Deploy Role Settings

Deploy Role Settings

Want this feature?

Deploy Content is part of Commerce Vision's Multisite features. Implementation requires consultation with Commerce Vision. Deploying and destination sites must be on the same version (min. 2022.2).


For multisite control, Administrator roles on a deploying site can deploy Role settings to selected destination sites. Deployed role settings are non-lockable. This means CMS administrators on destination sites can rollback your deployed changes or make changes to them.  

On this page:

Deploy Role Settings

  1.  Go to SettingsSettingsFeature Management →  ContentDeploy Content.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. In the Deploy section, click Deploy for Role.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click the Deploy button next to Role.

  6. On the Deploy modal, enable one or more Roles to deploy.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select valid site(s) to deploy the Role settings to.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Review the deployment details, then click Next.

  11. Check the data to be deployed and destination site(s) are correct, then click Deploy.  

  12. Check whether deployment to the destination site(s) succeeded or failed. If successful, you can click the link to check the deployment log for messages. If deployment failed, check the deployment log by going to ContentAdvanced ContentContent Deployment Log

Additional Information


Minimum Version Requirements



Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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