Cart Retention Settings

Cart Retention Settings

Is this feature disabled?

This feature needs to be switched on for your site by Commerce Vision. For Version 4.37+.


The Cart Retention feature can be set to save and restore the user's cart contents for:

  • cart abandonment by guest or logged in user
  • guest (not logged in) user session timeouts.  

A potential customer adds items to their cart, then leaves your site without making the purchase. Later they return, wanting to check out. But their cart items have not been saved! Or a guest user is shopping on your site, adds a few products and then is called away. 30 minutes later, they hop back on your site. They see this message, and again, their cart is empty: 

Make it easier for your customers to finish their orders. Cart Retention stores cart products for a set number of days. If your customers return within this period, they can just continue where they left off. They will not have to remember what items were in the cart, find them and re-add them.

NOTE - Prices of products in a retained cart will always refresh to the most up-to-date.


On this page:

Step-by-step guide

Enable Guest Retention Settings

  1. In CMS, go to SettingsSettings → Feature Management → Users.

  2. Toggle ON Cart Retention Settings, then click Configure

  3. Cart Retention Settings:

    • Enable Retain Guest User Order when Session Timeout (Guest Users Only) - save a not logged in user's cart contents when session expires
    • Enable Abandoned Cart Restoration (logged in and guest users) - if a logged in or guest user has items in the cart and leaves your site, restore the cart when they return  
    • Expiry in Days - number of days to retain cart contents. Default: 7 days

  4. Click Save or Save & Exit.

Additional Information

Cart retention saves the user's cart contents for later when a session expires for a guest user or when any user's cart is abandoned.

Cart Retention

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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