Fast Order Entry Lines in Cart

Fast Order Entry Lines in Cart

The cart can contain blank lines allowing the user to enter multiple codes in fast order entry mode. This can be turned on or off at a role or system level. The number of lines that show can be set at a user level.

This function only applies to non-templated carts.

Step-by-step guide

To set up Entry by Stock Code at the System level:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Settings'
  3. Under the 'Functionality in Use' area, update the flag 'Order Entry by Stock Code' to turn the functionality ON or OFF.


To set up Entry by Stock Code at the Role level:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Accounts'  --> 'Role Management'.
  3. Select the required role; the 'Role Details' tab will load.
  4. Click the 'Functions' tab.
  5. Click 'Modify' and update the flag 'Enable Order Entry by Stock Code' to turn the functionality ON or OFF (YES or NO).

If either the Role Setting or the Global Setting is set to 'Yes', the Fast Order Entry lines will appear. Therefore, if the function should be disabled for just one role, it would need to be disabled first at a global level and then turned on for the required roles only.

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