Version 4.02
Version 4.02
New Features
Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop display options — From version 4.15.00 onward, we have enhanced the "Show on Mobile?", "Show on Tablet?", and "Show on Desktop?" widget display options. When you toggle one or more of the "Show On" device type displays to OFF, the icons will display on the widget in the template page to indicate what devices will display (or not) that widget's content.
Enhanced Rich Snippets — Customise your rich snippets with the Enhanced Rich Snippet feature. Ensure search engine results display extra product data such as availability, product image and currency code.
Rejection notes display in Order History — A new field (Order Details - Reject Notes) has been added to the Track Order Widget to facilitate the display of rejection notes in the Order History screen.
CC the Order Placed email to another recipient — A recent enhancement means that it's now possible to send a copy of the Order Placed email to an additional address for each Customer Code.
Refresh of charge lines in Cart Preview — Some users reported incorrect charges in the CopyCart Preview on Hover. This could occur when the user switched roles, as the cart preview was not refreshing the freight lines. The issue has now been fixed.
PayPal glitch with products containing quotation marks — An issue was recently identified with orders paid by PayPal, in which the order contained products with double quotes (") in the description. Only part of the order data was being read by PayPal, causing payment inconsistencies. This has now been fixed.
Thumbnails missing from search suggestions — In some scenarios, product images updated in the CMS would not update the thumbnail shown in search suggestions. The thumbnail would simply no longer display. This issue has now been fixed.
BPAY image missing from checkout — The BPAY image normally displayed at checkout (on the payment options tab) was recently reported missing by some customers. We located the rogue file and implemented a fix so that it would stay put once and for all.
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