PRONTO - Web Control Settings

PRONTO - Web Control Settings

The PRONTO Web Control Settings panel is where various product maintenance and note settings are stored.

Web Control Settings

Step-by-step guide

To Maintain Web Control Settings:

  1. Login to PRONTO.
  2. Navigate to 'Web Product Maintenance' --> 'Control Settings'.
  3. Update the fields as required (refer table below).
  4. Click 'OK' to save.

Sort Control Rule
  1. Sort Code
  2. Stk-spare-analysis-code
  3. Custom (defined in code by CV)
System TableThe table in which sort codes are stored.
Level 1The number of characters in level 1 of the sort code.

Level 2

The number of characters in level 2 of the sort code.
Level 3

The number of characters in level 3 of the sort code.

Level 4The number of characters in level 4 of the sort code.
NotesThe note type for Product Notes.
AccessoriesThe note type for Product Accessories.
AlternativesThe note type for Product Alternatives.
Display WhseThe warehouse from which stock information will be displayed when in Stockcode Review.
Clean NotesThe note type for Clean Notes (program by which bad data is removed and replaced with alternative note content).
Clean DescThe note type for Clean Descriptions (program by which bad data is removed and replaced with alternative description content).
Extra CatsThe note type for Extra Categories.
Category URLThe website URL for category view.
Product URLThe website URL for product display.
Start CategoryThe sort code for the first category to display in Category Review.
End CategoryThe sort code for the last category to display in Category Review.
Bullet PointsThe note type for Bullet Points (no longer in use).
Meta TableThe system table in which Metadata is stored.
Product Sort Field

E - Excise Quantity

S - Sort Analysis

A - Spare & Analysis,

P - Product Code

Sort by Cat/ProdSort by Category/Product - Yes / No

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