Version 3.86
Version 3.86
New Features
New static content layout templates — Six new static content layout options have been added to the CMS (Layouts 4 - 9).
New product detail widgets — New widgets have been created for product detail:
- Product Favourite Button
- Product Quantity Breaks
- Product RRP
Icon option for child menu items in Navigation Menu — The Navigation Menu widget now has the option to allow child menu items to display an icon.
Expand collapse function for Fast Order Entry — An expand/collapse button option has been added to the Fast Order Entry widget.
Email templates for B2B Registration — Three new email templates have been added to the CMS for B2B Registration:
- B2B Registration Submitted
- B2B Registration Approval Required
- B2B Registration User Notification
Company Name option for My Address in Dashboard widget — The option to display Company Name on the My Address section of the BPD Dashboard has now been added.
Support for new Stock Security on product attributes — The Product Attribute maintenance page has been modified to no longer set 'item valid' to 0 when new stock security is enabled.
Toggle option for Article List widget — A toggle option has been added to the Article List widget, enabling show/hide functionality.
Bonus stock widget — A new Bonus Stock widget has been created for the display of bonus items on the product detail page.
Vimeo option for social links — The Social Links widget now supports adding a Vimeo link and icon.
Http requirement for product videos — The hard-coded http:// requirement has been removed from the product video widget. It is now compatible with sites using https://.
Product attributes using Create Note Line — Product attributes without an assigned SKU weren't showing in the list of product options and couldn't be added to cart. This has been fixed.
PayPal not including Whole Order discounts — The PayPal punchout document has been updated so that discount amounts from Whole Order discount promotions are passed through.
Fix for Print Order stylesheet — A fix has been applied to the Print Order stylesheet so that product descriptions over 69 characters will not overlap the price field.
GST and international orders — Tax was being calculated incorrectly on orders with international freight. This has been fixed.
Kit availability calculation error — When checking the availability of kit components, under certain conditions the kit would still appear to be available even when a component was not available. This has been fixed.
New user from Guest missing address — Some Guest users who created a login during checkout would lose their delivery address details. This has been fixed.
New Widgets
Magic Link Authentication Message Widget — Renders the Magic Link authentication message.
Orders Awaiting Payment List Widget — Renders a list of orders for which payment is outstanding. From this list, the user can view the order, or proceed to pay as per the standard 'Pay Account' process.
Tax Toggle Widget — Renders a toggle button to allow the user to switch between inc & ex-tax for the primary product price display.
Product Quantity Breaks Widget — Renders Quantity Break data on the product detail page. Use of this widget replaces the 'Show Quantity Breaks?' flag on the Product Purchase Details widget. With this widget, the placement of quantity breaks on the page can be customised.
Product RRP Widget — Renders the product's RRP on the product detail page. Use of this widget replaces the 'Show RRP?' flag on the Product Purchase Details widget. Using the Product RRP widget, the placement of RRP data on the page can be customised.
Product Favourite Button Widget — Renders the 'Favourite' button on the product detail page for logged in users. Use of this widget replaces the 'Show Favourites Button?' flag on the Product Purchase Details widget.
With the Product Favourite Button widget, the button text can be customised based on the product's favourite status. The button's placement on the page can also be customised.
Login / Logout Popup Widget — Renders login functionality in a modal window, rather than navigating the user to a login page.
B2B Registration Successful Message Widget — Renders the confirmation message on the email to the user once their login has been activated.
B2B Registration Approval Required Widget — Renders the message body in the email sent to the Administrator when a new B2B user registration has been submitted with Auto Part Registration active.
B2B Registration Submitted Message Widget — Renders the thank you message on the confirmation email to the user when Auto Part Registration is active.
Orders Approval Widget — Renders order approval functionality on the Process Orders Approval page. This includes the ability to view, update, approve, and reject orders placed by other users.
Order Approval Status Message Widget — Acts as a messaging widget for the various 'Process Order Approval_...' standard page templates. When the user is directed to one of these pages, this widget displays the appropriate approval message.
Product Bonus Stock Widget — Displays information regarding free bonus items on the product detail page (for applicable roles).
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