Version 3.90
Version 3.90
New Features
PayPal Express Feature — PayPal Express configuration is now quick and easy for BPD sites, thanks to a new Feature in the CMS. Enabling PayPal Express checkout is now done via Feature Management, with no additional widgets to place or configure.
- Implementation guide - PayPal Express Checkout
Option to hide decimal places in product price — A new option has been added to the price display widgets which allows the decimal places to be hidden. So for example, $389.00 would display as $389 with the new option enabled.
The option to 'Strip Zero Decimal Amounts' has been added to the following widgets:
New Layer options — Additional Customer fields have been added to the CMS Layers list, each with the 'exclusion' checkbox. New layer options include:
Documentation - Layers
Image number can be specified in a Product List — A new option ('Product Picture to Use') has been added to the Product List Image widget, allowing the administrator to specify the image number displayed by the widget.
- Widget documentation - Product List Image Widget
Hide Product Categories link in mobile menu — The Mobile Menu widget has been updated so that no 'Product Categories' link will display on the mobile menu if the 'Product Category Menu Text' field is left blank.
QAS Live for delivery address lookup — An enhancement has been made so that QAS Live can be nominated as the Address Lookup provider for B2C checkout. This brings up a list of suggested addresses as the user types, which can either be selected or overwritten.
Read More / Less toggle for Category banner text — A new option (Show Read More?) has been added to the Category Banner widget. When enabled, the category banner text will be truncated and a 'Read More' link displayed. On click of the link, the text will be fully expanded, with a 'Read Less' link to collapse again.
- Widget documentation - Category Banner Widget
Export existing data via the Data Import module — Administrators can now export existing data for a profile in the Data Import page. This allows for easier editing and re-importing of the data later.
- Documentation - Data Import and Export
Approve B2B users via CMS — New users who register for access via the B2B Registration page can now be approved via CMS Website Users maintenance. Approving the user here will trigger the approval notification email to the user, as per the functionality in the Advanced User Maintenance (legacy CMS) page.
Alerts Popup widget can now show total 'active' alerts — The Alerts Popup widget has a new option to display the total number of 'active' alerts for the user / customer / role.
If 'Display Alert Count' is enabled, the number of alerts will display beside the button text. -
Additional user details to eWay for Fraud Protection — Additional user data (e.g. name, address, email) is now sent to eWay to assist their Beagle tool in fraud detection / prevention. If eWay suspects fraud, the order is placed on hold and an alert email is sent to the administrator.
- Widget documentation - Eway Fraud Alert Message Widget
- Implementation info - Order Data for Eway Fraud Protection
Freight being selected when in Estimate mode — In certain scenarios, the Cart Freight Estimator widget was (incorrectly) attempting to select freight on orders, resulting in an error message. This has been fixed.
Guest Checkout - Integration of Email Address — The Guest user's email address was not mapped to the Delivery Email Address field in PRONTO on integration, instead saving as a note on the sales order. This has been fixed.
Funds capture for invoice payments — Some invoice payments via credit card were not being processed completely - funds would be authorised but not captured. This has been fixed.
Blank Order Reference for PayPalExpress orders — Additional safeguards have been added to the PayPalExpress processing page, to cater for users who use the browser's 'Back' button. Prior to this fix, such action would clear the order reference from the order in PRONTO.
Missing 'Approve' button for customers without Credit Card option — In some instances, customers who did not have the option to pay for orders by credit card were also prohibited from approving orders. This has been fixed.
Store Locator displaying inactive locations — The Store Locator was not always obeying the 'Active' flag, and was displaying inactive locations. This has been fixed.
IE9 Search with Enter key — The enter key was not firing off the product search in IE9 if suggestions had not yet finished loading. This has been fixed.
Email templates and Layer permissions — In some instances, email templates were not obeying the Layer property set on the widget. The content would render when the layer specified that it shouldn't. This has been fixed.
GST duplicated in Order History — Issues with Global Tax and Tax Exempt codes were causing GST to be duplicated in the Order History screen. This has been fixed.
Attributed products showing incorrect availability in Cart — Attributed products (style / colour / size) were displaying incorrect availability in the cart, thus conflicting with correct availability info on the product detail page. This has been fixed.
Approval type SPA (Single Person Auto-select) conditional check — SPA Type Approvals (Single Person Auto-select) were experiencing approver selection issues when there was more than one eligible approver. A new check has been added so that only the top result in the list is auto-selected (with results sorted by Approval Limit).
Address validation not triggered with Autofill — Address validation was not being triggered when users completed address fields via the browser's autocomplete function. A change has been made to correct this.
, multiple selections available,
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