Version 3.91
Version 3.91
New Features
Product code and image in Search suggestions dropdown — New widget options have been added to include the product code and image in the Search suggestions dropdown list.
- Widget documentation - Product Search Widget & Cart Fast Order Entry Widget
Own Courier freight option — The Freight Options widget has been updated to support the 'Own Courier' freight feature. This functionality allows the user to select from a list of their own couriers at checkout, charging the freight to their pre-existing account with that courier.
Most Popular Products - Baynote — The 'Most Popular Products' widget, which displays your site's most popular products based on Baynote algorithms, has been updated to include a Baynote template option. Now, the widget can display data based on different templates depending on the widget configuration.
- Widget documentation - Most Popular Products Widget
- Implementation guide - Most Popular Products
Hide Recently Viewed widget option — The Recently Viewed Products widget now has an option to hide the widget until the user views a product. If no products have been recently viewed, the widget (including heading text, etc.) will not display.
- Widget documentation - Recently Viewed Products Widget
Product Image maintenance — Product images added via the Integrator are now visible in the CMS Product Maintenance page. Integrated images can now be modified and removed via the CMS, along with manually uploaded images.
Customisable search results messages — The previously hard-coded 'Your search returned no results message' has now been converted to a widget option in the Product List Grid widget. You can also customise the message displayed for related 'no results' searches, such as filters returning no results, or the favourites list being empty.
- Widget documentation - Product List Grid Widget
Show ribbons on Product Compare — A new option has been added to the Product Compare widget, allowing for the display of product ribbons in the compare window.
- Widget documentation - Product Compare Widget
Sortable columns in order grids — The column sorting function has been added to Order Approval, Orders On Hold, Order History, and Order Templates in BPD. Users can now sort the template list by column values such as Date Created, Created By, or Total value.
ThreatMetrix for credit card payments in PayPal — Customers using ThreatMetrix are now able to score credit card payments via PayPal the same was as credit card payments through the gateway.
Anti-spam measures for Email A Friend — A Captcha (anti-spam) element has been added to the Email A Freind page template, as well as measures to ensure the email parameters can't be altered post-send.
Address book for B2B users — The Dashboard has been enhanced to allow B2B users to set their default Delivery Address, selecting from the multiple addresses stored against their customer code in PRONTO.
Role level overrides for EFT settings — In some scenarios, Role level EFT settings were being ignored in favour of System settings. This has been fixed.
GST duplicated in Order History — Issues with Global Tax and Tax Exempt codes were causing GST to be duplicated in the Order History screen. This has been fixed.
Password reset link for new users — When adding new users via the CMS, the password reset link was not being included in the new user welcome email. This has been fixed.
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