

All Widgets

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    About Widgets — Overview of what widgets are and do.
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    Account Activation Email Content Widget  Renders the message content in the Invitation to Register an Account email. 
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    Account Payment Detail Widget Renders the payment detail information in the body of the various Account Payment confirmation emails. Information includes (but is not limited to) the order number, account number, invoice, and amount paid.
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    Account Payment Paid FAIL Widget Renders information regarding failed payments on the Account Payment page. Relevant information could include response codes and validation messages, for example.
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    Account Payment Paid OK Widget Renders confirmation details after a user successfully pays an invoice.
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    Account Payment Widget Renders the list of the customer's outstanding invoices on the Account Payment page template.
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    Account Select Widget — Displays a list of all of the user's accounts, along with a search facility. The user can select from the list to switch between accounts when logged in. The widget can also be used within the cart to allow users to switch accounts for their current order.
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    Account Summary Widget Renders the account enquiry selector on the Account Summary page template.
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    Add Product To Order Template Widget Renders the 'Add To Order Template' button on the product detail page. This allows the user to add a product to a new or existing order template, without having to navigate to the shopping cart first.
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    Alerts Email List Widget — Renders the list of alerts in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
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    Alerts Email Message Widget — Renders the greeting text in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
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    Alerts Popup Widget Displays relevant alerts to the user in a popup on login. Useful for communicating important or time-sensitive information or provide links to documents or other pages on your site. The user can be asked to acknowledge each alert, and can also opt to be reminded later. 
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    Alternate Product Substitute Widget — Places the 'Substitute' button on products in the Alternates Popup.
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    Alternates Order Line Widget Places a 'Show Alternates' button against unavailable products in the cart.
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    Alternates Popup Widget — Used in alternate product substitution functionality to render a popup window with alternate products when the User clicks a 'Show Alternates' button in the Cart.
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    APR Auto Approval Notification Widget Where Auto Part (B2B) Registration + automatic approval functionality is in use, renders the message content to the admin to advise that a new user is in the process of being automatically approved.
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    APR Verification Required Widget Where Auto Part (B2B) Registration + automatic approval functionality is in use, renders the message content to the new user, advising that they must verify their email address in order to be approved.
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    Article Date Widget Renders the posted date on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
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    Article Field Widget Renders the contents of a database field on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use). Applicable for an existing field in the Article table or a custom one created for articles.
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    Article Image Widget Renders the main image on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
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    Article List All Widget — Displays all available articles of a specified type. Non-zoned layout will display the Article name, date, summary, image and a link to read the full article. The fields displayed in the list in zoned layouts are more configurable.
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    Article List Article Date Widget Renders the Article posted date in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
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    Article List Article Detail Button Widget Renders the 'Read Full Article' button in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
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    Article List Article Image Widget Renders the Article thumbnail image in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
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    Article List Article Summary Widget Renders the Article Summary text in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
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    Article List Field Widget Renders the contents of a database field in the Article list (when zoned layout is in use). Applicable to an existing field from the Article table or a custom one created for articles.
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    Article List Page Totals Widget — Displays the number of articles being shown on the current page.
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    Article List Pagination Widget — Renders pagination when the amount of content exceeds the display settings for the Article List page.
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    Article List Results Per Page Widget Displays the results per page selector on the Article List page. This allows the user to set and update the number of articles shown on each page, where paging is in use.
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    Article List Widget — Displays articles in list format, allowing for a list title and icon, as well as other configuration options such as a toggles and content hyperlinks.
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    Article Slider Widget Displays the Article list in a sliding format, similar to a product campaign or banner slider. The user can swipe or scroll across to view the various articles available.
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    Article Text Widget — Displays the text of an article on the Article detail page (when Zoned Article Page layout is in use).
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    Article Title Widget Renders the title text on the article detail page (when zoned layout is in use).
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    B2B Registration Approval Required Widget Renders the message body in the email sent to the Administrator when a new B2B user registration has been submitted with Auto Part Registration active.
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    B2B Registration Submitted Message Widget Renders the thank you message on the confirmation email to the user when Auto Part Registration is active.
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    B2B Registration Successful Message Widget Renders the confirmation message on the email to the user once their login has been activated.
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    B2C Registration Verification Notification Widget Used in the B2C Registration Verification Notification email template to alert your online team or a staff member that a user has registered on your website.
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    B2C Registration Verification Required Email Widget Creates the content of the email notifying a B2C user they have to authenticate their email address after they register on your site.
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    Banner Slider Widget — Renders a slideshow of banner images that scroll automatically, or manually through clickable links. Can also render an embedded video banner.
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    BPAY Account Payment Detail Widget Renders BPAY payment information in the body of the BPAY Account Payment email. This email is sent to users who pay invoices or pay down their account balance using BPAY.
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    BPAY Payment Detail Widget Renders BPAY payment information, such as biller codes and references, in the BPAY Payment Detail email.
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    Breadcrumb Widget — Displays the breadcrumb trail for all pages, including static content, products and categories.
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    Budget Expiry Message Widget — Renders the content of the Budget Expiry Warning email, to advise the User their Customer budget is expiring soon and contains details of the remaining amount. 
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    Budget Remaining Message Widget — Renders the content and message of the Budget Remaining email to advise the user of the used and remaining amounts in their Customer or User budget. 
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    Campaign Slider Widget Displays the products from a nominated Campaign in your chosen layout. Slider mode (default) is a traditional carousel in which product tiles scroll across the page. Alternatively, you can choose from Grid or List mode, both of which are static (no sliding behaviour).
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    Cart Buttons Widget Renders the set of buttons in the Cart used for accessing further functions such as updating an order or emptying the cart.
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    Cart Cancel Quote Button Widget — Renders the 'Cancel Quote' button in the cart and during checkout (once the user has added items and opted to 'Request Quote'). Clicking this removes the items from the cart and cancel the quote request.

    Note - this functionality only applies when the site's Order Quoting Mode is set to 'Pronto approved' and the role has quotes enabled.

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    Cart Checkout Button Widget Places the 'Checkout' button in the shopping cart. This navigates the user from the cart to the next step of their order, the delivery address details.
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    Cart Fast Order Entry Widget Adds input lines to the cart page so users can add products directly to the order. The user can enter product codes and quantities, or use a search tool.
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    Cart Order Summary Totals Widget Displays a summary of charges and discounts for the current order.
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    Cart PayPalExpress Page Button Widget Places the 'PayPal button at the bottom of the landing page of selected locations during the online shopping process. Clicking the button allows the user to checkout via PayPal Express, bypassing the usual delivery address and payment screens of the ordering process. 
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    Cart Promotional Code Entry Widget Used for the entry of promotion codes in the shopping cart. The user enters the code and clicks to apply it to their order.
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    Cart Quote Button Widget Places the 'Request Quote' button in the shopping cart. This submits the order as a quote, rather than proceeding through checkout and completing payment.
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    Cart Summary Widget — Provides a summary of cart contents, display a preview of order lines and their total costs, and link to the shopping cart.
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    Catalogue Select Widget Provides access to the user's valid catalogues, with a drop-down selector to switch between them.
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    Category Banner Widget — Displays a banner on category or product pages, with options to include a title, description, and image.
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    Category Field List Widget — Outputs the data from any field in the category table.
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    Category List Category Title Widget Displays the title of each category in the list. The title can be hyperlinked to the product category, or displayed as plain text only.
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    Category List Image Widget Displays the image for each category in the list. The image can be hyperlinked to the product category or static only.
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    Category Menu Widget — Renders the top level product categories from a dropdown style button. Subcategories are displayed on the sidebar, changing as the user hovers over different categories in the menu.
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    Change Order Account Widget — Changes the account code for the current order.
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    Checkout Continue Button Widget Places the 'Continue To Payment' button on the delivery address page of the checkout process.
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    Checkout Deposit Payment Widget Renders the Checkout Deposit panel during checkout.
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    Checkout Field Groups Widget Displays a pre-defined field group at checkout in order to collect additional, perhaps specialised information from users.
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    Checkout Gift Card Payment Widget — Places the Checkout Gift Card widget in the checkout page, enabling users to pay with a gift card or redeem part of their gift card balance.
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    Checkout Messages Widget — Enables any relevant Checkout Message(s) to appear once the user proceeds from the shopping cart to checkout or quote.
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    Checkout Payment Options Widget Displays available payment options and quote request (if enabled) to the user at checkout.
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    Checkout Review Addresses B2B Widget Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2B user to review prior to payment.
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    Checkout Review Addresses B2C Widget Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2C user to review prior to payment.
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    Checkout Review Summary Widget Displays a summary of the order for the user to review before proceeding to payment.
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    Checkout Steps Widget Displays a visual representation of the checkout process, and indicates the user's progress through the various stages.
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    Clear Favourites Widget Renders a button via which the user can clear all current products from their favourites list.
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    Cluster Line Is Compulsory Widget Renders an icon and text to indicate compulsory products in a cluster.
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    Cluster Line Suggested Qty Widget Renders a prompt plus numeric value to indicate the suggested purchase quantity for products in a cluster.
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    Configure Schedule for Standing Order Button Widget Places the 'Schedule Standing Order' button in checkout. This navigates the User to the Schedule for Standing Order page for the next step of creating a recurring order.
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    Consolidated Note Line Description Widget Renders the line notes within the product description line in Live Order Search when consolidated note lines are enabled. 
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    Contact Details Widget Renders map and contact information, as is commonly used on Contact Us or Store Locator pages.
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    Contact Link Widget Renders contact information in the form of address details, mailto: links, and/or links to Contact Us pages on the website.
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    Contract Item Filter Widget Renders filter options for Contract items at the top of a product list (e.g. search results, favourites, category display). B2B users can choose to view only their contract products, non-contract products, or all products.
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    Country Select Widget Renders a modal window in which users can select their country, enabling the display of region-specific information ($USD, for example).
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    Cross Sell / Up Sell Widget — Displays a product's cross-sell or up-sell products on the product detail page. Cross-well encourages sales of accessory products. Up-sell suggests more upmarket alternatives to the product being viewed.
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    Current Order Account Switch Message Widget Displays the message text in the popup when Enhanced Order Switching is in use and the user switches accounts while compiling an order. If the user has items in the cart of their destination account, they are given the option to remove them, place them on hold, or merge with current cart items.
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    CUSTOM_Side by Side Content Tiles Widget — Renders two side by side content tiles in a zone with widget options for selecting or adding background colour, image, text and link/button positioning.
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    Customer Contact Details Widget Renders standard contact information (such as address, phone, and email) on the PDF generated via the Flyer Creator.
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    Customer Logo Widget Renders the customer logo (for the logged in customer) on the PDF generated via the Flyer Creator.
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    Customer Payment Token Management Widget — Displays the text in fields in the Customer Payment Token Management screen.
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    Dashboard Account Status Widget — Displays a list of the user's customer account status, including balance owing and payment terms, as well as links to statements and the account payment page.
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    Dashboard Articles Widget — Displays a list of the site's news articles, with an image, title, a 'read more' link, and the article expiry date.
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    Dashboard Back Orders Widget — Displays a list of the user's backorders with links to the order detail page.
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    Dashboard Orders Approval Widget — Displays a panel that lists orders waiting for the user's approval on the User's dashboard.
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    Dashboard Product Favourites Widget — Displays a list of the user's top 5 favourite products, with links to each product page, as well as an add to cart button.
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    Dashboard Recent Invoices Widget — Displays the logged in user's 5 most recent invoices, with a link to each invoice in detail, as well as a 'View All' option.
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    Dashboard Widget — Displays the user's account pages and profile information in a tiled format.
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    Delivery Address B2B Widget Renders the B2B address input fields during checkout.
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    Delivery Address B2C Widget Renders the relevant B2C billing and delivery address input fields during checkout.
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    Delivery Method Widget Renders a selector for the User to nominate a delivery method on a per-order basis. This selection determines the freight calculation method, which could be one of the following:
    • Delivery method charge
    • Standard Freight charge
    • Standard Freight - restricted by carrier code
    • Tiered charging based on a specified quantity
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    Delivery Options - Click And Collect Widget Allows the User to select either the Delivery or Pickup option while still in the shopping cart. For sites using the Click and Collect functionality.
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    Display Customer Currency Widget Displays the default currency set for a Customer based on login for websites operating in international markets. 
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    EFT Account Payment Detail Widget Renders EFT (direct deposit) payment information, such as BSB and account numbers, plus invoice details, in the body of the EFT Account Payment email. This email is sent to users who pay invoices or pay down their account balance using EFT.
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    EFT Payment Detail Widget Renders EFT (direct deposit) payment information, such as BSB and account numbers, in the EFT Payment Detail email.
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    Email Company Information Widget Renders company contact information in email output.
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    Email Credit Card Verification Link Widget Adds credit card verification instructions in order confirmation and verification reminder emails, and includes a link to the validation page.
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    Email Delivery Instructions Widget — Renders delivery instructions and related order information in email output.
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    Email Order Address Offline Order Widget — Renders the order's address information on Order Confirmation and Order Shipped emails for non-web ('offline') orders.
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    Email Order Address Widget Renders the order's address information in email output.
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    Email Order Approval Buttons Widget Renders either the Approve & Reject buttons, or a link to the website on the 'Order Requires Approval' email.
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    Email Order Approval Log Information Widget Renders order approval / rejection log details on the email to the submitting user. Includes time stamps and actions of the approving user. Please note - this information will only render when 'Show Approval Details' is enabled on the Track Order Widget.
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    Email Order Comments Widget — Renders order comments in email output.
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    Email Order Details Information Widget Renders additional order information (such as the user's order reference, email address, and customer code) in email output.
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    Email Order Summary Widget — Renders the order lines and dollar totals in email output.
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    Email Order Track Details Widget — Renders order Track & Trace information in email output.
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    Email Style Sheet Widget Sets the background colours for the email template.
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    Email Title Offline Order Widget Displays the email title or heading on Order Confirmation and Order Shipped emails for non-web ('offline') orders.
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    Email Title Widget — Displays the email title or heading.
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    Eway Fraud Alert Message Widget Renders a warning message on the Fraud Alert email, advising of possible fraudulent activity as flagged by Eway. Message content will also include Eway's fraud error codes.
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    Excel Export Button Widget Places the 'Export to Excel' button in the shopping cart and enables the User to have their cart contents emailed to them in an Excel file.
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    Flyer Price Widget Renders the product price on the Flyer PDF.
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    Flyer Product List Grid Widget Renders the product section of the PDF flyer. The contents of this section are determined by the flyer layout selected, and the item configuration used by that layout.
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    Forgot Password Widget — Presents the user with a password reset facility.
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    Forward Orders Widget — Renders the Preferred Delivery Date options on the Checkout page. With this widget, the user can select their preferred delivery date and leave contact information for the order.
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    Freight Options Widget Presents the various shipping methods available to the user during checkout. Each option and its associated cost are displayed so that the user can make their selection before proceeding to payment.

    The widget is also used to present pickup locations when Store Pickup functionality is enabled.

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    Guest Checkout Expand Button Widget Renders the Guest Checkout button on the login page, which acts as a toggle to expand all of the guest checkout fields on click.
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    Header Level Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on the order header in the shopping cart. 
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    HTML Snippet Widget — Renders HTML code such as embed / tracking code, or third party scripts.

    Please note - for content involving lists, tables, or formatted text (for example), the Static Content widget may be a better choice, as it supports your site's Style Guide.
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    Invoice Reprint Widget Renders the invoice search and reprint functionality on the Invoice Reprint page.
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    Items Meta Data Filter Widget — Configures the data source and filtering options when Server Side filtering mode is selected for the Article List Features filter.
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    Kit Component Display Widget — Displays component information (or 'Bill of Materials') for kit-based products.
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    List Layout Switch Widget — Gives the user various layout options to choose from when viewing a list.
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    Login / Logout Link Widget — Displays the 'Login' link when the user is logged out, and the 'Logout' link when the user is logged in.
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    Login / Logout Popup Widget Renders login functionality in a modal window, rather than navigating the user to a login page.
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    Login Page Message Widget Displays a specific warning message when a user attempts to use an expired password reset link.
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    Login Widget — Displays the user login panel on your website.
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    Logo Widget Displays the website logo, which links to the home page.
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    Magic Link Authentication Message Widget Renders the Magic Link authentication message.
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    Mega Menu Widget — Renders the category mega menu, in which each top level category is displayed as a menu item, with subcategories expanding beneath.
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    Messages Widget — Displays user messages on various pages within the application.
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    Mobile Menu Widget Enables the mobile menu, which flies out to the right of the mobile device screen when the user taps the menu link. The primary page slides to the left and dims slightly.
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    Mobile Menu Zoned Widget — Allows for a zoned Mobile Menu instead of the standard Mobile Menu, which adds flexibility to the menu's content and layout. With a zoned mobile menu, additional widgets such as images or HTML snippets, can be added.

    A 'Menu' button is displayed in the mobile header, which slides the menu out to the right on click.

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    Most Popular Products Widget Renders a list of 'most popular' products on any product list page. The list content is populated via Baynote algorithms, meaning a Baynote account and export template must be in place prior to implementation.
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    Navigation Button Widget Adds a styled button that can link to any page on your site or externally. You can add an icon to the button and configure elements such as colour, size and icon position.
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    Navigation Menu Widget Renders the product category menu, in which all subcategories expand from one top level category menu item.
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    Newsletter Widget Renders the Newsletter subscribe box, which integrates to MailChimp. Also supports API 3.0
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    Notify Me When In Stock Button Widget Renders the 'Notify Me' button on out of stock products in the product list view.
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    Online Quote Validation Widget Renders the appropriate message to the user after the current status of an online quote accessed via an email link is validated.
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    Openpay Summary Widget Renders Openpay marketing information for a product on the product detail page. Use this widget instead of the Product Purchase Details widget if you want to customise tagline placement on the template.
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    Order Approval New Approver Message Widget Renders the message content, including the reason for change of approver, in the Order Approval New Approver email.

    This email is triggered when the initiating user selects a new approver for an order that is still on status 'Awaiting Approval'.

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    Order Approval Replaced Approver Message Widget Renders the message content (including the new approver's name and the reason for change of approver), in the Order Approval Approver Replaced email.

    This email is triggered and sent to the original approver when the initiating user selects a new approver for an order that is still on 'Awaiting Approval' status.

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    Order Approval Status Message Widget Acts as a messaging widget for the various 'Process Order Approval_...' standard page templates. When the user is directed to one of these pages, this widget displays the appropriate approval message.
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    Order Approver Proxy Approved Email Message Widget Renders the message content (including the proxy approver's name and customer code), in the Order Approver Proxy Approved email.

    This email is triggered and sent to the original approver when the order has been approved by a proxy and no longer requires action.

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    Order Confirmation Address B2B Widget Displays the B2B user's address and delivery information on the Order Confirmation page.
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    Order Confirmation Address B2C Widget Displays the B2C user's address and delivery information on the Order Confirmation page.
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    Order Confirmation Message Widget Displays messages to the user on the Order Confirmation page.
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    Order Confirmation Payment Info Widget Renders EFT and BPAY payment details where the bank receipt number is not required from the user, or the pickup deposit on the Order Confirmation page .
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    Order Confirmation Promotional Code Widget Displays a message to the user regarding newly created promotion codes, for use in conjunction with Monthly Promotion Code types.
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    Order Declined Pending 3rd Party Installment Msg Widget — Renders the message body for the email sent when the user selects to sign up and pay with a Buy Now Pay Later provider but approval is subject to further checks. 
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    Order Documents Widget Enables users to upload documents to their order via the Cart or Checkout page. The documents are stored on the server and can be accessed via a link on an email template (such as the Order Placed email).
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    Order Field Static Widget Renders an additional order field in email templates.
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    Order Import Widget Renders the bulk Order Import function on the Order Import Page. Users can import order data directly to the cart via CSV files or by pasting data into an import window. .
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    Order Line Additional Info Static Widget Renders additional product information (such as bonus items and product charge lines) in static scenarios such as the Order Confirmation page and email.
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    Order Line Additional Info Widget Renders additional product information (such as bonus items and product charge lines) in dynamic scenarios such as the cart and checkout page.
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    Order Line Availability - Click and Collect Widget Displays product availability and delivery methods at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart when Click & Collect is enabled.
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    Order Line Availability Static Widget Displays product availability at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
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    Order Line Availability Widget Displays product availability at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
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    Order Line Click And Collect Static Widget Displays product availability at the order line level in static scenarios such as the Order Confirmation page. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Order Line Availability Static' widget.
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    Order Line Click And Collect Widget Displays product availability at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Order Line Availability' widget.
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    Order Line Cluster Is Compulsory Widget Renders an icon and text to indicate compulsory products in the shopping cart.
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    Order Line Cluster Suggested Qty Widget Renders a prompt plus numeric value to indicate the suggested purchase quantity for products in the shopping cart.
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    Order Line Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on products in an order template. Can also be used in the Order Lines Info template for the cart, which will give the user 2 input fields on each line.

    Note - this widget only renders if Cost Centres have been enabled at the role level, via the 'Use Cost Centres' flag.

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    Order Line Description Static Widget Renders the product description at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation email.
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    Order Line Description Widget Renders the product description at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
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    Order Line Field Static Widget Renders an additional product or order line field in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page and email.
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    Order Line Field Widget Renders an additional product or order line field in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
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    Order Line Price Break Indicator Widget Advises the user of the next price break quantity level for products in their cart.
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    Order Line Product Code Static Widget Renders the product code at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation email.
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    Order Line Product Code Widget Renders the product code at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart and in order templates.
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    Order Line Promo Code Static Widget Displays promotional information (such as promo description) at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
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    Order Line Promo Code Widget Displays promotional information (such as promo description) at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
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    Order Line Qty On Back Order Widget Displays the quantity of product currently on backorder for the logged in customer. Applicable to the cart view.
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    Order Line Unit Description Widget Renders the product's unit of issue in order line scenarios such as the Cart or Order Templates page.
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    Order Lines Widget Displays the products in the user's current order.
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    Order Payment Links Form Widget Renders an order details stepper with an order form that can be automatically populated with query strings, and/or manually entered by the user. The form doesn't validate the order details are accurate in order to stay both secure and accessible to unauthenticated users. 
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    Order Rejected Reason Widget Renders the Approver's rejection notes on the Order Rejected email sent to the user.
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    Order Restriction Filter Widget Where Order Restrictions are in use, allows users to filter a list of products to see all products, purchasable products only, or restricted products only.
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    Order Summary And Lines Static Widget Renders the order summary and lines in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
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    Order Template Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on each product line in an order template. 
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    Order Template Notes Widget — Renders the notes input field on product lines in an Order Template. Note that this widget only displays where Notes have been enabled at the role level, via the 'Enable Order Line Notes' flag.
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    Order Template Sequence Widget Enables drag and drop re-sequencing of Order Template lines on desktop and tablet browsers.
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    Order Templates Widget — Displays the lines of the saved order template.
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    Orders Approval Order Summary Widget Renders order summary information on the Orders Approval Order Sub Template.
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    Orders Approval Widget Renders order approval functionality on the Process Orders Approval page. This includes the ability to view, update, approve, and reject orders placed by other users.
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    Orders Awaiting Payment List Widget Renders a list of orders for which payment is outstanding. From this list, the user can view the order, or proceed to pay as per the standard 'Pay Account' process.
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    Orders On Hold Widget Renders a list of the user's held orders, as well as a Search facility. From here, the user can search for, view, delete, or resume their held orders.
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    Outstanding Tasks Display Widget Renders a count of orders the user has yet to action in some way. This could include Orders Awaiting Payment, Orders On Hold, and Orders Requiring Approval. By default, this count is displayed in the user's Dashboard menu.
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    Page Content Search Result Widget Customise the 'no results returned' message when the keyword search does not match any static content on your pages or products.
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    Page In Development Widget Renders a popup window at the bottom of the page, advising users that the page or template is still under construction.
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    Page Title Dynamic Widget — Dynamically renders the page description from the menu record. Use of this widget in the Theme Layout may negate the need for the 'Page Title' widget on individual page templates.
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    Page Title Widget — Displays the page title text. It can be used in any zone of a template, but recommended use is once at the top of a page.


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    Password Reset Widget Renders the password reset message and link in the context of the 'forgot password' email.
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    Payment Cancelled Widget — Renders relevant messages and response codes on the 'Payment Cancelled' page (where a user lands after cancelling a PayPal payment, for example).
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    Payment Icons Widget — Displays the logo of various payment options.
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    PayPal Express Button Widget Renders the PayPal Express button on the Product Detail page so that users can go straight through checkout via PayPal Express, bypassing the usual Delivery Address and Payment pages.
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    PayPal Pay Later Category Summary Widget Renders the Pay in 4 messaging on the Product List template.
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    PayPal Pay Later Checkout Summary Widget Renders the Pay in 4 Messaging separately in the Checkout page.
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    PayPal Pay Later Generic Summary Widget Renders the Pay in 4 messaging on any page or template.
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    PDF Flyer Style Sheet Widget Acts as the 'theme layout' for PDF flyers generated via the Flyer Creator. The style sheet sets the header and footer colours, logo placement, and contact details layout.
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    Phone Number Widget Renders phone number information which can also be made into 'tap to call' links for mobile users.
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    Populate Favourites Widget Renders a button via which the user can populate their favourites list with prior purchases.
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    Postcode Entry Popup Widget Displays a modal window to allow the user to set the postcode for their order. This launches automatically on the user's first navigation to the cart, or can be accessed later via a link in the site header.
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    Pricing Information Widget — Renders a price-check function to query pricing for products by customer. The resulting matrix displays the price rules in effect, discounts, and pricing method used.

    This functionality is designed for internal users, Reps, and others who do not have direct access to the ERP.
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    Print Button Widget Renders a print button.
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    Print Order Widget Determines options to include within the Print Order page template.
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    Product Add To Cart Widget Renders the 'Add To Cart' button on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of (or possibly in addition to) the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of button placement on the page.
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    Product Afterpay Summary Widget Renders the Afterpay information on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of (or possibly in addition to) the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
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    Product Availability Widget Renders stock availability status (text and icon) on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of (or possibly in addition to) the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
    Products with 1+ available are considered 'In Stock', and those with 0 available are considered 'Out of Stock'.
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    Product Bonus Stock Widget Displays information regarding free bonus items on the product detail page (for applicable roles).
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    Product Category List Static Widget Renders the product category list as a static cached version, for mobile device friendliness and page load speed enhancement.
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    Product Category List Widget Dynamically renders the product category list.
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    Product Click And Collect Widget Displays the availability of the product on the product detail page. This widget is intended for sites with Click and Collect functionality implemented, and should be used in lieu of the standard 'Product Availability' widget.
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    Product Compare Widget Renders the product comparison grid for Product search results.
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    Product Cost Centre Widget Renders the Cost Centre label, help text, and input field on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
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    Product Detail Download Button Widget Renders the 'Download' button on the product detail page for products where 'Allow Download' has been enabled. On click of the button, a new tab / window is launched with the URL of the linked document file.
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    Product Documents Widget Renders the document list and download links on the product detail page.
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    Product Favourite Button Widget Renders the 'Favourite' button on the product detail page for logged in users. Use of this widget replaces the 'Show Favourites Button?' flag on the Product Purchase Details widget.

    With the Product Favourite Button widget, the button text can be customised based on the product's favourite status. The button's placement on the page can also be customised.

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    Product Gallery Widget — Renders the product gallery, which can include images as well as videos.
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    Product Item Widget Renders product information in a Product List page. The Product Item widget is employed where 'zoned' product layout is not in use.
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    Product List Add All To Cart Widget Renders an 'Add All To Cart' button for products in a cluster or product list. All products that have a quantity entered are added to the cart on click of the button.
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    Product List Add To Cart Widget Renders an 'Add To Cart' button on products in a list, such as search results, a product category, or the favourites page. Only applies to products using the zoned layout.
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    Product List Add To Favourites Widget Renders the 'Add to Favourites' button on products in a list (for logged in users). Once a product has been added to the user's favourites, the button will change state accordingly.
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    Product List Alternates and Accessories Widget — Displays a message on products which have alternates and/or accessories available. The text is rendered in a product list view where the zoned layout is in use.

    The message text is hyperlinked to the product detail page, where alternate and accessory products can be displayed in detail.

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    Product List Availability Widget Displays the availability of products in the zoned product list view. The data is shown in icon format, with text prompts for each status.
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    Product List Clear All Selected Widget Renders a 'Clear all selected products' option in a cluster or product list. All products that have a quantity entered are reset to zero on click of the button.
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    Product List Click And Collect Widget Displays the availability of products in the zoned product list view. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Product List Availability' widget.
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    Product List Compare Widget Renders the 'Add to Compare' tickbox and prompt on products in the zoned list view.
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    Product List Cost Centre Widget Renders the cost centre input field on products in the zoned list view. This widget only applies where Cost Centres have been enabled at the role level, via the 'Use Cost Centres' flag, and will only display when the user is viewing products in a List layout (rather than Grid).
  • Page:
    Product List Download Button Widget Renders the 'Download' button on the product list page for products where 'Allow Download' has been enabled. On click of the button, a new tab / window is launched with the URL of the linked document file.
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    Product List Field Widget Renders a list on the product detail page, with the option to add hyperlinks to other content.
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    Product List Filter Widget — Renders the 'Filter By' options on the product list page. Customers can filter their search or browsing results by metadata values such as Brand, Size, Colour, and so forth.
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    Product List Grid Widget — Renders a product (or category) list. Contents are displayed either in a list or grid format. Also displays the 'we're sorry' message for searches that return no results.
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    Product List GST Widget Renders the 'inc' or 'ex' tax label on products in the zoned list view.
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    Product List Image Switcher Widget Renders an image switcher for presenting alternate views of products in a list. Rather than selecting a variant for an individual product and having the image switch, this widget will update the image for all products in the list at once (provided they have alternate images loaded).
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    Product List Image Widget Renders the default image of products in the zoned list view, and if gallery view is used, the other images of each product as clickable thumbnails.
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    Product List Layout Switch Widget — Gives the user various layout options to choose from when viewing a list of products.
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    Product List Notes Widget — Renders the Notes input field on each zoned tile in a product list. Please note, this field only displays when the products are viewed in List layout (rather than Grid).
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    Product List Page Totals Widget — Indicates the number of products displayed on the current page, relative to the total number of products.
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    Product List Pagination Widget — Displays a facility to navigate between multiple pages of products in a list.
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    Product List Price Ex Widget Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to ex-GST view to render the GST-exclusive price of a product in a zoned layout. (Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is not used with the Tax Toggle widget).
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    Product List Price Inc Widget Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to inc-GST view to render a product's GST-inclusive price in a zoned layout. Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is used without the Tax Toggle widget).
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    Product List Price Widget Renders the price of products in the zoned list view.
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    Product List Product Code Widget Renders the stock code of products in the zoned list view.
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    Product List Product Field Widget — Outputs the data from a field in the product table, in the zoned list view.

Implementation Guides

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    About Widgets — Overview of what widgets are and do.
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    Add Custom Fields To Products and Categories — Information-rich product pages can help drive sales. But sometimes, not all the desired data are provided by your ERP.  No problem. You can add custom fields to product and category pages as part of product maintenance. 
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    Alternate Product Substitution Add an Alternate Product Substitution offer feature, where out of stock items in the cart can be substituted with alternates at the customer's request.
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    Article List - Zoned layout An article list page on your site can be presented in a variety of layouts. Similar to a product list, article summary tiles can be presented in a grid, list, or slider format.

    Using the standard layout, the fields on these article tiles can be customised to an extent, but for greater flexibility, a zoned layout allows you to include custom fields, filter content by layer and features, and rearrange widgets on the template.

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    Article Page - Zoned layout BPD websites come equipped with a clean, well-organised article layout right out of the box. But what if you've got additional content to display in your articles? Or what if you'd prefer a customised page layout, completely unique to your site?

    That's where the zoned layout option comes in! By using a zoned article layout, you can present your article in the layout of your choice, with content arranged as you please.

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    Assign Products in Category Maintenance — Add products while editing a Category.
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    Attach Documents to Cart

    The Order Documents widget lets an ordering customer attach files to their order. These files are stored on the server and can be accessed by administrators via a link on the Order Placed email.

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    Backorder Quantity Display From time to time, your B2B customers may have products on backorder with you.

    Browsing your site, they might be inclined to place another order for these items, forgetting that stock is already due to be delivered from you. While another order placed is good for business, a costly return when the customer realises they've over-ordered is not.

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    Buy Now, Pay Later - Afterpay — Configure Afterpay for your website.
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    Buy Now, Pay Later - zipPay & zipMoney (legacy) — Configure zipPay and zipMoney settings.
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    Buy X Quantity of a Product and Get Y Quantity of Specific Product at Special Price — With this promo type, you can create offers where you can give customers buying a set number of one Product a discount on a set number of the same Product or a different Product. You can also use this promo code with a Product with variants. 
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    Cart Discount Promo Codes — Configure a discount your customer can use when their order meets a minimum spend amount.
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    Cart Preview on Hover The Cart Summary link can open a popup window for the user to preview cart contents. This allows them to check product quantities and costs without leaving the current page viewed.
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    Click & Collect - Shipping Settings The Click & Collect functionality allows administrators to set order delivery/pickup modes and add freight restrictions against specific products. 
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    CMS Category Maintenance Categories are usually nested, with one or more sub-categories (up to 4), to further sort products. In our example, the Top Level (Level 1) 'Office Products' has two other levels, Level 2 and Level 3 subcategories. 'Writing' is a Level 2 subcategory. It has subcategories as well, which would make it Level 3. One example is 'Ballpoint Pens'. 
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    CMS Category Maintenance Settings — Product categories used on your website are initially integrated from your ERP, but if it suits your business processes, you can bypass ERP category integration and opt for complete online maintenance.
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    Country Selection & Multi-currency Support From version 3.82+, websites using BPD are able to implement country-based geocoding and multi-currency support. This enables the display of region-specific information (product prices in $USD, for example).
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    Custom Fields — The Custom Fields features lets you create extra fields for these database tables: Articles, Banners, Categories, Products, Promotions and Users. 
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    Custom Templates for (Individual) Articles — Create your very own article templates and assign them to a particular article.
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    Custom Widget: Last Edited User — View who last edited the custom widget and when.
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    Dashboard counters for outstanding tasks — The Outstanding Tasks Display widget displays an indicator for your B2B users so they can easily see how many orders are on hold, require approval, or are awaiting payment.
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    Flyer Creator Do your customers distribute or resell your products? Perhaps your sales reps would appreciate a 1-page flyer they can leave with potential buyers? Or are you after a simple way to include timely marketing material in shipments leaving the warehouse or to email to specific customers?

    Flyer Creator lets logged in website users (by Role) create 1-page brochures with selected products from your catalogue. The content is auto-generated as a PDF in seconds.

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    Footer Section Menus The site footer is a popular location for resources such as Customer Service, FAQ, and Contact Us links. It can be helpful to users if similar links are grouped together under one heading. On BPD sites, using a Section Menu in the footer can achieve this.
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    Free Freight Promo Codes — Add a free freight promotion code for your website.
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    Free Product Promo Codes — Create a free product promo code.
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    Guest Checkout Guest Checkout functionality allows users to complete their purchase without first logging in or creating a user account. This way, customers get through your checkout fast and friction-free. At the same time, users can opt for an account to be created after order submission. Guest checkout is most commonly offered for B2C buyers. 
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    Import Campaign Products — Perform a mass import of products for a campaign.
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    Kit Component Display Kit items are defined in the ERP by an Item Type 'K' and a Bill Of Materials (BOM). The BOM is the list of all items that make up a kit. It's often beneficial to list out the kit's components on your website, especially if they are not in the product description. Sites on 4.31+ can also allow the components to be added individually to cart. Adding the components and BOM is done through the Kit Component Display Widget. 
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    Layer Group Filtering — Group layers together to display only first layer to a multiple group user. 
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    Manage Product Reviews — Allow your customers to submit feedback about a product. These can be vetted by an Administrator prior to publishing. 
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    Most Popular Products For customers using Baynote personalisation software, a Most Popular Products feature can be implemented in BPD which displays a targeted list of products and recommendations to users on your site.

    The feature can be enabled in the CMS, and the widget added to various pages throughout the website. The widget then renders a list of products in a slider format, based on the data returned from Baynote.

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    Online Gift Cards Your website has an out-of-the-box online gift card functionality which can create and and maintain gift cards.
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    Online Returns — Lets your customers request a return from an order details page and integrates returns into your ERP.. 
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    PayPal Express Checkout Position the PayPal Express button on strategic places on your site to allow users to complete their buying in fewer steps. There is no need to enter delivery and billing information as those stored with PayPal are used. This makes checkout quicker and more frictionless.
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    Personalisation How To — Tailor the content on your website to the individuals who use it. With your users' preferences in mind, you can display promotions, targeted messaging, and product suggestions.
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    Product Campaigns Product Campaigns are a simple way to feature a group of products on a website. Campaign products might be sale items, top sellers, highlighted brands, or any other criteria you fancy. 
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    Product Category Quick View To optimise speed in scenarios where live pricing calls are made to PRONTO, Quick View functionality can be enabled. With Quick View, product pricing and availability are not shown on initial page load. Instead, these calls are made to the server on demand when the user clicks 'Quick View'. That data is then cached for the user, thereby improving speed and performance.
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    Product Compare Functionality Product Compare gives your customers the ability to compare the features of products on your website.  
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    Product Discount Promo Codes — Add a percentage or amount discount on an individual product or group of products.
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    Product Documents — Upload a product document in the CMS to make it available to customers in one of many file types supported. 
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    Product Maintenance — All the products on your website are initially integrated from your ERP, but did you know there's product information that can also be maintained via the CMS, completely independent of ERP systems?
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    Product Maintenance Settings — Configure Product Maintenance settings for the Edit Product (Product Details) page.
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    Product Quick View — Give your customers the ability to see product details instantly with a Quick View popup. As users shop your site, they can check product pricing and availability, then add the product to their cart, all without navigating away from the page they're browsing. 
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    Product Reviews — CV ecommerce websites offer Product Review functionality via widgets.  

    Reviews are submitted by online users and feature a star rating, title, and summary text.

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    Promo Codes - Additional Options

    Access Additional Options

    To access Additional Options:

     While in the saved promo code, navigate to  OptionsEdit Additional Options


    If editing an existing promo code, scroll down its page and open the collapsed Additional Options section.


    • Status - the current status of the promo code
      - Active: the promo code is live on your site and can be used by customers. It has not been disabled or deleted. 
      - Disabled: the promo code cannot be used by customers. You can switch it to 'Active'
      Deleted: the promo code is deleted from use altogether and is kept for historical records only. (NOTE - A deleted promo code can be undeleted to 'disabled' and then reactivated.) 

    • Criteria Fail Remove Promo Code
      - ON: the promo code is automatically removed from the cart when contents get updated and promo requirements are no longer met. Users must re-enter the promo code if they want the code to be applied;
      - OFF: the promo code remains in the cart when requirements are not met, If contents get updated and requirements are now met, it will be (re-)applied. 

    • Not Applicable With Other Offers;
      - ON: promo code cannot be used when other promo codes have already been applied to the order;
      OFF: promo code can be used when other promo codes have been applied to the same order. 


      Letting customers use more than one promotion code in an order must first be enabled by Commerce Vision. Contact CV Support and request stacked promotions to be enabled.

    • Free Product To Be Added in Pronto (applies only for Promo Codes that add a free product)

       Click here for further details...

      For Promo Codes with free products, you can choose between adding the free product online upon order submission or in the ERP (Pronto) when the order is integrated. Toggle ON or OFF Free Product To Be Added in Pronto. Default: OFF

      In the order placed, received and confirmation emails, how the free product is displayed depends on the option selected. 

      • When OFF, the free product is added online. In the emails, the free product displays as an item with a cost of $0.00 in the product order line of your Order Summary
      • When ON, the free product is added in the ERP. When you toggle ON this setting, confirm you want the free product added in the ERP. 

        NOTE - Scroll up to the 'Free Product' fields. The fields are now empty and disabled. The free products you previously added for this promo code still apply.  

        The Order Placed, Received and Confirmation emails by default will not display the free product separately in an order line in Order Summary. 
        To add a note line about the free product in the Order Summary section, toggle ON the 'Show Note Lines on Individual Lines?' option in the Email Order Summary widget for any applicable email template (e.g., Order Received, Order Placed, Order Confirmation). The Promotion Code and Description will be added to the Order Summary.

        NOTE - For the free product and quantity to appear as an order line item in the sales receipt, they must be added to the sales order manually in Pronto after integration. 
    • Postcode Exclusion List - (for free freight promo codes only) If required, enter single postcodes and/or postcode ranges (each comma-separated) to exclude. Follow Australia Post's four digit conventions so a three digit code would be '0200' instead of '200'.  


    Include or exclude the promo code based on whether customers are B2B, B2C or both.  

    For versions lower than 4.31

    Applied To: Select customer group: B2B, B2C or both.

    For versions 4.31+

    • Applied To: Select customer group: B2B, B2C or both.
    • Roles: (For versions 4.31+) Specify Role(s) for the selected customer group(s) Click Add Role , then in the dropdown, select the Role. If another role is needed, repeat this step. IMPORTANT- For added Roles to be valid, they must fall under the customer group added in 'Applied To'.   
    • Promo active for all roles excluding the ones listed above: If OFF, the added roles can apply the promo code. If ON, the added roles cannot apply the promo code. 

    Usage Limits

    Limit the maximum number of times the promo code can be used. For unlimited use, leave at the default of '0'. 

    - User Usage Limit: limit the number of times an individual user can apply the promo code (available only if the promo code is for B2B users)

    - Customer Usage Limit: limit the number of times an individual Customer Code can apply the promo code

    - Global Usage Limit: limit the total number of times the promo code can be used site-wide. 

    - User List: (For versions 4.10+) You can also specify one or more users (comma-separated list) who can use the promotion code. NOTE - If one or more users are added, any user not in this list cannot apply the promo code to their order.

    Customer List (4.34+)

    Customer list allows you to restrict a promo code to specific customer accounts. 

    To add a customer manually:

    1. In Customer Code, start typing a Customer Code, and select from the dropdown list.

    2. Click Add. The added Customer Code is listed below. 
    3. Continue adding one code at a time, if needed.

    4. To save, click Save & Exit.

    To add Customers in bulk:

    1. Create a CSV file with the Header 'Code' as the first column

    2. Populate the column with the required Customer Codes.

    3. Click Import Customer List.

    4. Follow the instructions to upload the csv file. 

    5. Check the Import Log to ensure there are no error messages.


    Default messages to users are set at the promotion code feature level. These can be overridden for a specific promotion code. Leave blank to use defaults.

    • Promo Code No Longer Applies Message: Displays when the promo code previously successfully applied is no longer valid because the cart contents have changed.
    • Promotion Code Error Message: Displayed when the cart contents are not eligible for the promo code, e.g., the cart value is not high enough or the minimum quantity has not been reached.
    • Promotion Code Applied Message: Displayed when the cart contents are valid for the promo code.
  • Page:
    Promotion Codes Overview — Configure system settings for promotion codes.
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    Questionnaires & Forms Questionnaires are a flexible way to create and present forms and collect user information. Create Contact Us, Returns, Warranties, Feedback, Event Registration and more. A file upload facility and Captcha can be added. Select from the wide range of preconfigured fields or edit them to suit.  
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    Recently Viewed Products The Recently Viewed Products widget can be used to display a list of products the user has previously browsed. The fields shown on these product tiles are customisable thanks to the zoned layout template.
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    Repeating Promo Codes — Set promotion codes so a customer gets repeat promotion codes after purchasing. 
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    Search Analytics — Use the Search Analytics Dashboard to track keywords entered, conversion rates and other statistics for your website.
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    Slider Banners Slider banners are common features on many ecommerce sites these days. On the Home Page for example, you may want to draw attention to a promotiional campaign, new products, and communicate changed shipping conditions. With the slider format, the loaded set of banners ('banner type') displays in the one space in a carousel. The user can easily go to another banner by clicking the 'next icon' or the link to the one they want. If autoplay is on, the carousel displays a for a set time before transitioning to the next one.
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    Split Campaigns — Have you ever wanted to split the display of a campaign's products over different sections of the page? Perhaps you'd like to group one subset of products under a particular heading, then another few products under an alternate heading.  
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    Targeting Banners by Device — Good news! From version 3.84+, banners can be configured to display on all devices, or targeted specifically for desktop or mobile only.

    Even better, from version 4.02+, you can also target banners to your tablet users. This can be done on the banner image itself, as well as on the Banner Slider Widget.

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    Tiered Promotion Codes — Configure a tiered promotion where the discount (percentage or amount) is based on cart value.
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    User Group Filtering — Apply layers based on groups of Users.
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    Variant Tags — If you're using Style/Colour/Size functionality for product codes in your ERP, you might integrate your variant data (rather than maintain it online).

    However, in the CMS you can still associate tags with your variants, allowing you to take advantage of image switching on your website. 

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