Version 3.88
New Features
Alerts popup for news articles — News articles can now be displayed in a modal popup window when they belong to the 'Alert' article type and have not expired. Confirmation from the user can also be required for these alerts. For classic sites only.
Product Availability display for Compare and Order Lines Static —
- The Product Availability widget has been modified so that it may now be added to the Order Lines Static Info template (used for the Order Confirmation page).
- The Product Compare widget has been modified so that it is now able to display extra availability info by referencing a custom availability widget.
New options for configuring Checkout Address widgets — New options have been added to the Checkout Address B2B and B2C widgets. For both widgets, there is now the option to display 'Authority to Leave' above the Delivery Instruction section (default placement is below). For the B2C widget, there is also the option to expand/display the Delivery Address section by default.
Modal input window for customer reference when placing order on hold — The Cart Buttons widget has been updated to include a new option for the Hold Reference. This new flag determines whether the user inputs their hold reference in a modal window over the cart, rather than being redirected to the Orders On Hold page.
Infinite scrolling updates — The option has been added to show a button (or other html content) to control the loading of more products. There is also now the option to pre-load data prior to its display on the page.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
- Implementation guide - Infinite / Endless Scrolling
Hiding order total in Order Template list view — It is now possible to hide the order total column from the Order Template list view. For some customers, the total order value is irrelevant for Order Templates. In these cases, the column can be removed via resource.
Filtering Contract products in a product list — A new Contract Item Filter widget has been created to enable filtering of Contract products when viewing products in a list. This new widget can be added to the Product List page template so that B2B users can view contract items only, non-contract only, or all products in the list.
- Widget documentation - Contract Item Filter Widget
- Implementation guide - Contract Product Filtering
Quote requests from the cart — The Cart Buttons widget has now been updated to include a 'Request Quote' button.
Custom Fields and zoned layout for News Articles — It is now possible to add Custom Fields to Articles, as well as enabling zoned layout for Article Lists.
Click and collect by role — New role flags have been added to enable/disable Click & Collect functionality at the role level.
B2B Registration updates —
- The B2B Registration page has been rewritten to be responsive and widget-based.
- Logic has been added to the notification functionality, whereby user approval requests can be sent to various User Admins, based on rep code.
Adding products to Order Templates from product pages — Users are now able to add products to existing Order Templates from the product detail page.
- Widget documentation - Add Product To Order Template Widget
- Implementation guide - Add To Order Template from Product Pages
Account Selection can apply to current order — The Account Select widget has been updated to include a new flag which controls whether a change of account applies to the user's current order.
Zoned sub-template for the Mobile Menu — A new zoned sub-template has been added to the mobile menu functionality. This has resulted in the new Mobile Menu Zoned widget, which can be added to the Theme Layout instead of the standard Mobile Menu widget. The zoned widget is rendered by the new Mobile Menu Zoned template, allowing further customisation in the site's mobile menu.
Order Template quantity buttons in IE11 — For users on IE11, the Quantity minus button was not functioning correctly on the Order Templates page. This has been fixed.
Global Tax Rate on Order History page — Pricing displayed on the order detail page in Order History was not correctly incorporating tax rates when the ERP's Global Tax Rate option was in use. This has been fixed.
Update to Mega Menu display — The Mega Menu has been updated so that the down arrow icon no longer displays on categories that have no subcategories.
Product media videos with mixed site content — An update has been made to product media - videos will now stream correctly regardless of whether the site content is http or https.
Product images missing from Order Templates — An issue was occurring in which product images were not displayed on the Order Templates page when the image had been updloaded via CMS (instead of the integrator). This has been fixed.
Price slider interface — Code changes have been made to the Price Slider, to correct UI issues caused by a previous update.
Company name missing from system-generated Auto Part Registration email — The 'From' section of the new user Auto Part Registration email was not displaying the Company's name alongside its email address. This has been fixed.
Display of product code in product title — In some instances, the product code was being displayed in the product subtitle, even when the option was not enabled in the widget. This has been fixed.
Safari on tablet devices - Fast Order Entry crashes browser — Logged in users adding products to cart via Fast Order Entry were experiencing browser issues when both:
- +/- quantity buttons were used
- the operation was performed on a tablet device using iOS / Safari
This has been fixed.
Fast Order Entry updates — Fast Order Entry on the shopping cart page has been updated with the following fixes/enhancements:
- Fix - the note field is now correctly cleared after adding a product to the cart
- Fix - the Enter key now adds the product to the cart when the 'Add to Cart' button is in focus
- Enhancement - the widget is now available for use by B2C users
- Enhancement - new widget options have been added to change the column header and placeholder text for the Cost Centre text box
Global Tax Rate on Quote Review page — Pricing displayed on the Quote Review page was not correctly incorporating tax rates when the ERP's Global Tax Rate option was in use. This has been fixed.
Category loading via Mobile Navigation Menu — Parent categories containing products (without subcategories) were not loading via the mobile navigation menu. This has been fixed.
Accessing files attached to orders, post-integration — A recent code change caused attachments uploaded via the Order Documents widget to become unavailable to the user once the order integrated to PRONTO. This has been fixed.
New Widgets
Order Declined Pending 3rd Party Installment Msg Widget — Renders the message body for the email sent when the user selects to sign up and pay with a Buy Now Pay Later provider but approval is subject to further checks.
Account Activation Email Content Widget — Renders the message content in the Invitation to Register an Account email.
Order Approver Proxy Approved Email Message Widget — Renders the message content (including the proxy approver's name and customer code), in the Order Approver Proxy Approved email.
This email is triggered and sent to the original approver when the order has been approved by a proxy and no longer requires action.
User Debtor Warning / Error Widget — Renders the message content in the User Debtor Warning / Error email. This email is triggered when User Debtor two-way Integration has been implemented, and a conflict is detected between the ERP and online information. The actual content of the email is hardcoded, depending on the error message returned.
User Debtor New User Details Widget — Renders the message content in the User Debtor New User email. This email is triggered when User Debtor 2-way Integration has been implemented and a new online user is created against an ERP customer account.
User Approval Request Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Request email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user requests web access. The email is sent to the designated approver for that user's account.
User Approval UnRejected Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Unrejected email. This email is triggered when a previously rejected B2B user is subsequently approved for web access. The email is sent to the designated approver for that user's account.
User Approval Rejected Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Rejected email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user is NOT approved for web access.
User Approval Granted Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Granted email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user is approved for web access.
Receipting Information Email Receipt List Widget — Renders the list of customer sales orders which have not been fully receipted in the Receipting Information email.
Receipting Information Email Message Widget — Renders the message text (including customer name and code) in the Receipting Information email.
Statements Available Message Widget — Renders the message text (including your company name and a login link) in the Customer Statements Available email.
Order Approval Replaced Approver Message Widget — Renders the message content (including the new approver's name and the reason for change of approver), in the Order Approval Approver Replaced email.
This email is triggered and sent to the original approver when the initiating user selects a new approver for an order that is still on 'Awaiting Approval' status.
Order Approval New Approver Message Widget — Renders the message content, including the reason for change of approver, in the Order Approval New Approver email.
This email is triggered when the initiating user selects a new approver for an order that is still on status 'Awaiting Approval'.
Category Menu Widget — Renders the top level product categories from a dropdown style button. Subcategories are displayed on the sidebar, changing as the user hovers over different categories in the menu.
Alerts Email Message Widget — Renders the greeting text in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
Alerts Email List Widget — Renders the list of alerts in the system-generated Alerts email to users.
Article Slider Widget — Displays the Article list in a sliding format, similar to a product campaign or banner slider. The user can swipe or scroll across to view the various articles available.
Article Text Widget — Displays the text of an article on the Article detail page (when Zoned Article Page layout is in use).
Budget Remaining Message Widget — Renders the content and message of the Budget Remaining email to advise the user of the used and remaining amounts in their Customer or User budget.
Product RRP Ex Widget — Renders the RRP ex-tax price on the product detail page when the Tax Toggle is in use. Pair this widget with the Product RRP Inc widget on the Product Detail template.
Product RRP Inc Widget — Renders the RRP inc-tax price on the product detail page when the Tax Toggle is in use. Pair this widget with the Product RRP Ex widget on the Product Detail template.
Product Price Inc Widget — Renders the inc-tax price on the product detail page when the Tax Toggle is in use. Pair this widget with the Product Price Ex widget on the Product Detail template.
Product Price Ex Widget — Renders the ex-tax price on the product detail page when the Tax Toggle is in use. Pair this widget with the Product Price Inc widget on the Product Detail template.
Add Product To Order Template Widget — Renders the 'Add To Order Template' button on the product detail page. This allows the user to add a product to a new or existing order template, without having to navigate to the shopping cart first.
Email Order Details Information Widget — Renders additional order information (such as the user's order reference, email address, and customer code) in email output.
Alerts Popup Widget — Displays relevant alerts to the user in a popup on login. Useful for communicating important or time-sensitive information or provide links to documents or other pages on your site. The user can be asked to acknowledge each alert, and can also opt to be reminded later.
Product Variant Grid Widget — Renders 2-dimensional style / colour / size options for a product in a compact grid layout, instead of using the Product Attribute List display method. With the attribute grid, options are presented in a matrix where the user can enter quantities against multiple options and add their selections to the cart.
Product List Price Inc Widget — Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to inc-GST view to render a product's GST-inclusive price in a zoned layout. Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is used without the Tax Toggle widget).
Product List Price Ex Widget — Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to ex-GST view to render the GST-exclusive price of a product in a zoned layout. (Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is not used with the Tax Toggle widget).
Mobile Menu Zoned Widget — Allows for a zoned Mobile Menu instead of the standard Mobile Menu, which adds flexibility to the menu's content and layout. With a zoned mobile menu, additional widgets such as images or HTML snippets, can be added.
A 'Menu' button is displayed in the mobile header, which slides the menu out to the right on click.
Order Import Widget — Renders the bulk Order Import function on the Order Import Page. Users can import order data directly to the cart via CSV files or by pasting data into an import window. .
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