Users: Magic Links

Users: Magic Links

Magic links are a type of passwordless authentication method, consisting of an emailed link that allows a user to log into their account with one click, rather than having to enter a username and password into a login box.Good security hygiene requires a unique, hard-to-guess password for each online account we own. But how many of us consistently adhere to this practice in real life?

Considering the sheer number of online accounts the average user has, it's no surprise that many end up suffering 'password fatigue' and become complacent about login security.  

Which is exactly why Magic links were created. 

Magic Links - Example email

  • Easy - the user just needs access to the email address associated with their account
  • Quick - one click is all it takes 
  • Secure - a new link is generated for each login request and expires after a set period

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