Integrator - Stop and Start

Integrator - Stop and Start

PRONTO and web data is transferred only when a site's Integrator is running. During this time, integration tasks run as scheduled and ad-hoc tasks can also be run. 
When a site's Integrator has been stopped, scheduled tasks do not run. During this time, if a 'Send All' or 'Send Changed' is clicked, the status of the task is set to 'Pending Changed' but will not be run. If the site's Integrator is then started, the status is reset to blank and the task is not commenced.

A site's Integrator can be stopped at any time, even when in the middle of a task. This halts any tasks currently running. 

Step-by-step guides

To Start the Integrator:

  1. Open the Integrator client.
  2. Select the relevant site from the 'Sites' drop-down list (e.g. LIVE or STAGE).
  3. Click the 'Start Site' button in the top menu.
    Integrator - Start Site 
  4. The Integrator will start and the status of all tasks will be set to blank.
  5. Upon successful start, the log will show a confirmation message: 'Site XYZ started successfully!'
     Start Integrator - success message


To Stop the Integrator: 

  1. Open the Integrator client.
  2. Select the relevant site from the 'Sites' drop-down list (e.g. LIVE or STAGE).
  3. Click the 'Stop Site' button in the top menu.
  4. In the 'Confirm Service Stop' window, enter stoppage reason. This should just be a brief note such as 'Stopping integration due to stocktake' or similar.
  5. Upon successful stop, the log will show a confirmation message: 'Site XYZ stopped successfully!'
    Stop Integrator - success message

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