
— Renders the list of the customer's outstanding invoices on the Account Payment page template.
New Features
PayPal enhancement to handle refunds
— We have enhanced the PayPal payment process to check the status of any transaction from PayPal. Where the transaction status is 'Refund', the transaction is logged in the user session log, but is not processed.
Click and Collect option to disable store
— A new flag, 'IsStoreAvailabilityClickAndCollectEnabled', has been added to Click and Collect functionality. This allows the administrator to disable a store from being set as a pickup location, but still have the store be searchable in the standard store locator.
Role-based eWay credentials
— New role-based fields have been created for eWay credentials, allowing their use instead of system fields.
Updates to ordering of obsolete stock
— The following changes were made to CSS in regard to the ordering of obsolete stock:- Modified the checkout process to disallow adding Obsolete items to the cart where there is 0 quantity available, or the quantity available is less than the ordered quantity.
- Modified the checkout process to disallow continuing to payment when there are obsolete items in the cart with a quantity greater than the available quantity.
- This behaviour can be overridden with the 'AllowOrderOfObsoleteItems' flag at the system and/or customer levels.
- The message output can be customised by editing the 'rcObsoleteProductErrorOrderedQuantityDataObjects' or 'rcObsoleteProductErrorOrderedQuantityOrderGrid' resources.
Change to Standard Freight for special freight products
— The Standard Freight calculation routines have been updated to handle orders where all order lines are special freight items. These orders are now handled in the same manner as any other order, with the following exceptions:- Orders with all special freight items which are exempt have a zero dollar freight charge for an applicable carrier.
- Orders which are a combination of special and non special freight items have the greater of either the fixed freight charge (sum of fixed freight charges from the special freight items), or the variable freight charge as determined from an applicable carrier as the freight charge for the carrier.
Click and Collect logic updates
— Click and Collect functionality has been modified to consider unsubmitted order quantities when enabled. Obsolete, backorder, and part shipment validation methods have also been updated to support Click and Collect.
Html output for Google Trusted Stores
— The html output on the OnlinePaymentOK page (following order placement) has been adjusted to reflect Google's data formatting requirements for the Trusted Stores program.
Questionnaire checkbox marked mandatory
— The 'required' flag on checkbox Questionnaire fields is now correctly obeyed in BPD. Previously, the form would submit regardless of the checkbox status.
Tax code for products in PRONTO 700+
— In PRONTO 700 and later, products were treated as non-taxable by default where no product-specific tax code records existed. CSS has now been updated to fall back to the stock price record for the product and then the default system configuration flag for the treatment of tax codes on products where such codes do not exist.