Deploy Section Menus

Deploy Section Menus

Want this feature?

Deploy Content is part of the CV eCommerce Platform's franchiser and multisite website features. It must be enabled by Commerce Vision.

Requires: 2022.3. 


The Menu Editor feature must be enabled.

For multisite control, Administrator and Content Administrator roles on a deploying site can copy over Section Menu items to valid CV destination sites in their organisation's network.

NOTE - A section menu is not a lockable content object. This means CMS users on destination sites can rollback deployed contents, and add, edit or delete these section menus.  See: Deploy Content

What Section Menu data are deployable?

  • menu items on section menus already on the destination site

On this page:

Enable Deploy Section Menus

  1.  In the CMS, go to SettingsSettingsFeature Management →  ContentDeploy Content.

  2. Make sure Deploy Content is enabled, then click Configure.

  3. On the Deploy Content Feature Settings page, toggle ON deploy for Section Menus.

  4. Click Save & Exit.

Deploy a Section Menu

You can deploy selected section menu items or the whole section menu.  

 What is a deployment instance?

Think of the deployment process as completing one or more copying sessions.

  • In a deployment instance, data type(s) and items are selected to be copied over to one destination site.
  • A successful deployment instance is when all selected item data were deployed to a destination site. If one change fails to deploy, the whole deployment instance will fail. No changes will be copied over to this site.
  • A failed deployment instance is when no selected item data were deployed to a destination site.
  • If you selected multiple destination sites, you are initiating multiple deployment instances. 

  1. On the navigation menu, go to ContentNavigationSection Menu Editor.

  2. From the Edit Menu dropdown, select a section menu to deploy.

  3. Click the Deploy button that appears for the menu.

  4. In the Deploy modal, select one or more menu items to deploy.
  5. Click Next.

  6. Select destination site(s).
  7. Click Next.

  8. Review the deployment details, then click Deploy.

  9. Check whether deployment was successful. 

Additional Information


Minimum Version Requirements



Self Configurable


Business Function




Third Party Costs


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