PRONTO - Web Control Settings
PRONTO - Web Control Settings
The PRONTO Web Control Settings panel is where various product maintenance and note settings are stored.
Step-by-step guide
To Maintain Web Control Settings:
- Login to PRONTO.
- Navigate to 'Web Product Maintenance' --> 'Control Settings'.
- Update the fields as required (refer table below).
- Click 'OK' to save.
Field | Description |
Sort Control Rule |
System Table | The table in which sort codes are stored. |
Level 1 | The number of characters in level 1 of the sort code. |
Level 2 | The number of characters in level 2 of the sort code. |
Level 3 | The number of characters in level 3 of the sort code. |
Level 4 | The number of characters in level 4 of the sort code. |
Notes | The note type for Product Notes. |
Accessories | The note type for Product Accessories. |
Alternatives | The note type for Product Alternatives. |
Display Whse | The warehouse from which stock information will be displayed when in Stockcode Review. |
Clean Notes | The note type for Clean Notes (program by which bad data is removed and replaced with alternative note content). |
Clean Desc | The note type for Clean Descriptions (program by which bad data is removed and replaced with alternative description content). |
Extra Cats | The note type for Extra Categories. |
Category URL | The website URL for category view. |
Product URL | The website URL for product display. |
Start Category | The sort code for the first category to display in Category Review. |
End Category | The sort code for the last category to display in Category Review. |
Bullet Points | The note type for Bullet Points (no longer in use). |
Meta Table | The system table in which Metadata is stored. |
Product Sort Field | E - Excise Quantity S - Sort Analysis A - Spare & Analysis, P - Product Code |
Sort by Cat/Prod | Sort by Category/Product - Yes / No |
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