Version 3.95
Version 3.95
New Features
Placeholder text for Cost Centre field — Product List Cost Centre widget and the Cost Centre field in the cart now display customisable placeholder text.
Price filtering - Fallback values for min/max — A new option has been added to the Product List Filter widget, which allows you to use fallback values for the minimum and maximum dollar values on the price slider. These values will be used when no min/max is found against the category being viewed, or in scenarios such as search.
Percent Discount display for Quantity Breaks — A new function has been added to the Product Quantity Breaks widget, allowing the 'percent saved' to be displayed along with the discounted price. This data is shown in an additional column, and you can even determine the number of decimal places to be shown.
Option to hide State in B2C Address display — A new option ('Hide State Field In Address') has been added to the Order Confirmation Address B2C Widget. This will prevent the display of the State field on the Order Confirmation page, after the user has submitted their order.
Layer filters - User Groups — Layers can now be filtered according to User Groups. Add one user or many. See our guide here - User Group Filtering.
Layer filters - User email address — A new option has been added to BPD's Layers, enabling the layer to apply to specific users. This is done via email addresses (including wildcards). Enter multiple addresses separated by a comma, or specify a whole doman such as *@commercevision.com.au (which will target all users with an "@commercevision.com.au" email address).
Layer filters - Groups for overlapping layers — Overlapping layers can now be handled with Layer Groups and filtering. Where multiple layers apply to a user, the application of one can be dependent on whether the other is active. See our guide here - Layer Group Filtering.
Flyer Creator functionality — A new feature has been developed to allow customers to create one-page product flyers quickly and easily! See our How-to guide here - Flyer Creator.
Product filtering - Top 5 Preview — A new option ('Preview Top 5 Values') has been added to the Product List Filter widget, allowing only the Top 5 filter options to be displayed on page load. A 'see more' indicator is available for the user to expand all values. This reduces noise on the product list page when many values are available to filter by.
Rich Snippets for search engine results — Rich snippets have been added to data on the product detail page, enabling search engine results to display information similar to the image below. Data tags include:
- Name (product Description)
- Image (Primary Image / Picture1)
- Price including currency (Public Price)
- Availability (In Stock vs Out of Stock - for the public debtor)
- Reviews
Dividing Campaign products across a content page — A new option ('Is split campaign?') has been added to the Campaign Slider widget. This allows you to break up a single campaign into multiple widgets, splitting the products into groups. Check out our knowledge base article here - Split Campaigns.
Sign in with Google — Single sign-on functionality is now available for Google users! You can allow your customers to login to your BPD site with their Google account, instead of registering for a user ID and password via CSS.
- Implementation guide - Google Sign In
- Widget documentation - Single Sign-on Registration Fields Widget
Cart Preview can include Promo Code Expiry Date — A new option ('Show Promotional Code Expiry Date?') has been added to the Cart Summary widget, allowing the expiry date of any applied promo code to be shown in the hover preview.
Updated display options for Campaign Slider — The Campaign Slider Widget has been updated with new display options. Now, you can set the display mode to Slider, List, or Grid.
Warranty Claims functionality — A new Warranty Claims feature is available to be configured via the CMS. You can find more detailed information in our article here - .
Zoned Product Detail page layout — It is now possible to further customise your Product page layout with a zoned structure. Now, instead of using the Product Purchase Details widget, you can place individual product widgets on your Product Detail page template. This gives greater flexibility with regard to placement and styling. Some examples of these individual widgets:
Click & Collect availability for Pickup — On sites using Click & Collect, product availability in the cart was sometimes displayed incorrectly when the User switched from Delivery to Pickup. This was occurring on sites with availability from ALL warehouses enabled. This issue has now been fixed.
Product hyperlinks dependant on User access — Users without access to certain products (due to Stock Security, for example) were still shown hyperlinks to those products. This was occurring on pages such as Order History, Order Templates, Orders on Hold, Order Approvals, and Cart Lines, in scenarios where Live Pricing was in use. These pages have now been updated so that users without access will not have links.
Orders On Hold display error — Users on some versions of CSS were experiencing issues with the Orders On Hold page. Instead of the order list, an error was displayed. This has now been fixed.
Credit Card surcharge on non-credit card orders — A scenario was identified in which credit card surcharges were being applied to orders not paid by credit card. This issue has been fixed.
Company name on System emails — The Company Name has been inserted into the 'From' field in the email header of Registration emails (online and offline). These messages will no longer appear from 'noreply@...'. This change utilises the new system field 'System From Email Address With Company Name' instead of 'System From Email Address'.
Line Update when Rep edits price/discount — An improvement has been made to the 'Rep' Edit Amounts functionality so that the order line is autmatically updated when the edit is confirmed. Using the Enter key whilst in the text edit box will now perform the same update function.
Cost Centre code displayed in cart — In some instances, customers using Cost Centres were seeing the cost centre Code in the shopping cart, rather than the cost centre Name. This has been rectified.
Forward Order Date edit during Approval — In some scenarios, users were unable to edit the Date field on the approval page for Forward Orders. This issue has been fixed.
, multiple selections available,
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