Version 3.87
Version 3.87
New Features
Previous and Next buttons for Most Popular & Recently Viewed widgets — Previous / Next buttons and List Counts have now been added to the Most Popular and Recently Viewed widgets as options.
New widget for order line Unit Description — A new widget has been created to display the product's unit description in order line scenarios.
New Local Storage browsers message widget — A new Feature Support widget has been created to advise users when their browser does not allow access to local storage.
- Widget documentation - Web Browser Feature Support Widget
Modal login widget — A new Login/Logout modal widget has been created for BPD.
- Widget documentation - Login / Logout Popup Widget
- Implementation guide - User Login Window
Integration of User-Debtor data — Functionality has been added to allow Users of selected Role types to have their own Customer record. This can involve a subset of new customers when created in Pronto and sent to the web, automatically having a matching User record created, or inversely, when a new User registers on the website, having the Customer record automatically created and then integrated into Pronto wherein the matching Customer account is created.
Updates of the Customer details in Pronto can flow through to the User on the web via the Integrator and through the use of Customer / User field mapping. Likewise, changes to the User details on the website can flow through to the Customer record, again using field mappings, and then be updated in Pronto via the Integrator. This whole process allows for synchronization of data for users and their own unique customer record to be maintained between the website and Pronto.
- Documentation - User Debtor Integration
Prohibiting Dangerous Goods from PO Box delivery — A new function has been added to restrict products flagged as Dangerous Goods from being sent to a PO Box delivery address. The user is shown a warning message and prevented from checking out if their order contains DGs and the Delivery Address is a PO Box.
Recently Viewed products can now be zone-based — There is a new feature setting which can be enabled to make Recently Viewed products zone-based. This allows individual widgets to be dragged and dropped into the Recently Viewed Products widget, enabling customisation of product fields.
Confirmation on Empty of Cart — A new option has been added to the Cart Buttons widget, allowing for a modal window to pop up asking for confirmation when the user clicks to Delete All products.
Site tracking functionality — New code has been added to enable tracking of a user's actions throughout their site visit. Such tracking is in conjunction with Google Tag Manager's Enhanced eCommerce and Digital Remarketing features.
Test Email functionality added to email templates in CMS — You can now send yourself a Test email right from the CMS email template. This allows you to test out changes quickly and easily as you edit.
Tooltips added to Notes and Cost Centre fields in Order Lines — The Order Lines widget has been updated to include options for tooltips on the Notes and Cost Centre fields.
Checkout Steps — A new Checkout Steps widget has been created which renders a diagram of the user's progress through the checkout process.
Cart summary detail on hover — The Cart Summary widget has been enhanced to allow for the display of order lines information on hover.
- Widget documentation - Cart Summary Widget
- Implementation guide - Cart Preview on Hover
Adding products to Order Templates from product pages — Users are now able to add products to existing Order Templates from the product detail page.
- Widget documentation - Add Product To Order Template Widget
- Implementation guide - Add To Order Template from Product Pages
Whole Order Discount promotion - Tiered discounts — A new promotion type has been created in which order discounts can be applied with a tiered structure. For example $10 off orders up to $100, 5% off orders up to $200, 7.5% off orders up to $300.
Order History respects stock security rules — The Order History page has been updated to take stock security into account when viewing order details. If a user does not have access to a product on the order, the code and description will no longer be hyperlinked to the product detail page. Previously the links would still appear, navigating the user to a 404.
Tooltips for Questionnaire fields — An update has been applied so that tooltip data entered in Questionnaire maintenance is now correctly displayed by the widget in BPD.
Tags for Product Video widget — The Product Video widget now uses product tags instead of video numbers when determining which video(s) to display.
PayPal Express & Click and Collect — The PayPal Express process has been enhanced to support Click & Collect.
Part shipment flag rules — Part shipments were not always obeying the customer's flag setting, preventing checkout when out of stock items were present on the order. This has been fixed.
Recently Viewed product pricing display — The Recently Viewed product widget has been updated to consider the HidePricing role flag.
Quote confirmation email title — A code change has been made to allow the title to display correctly on Quote confirmation emails. Previously, the quote number was not being inserted and the placeholder was showing instead.
Order Import now filters tab characters out of spreadsheet data — An update has been made so that tab characters will now be filtered out when copying and pasting data from an excel spreadsheet into Order Import.
Infinite Scrolling pagination change — A change has been made in order to display the total number of products in a Product Category only if infinite scrolling is enabled. If not enabled, this total number will not be included in pagination.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
- Implementation guide - Infinite Scrolling
Check Availability fancybox for Click and Collect — The 'Check Availability' fancybox for Click and Collect was not opening correctly in some instances. This has been fixed.
Error when searching users with special characters — Users with an apostrophe in their email address were experiencing errors when attempting to search. This has been fixed.
Accessing files attached to orders, post-integration — A recent code change caused attachments uploaded via the Order Documents widget to become unavailable to the user once the order integrated to PRONTO. This has been fixed.
New Widgets
Subcategory Top Products Widget — Renders a subset of products in a campaign slider format for each category level. The product list is updated regularly via a stored procedure, and requires custom implementation.
Forward Orders Widget — Renders the Preferred Delivery Date options on the Checkout page. With this widget, the user can select their preferred delivery date and leave contact information for the order.
Budget Remaining Message Widget — Renders the content and message of the Budget Remaining email to advise the user of the used and remaining amounts in their Customer or User budget.
Article List Article Detail Button Widget — Renders the 'Read Full Article' button in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Article List Article Date Widget — Renders the Article posted date in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Article List Article Image Widget — Renders the Article thumbnail image in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Article List Article Summary Widget — Renders the Article Summary text in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Article List Article Title Widget — Renders the Article Title ('Description' field in Article Maintenance) in the list of articles when zoned layout is in use.
Article List Field Widget — Renders the contents of a database field in the Article list (when zoned layout is in use). Applicable to an existing field from the Article table or a custom one created for articles.
Orders On Hold Widget — Renders a list of the user's held orders, as well as a Search facility. From here, the user can search for, view, delete, or resume their held orders.
Most Popular Products Widget — Renders a list of 'most popular' products on any product list page. The list content is populated via Baynote algorithms, meaning a Baynote account and export template must be in place prior to implementation.
Product Price Widget — Renders the product price on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
Checkout Steps Widget — Displays a visual representation of the checkout process, and indicates the user's progress through the various stages.
Order Line Unit Description Widget — Renders the product's unit of issue in order line scenarios such as the Cart or Order Templates page.
Web Browser Feature Support Widget — Renders a footer overlay advising users of browser incompatibility. The message is only rendered when the widget detects a lack of access to Local Storage.
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