Non-Contract Item Approvals
This setting lets the customer account/group website admin decide whether their users need approval to buy non-contracted items. It can be set at the customer account level so that all users are included, or specified at each role or user level. The set of contracted items must have been defined in the contract. Contracted buying rules are usually done in the ERP and integrated online. The setting can be applied at the customer, role or user levels.
NOTE - Contracted items must have been set up and integrated for the customer. Learn more: Contract Buying & Selling
Step-by-step Guide
1. Add ApproveNonContract Field
- Logged in as website admin, go to Settings → Settings → Field Groups.
Use the search to find the required table and field group: customer, role or user. (Here, we searched 'customer' to find the 'customer' table.)
Where to add for Role or User?
Role: add the setting to Role → Field Group Name: ROLEFUNCTIONS
User: User → Field Group Name: ADMINISTRATION
- Find the Field Group Name: CustomerDeatils and click on the radio button.
- To add the field, click Fields.
- Click New.
- In Field Name, select ApproveNonContract.
- Decide where the setting should display on the page. In Field Sequence, enter a number relative to the other fields. Here, we have entered '161'.
- To save the field, click OK.
- Refresh the dictionary.
- The setting now displays on the Customer Maintenance page.
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